Me and Joe_Montana7142 were building in the outlands, but then I went to the market and while I was away, Die_Enderman killed Joe. I went to go and kill Die_Enderman but she TPed away. I confronted him for taking Joe's armor, but then she said that she didn't have it. Then she said "Kill me, i can prove I dont have it" so she tp requested me, i said no kill and she said "K". I thought I took a screenshot, but it turns out i didnt. She tped and killed me and took all my stuff. @Fuzzy_yeti_69 logged on, I told Fuzzy what happen, then, as I have no proof, but many witness', Redperil was one, Fuzzy said as I have no proof he can't do anything. Now, Die gave me some of my stuff but won't give my gold armor and some other stuff.
Please help me