Author Topic: Index of Gerelskovian Law  (Read 1622 times)

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Index of Gerelskovian Law
« on: 10 March 2017, 05:25:44 PM »
Die Enderman Administration

None documented.

Shensley Administration
Centre-Left Monarchists

None documented.

CDPIV Administration
Cake & Cookies Party

The Empire of Gerelskovy

This document outlines the structure, laws and governence of the Empre, Kingdom of Gerelskovy mainland, including rights and joining the Empire.


The Kingdom of Gerelskovy is the mainland of the Empire.
The Kingdom of Gerelskovy governs the Empire from the capital, Gerelskovy. Gerelskovy is a consitutional monarchy - with a parliament.
Parliament and the Prime Minister is elected by the people and then appointed by His Majesty. The Kingdom extends imperial authority over all its dominions. All citizens may vote in elections, as well as form political parties.
Parliament and the Prime Minister makes decisions. The Kingd is the Head of State, but with limited power.

Duties of HM:

Appointing the PM
Opening Parliament
Declaring War
Conducting Diplomacy
Working with Officials
Managing Bank

Rights of Citizen
Free Speech
Fair Trial
Second Chances

Kingdom and Empire

The Kingdom of Gerelskovy, the mainland includes: All villages within the super-region KOG, foret-ouest, Fishery, First Class Estates and Paradise. These villages may not secede from the Kingdom - and all recognise the monarchy, but may seek autonomy, but only if they recognise that they are part of the Kingdom of Gerelskovy and that the King is the Head of State.
The Empire of Gerelskovy has the King as the Head of State but the Empire works as an organisation, where the Empire still is a centralised state, but villages part of the Empire amy have their own internal Heads of State. The Monarch is still the supreme Head of State of the Empire.
Villages may join the Empire by asking the Monarch.
Perks for joining include:
Monetary Aid,
Protection from Bullies/Griefers,
Development & Care.
The Empire has a Central bank to spend on development and care for its imperial holdings.

Requirements to join:
Don't disrespect the Empire.
Add the monarch as an owner*

In order to join, one requirement states that you must add the monarch as an owner. When you do this, the monarch will take an oath to make sure that you are the owner with power, and the monarch will just be symbolical. The monarch will have the same power as a member.

Leaving the Empire

In order to leave the Empire, a village must seek an appeal to Parliament, who will then approve a referendum if the conditions for leave are legitimate. Then the population will vote on independence from The Empire of Gerelskovy. A 51% majority is needed from all players who are active in the town. An owner cannot simply declare independence, and such efforts will be suppressed. Any grief done to Imperial property will be reprimanded.

~ CDPIV, current PM of Gerelskovy
~ King Livid I

Bill C-1

All legislature is to be recorded and documented as well as use the naming scheme that includes "Bill"
(First letter of PM's name - which bill number he is passing)
All legislature is to be stored in the parliament's library in either the "Passed Bill" section, or the "Rejected Bill" section.
PM's have the power to bring back a proposed Bill for reexamination even if it was passed or rejected in the past.

Bill C-4

Unused buildings are to be put to use by either selling them whole to an individual or business; or by dividing large buildings up and selling cheaper storefronts to individuals.
This plan also includes creating areas of mass marketplaces to allow for competition and more ease of access to different stores.

Bill C-5

Creation of smaller cottages or homes in tightly packed regions outside Gerelskovy's perimeter
Small plots will also be available their to include more people who would like to build their own home and cannot afford a prebuilt home.

Bill C-6

Gerelskovy will sponsor A.R.T., an organisation which is working to develop the next evolution of redstone technology.
By sponsoring A.R.T. Gerelskovy will provide small amounts of funding on new research. The returns include reduced prices on redstone builds by A.R.T. and power to ask on the development of particular technologies.

Bill C-10

The PM may hire a secretary with a wage of $500 a week to carry out tasks/bills that have been approved.

LividUp64 Administration
Liberal Party (February 11 2017 - March 15 2017)
Gerelskovy Conservatives (March 15 2017 - Present)

Bill L-1
Local Autonomy Act
Act submitted by: HMS Most Loyal Opposition, The Centre-Left Monarchists.
Supported by: Gravoli Party, Independent Party

This act will allow greater autonomy to the villages within the mainland (super region KOG). This is to be done by:

1. Allowing the villages to be allowed to form boroughs.
2. Boroughs will be allowed to have Mayoral elections one week before the General Parliamentary Election.

The Election is to function via book ballot in each borough via selecting a Party, then the Party will select a candidate for Mayor.
The first election will be when/if the Act passes and the next will be after the upcoming general election.

Bill L-2
Business Expansion Act

This Act states that alll new business established within Gerelskovy, depending on their size and credability, will receive a $5,000 - $10,000 grant with the possibility for more. This Act also aims to outsorce Qualia via getting as many businesses as possible to set up in Gerelskovy as well as getting more people to show in Gerelskovy instead of Qualia.

Bill L-3
Minimum Wage Act

All persons who are hired within the Empire are required to be paid at a minimum wage of at least $100 per real life hour. If any company, individual or other entities violate this they will be prosecuted against. This also applies to any company or individual who does not inform the employee of the minimum wage.

Bill L-5
Term Lengths Reform

Under this reform, the length of the term of Prime Minister and before their mandate expires will be every 4 months. Upon the 4 months, 1 week before the 20th of that month, parliament is dissolved and polls will open for the General Election. Mayoral Elections will take place a month prior to the General Elections, so every 3 months.

Bill L-6
Border Security Act

This Act seeks funding for a border wall on the Southern and Northern border. It will be a big wall to keep out mobs, dangerous gypsies and others. The airports and railway stations will be subject to extreme security, only allowing people who will spend money into Gerelskovy. This means that bums and hobos will be kept out.

Bill L-7

This Act states that a budget will need to be passed through Parliament at the beginning of the term and once at the middle of the term. The midterm budget is a chance for revision.

Bill L-8
The Patriot Act

The Patriot Act assures the protection and safety of all Gerelskovian citizens via the monitoring of disruptive and/or violent dissent, rebellion and treason.
Treason is defined as: A covert set of actions to sabotage or damage Gerelskovy.
Rebellion is defines as: An attempt at conspiracy against Gerelskovy.
Treason and Rebellion will be subject to arrest, court hearing and judge sentencing.
However, the following must occur:
 - Suspension of voting rights
 - House arrest
 - Suspension of citizenship but not residency

Dissent is a very minor crime and can be apprehended by arrest, a talking to or a fine, depending on severity.

The Border Protection Act

The immediate borders of the Kingdom of Gerelskovy (KOG) will be protected and militarised, as well as everything South of the Great Lake between Fiveton and Gerelskovy.
All Imperial villages outside of the Kingdom of Gerelskovy but on the same continent will also be protected and militarised. Any villages or towns created within these boundaries will be invaded and occupied. Settlements will be subject to the same.

Bill L-9
Marina-Gerelskovy Banking Union

The Treasury of Marina will be disbanded, and all of its assets merged with the Imperial Bank of Gerelskovy.
Marina will gain the same rights as Gerelskovy in terms of borrowing and loaning.
Should the union be dissolved for any reason than Marina will control 5% of assets in the Imperial Bank to withdraw at its leisure.
Marina shall be prohibited from possessing its own Trearury or National Bank as long as this union is in effect, though this doesn't apply to private banks.

Bill L-10
Fund Centralisation Act

All banks and vaults which are official of an imperial village are to be abolished and have their share of the gold stored within the Gerelskovian Central Bank.

The Budget

$1,700,000 - Gerelskovy
$3,000,000 - PM
$2,000,000 - Queers.
$1,500,000 - MoI
$250,000 - LP Min.
$250,000 Def. Min

Bill of Notification of Withdrawal

This bill formally requests the Imperial Bank of Gerelskovy to notify the withdrawal and abolition of the Eurika-Gerelskovy Banking Union.
« Last Edit: 17 March 2017, 02:43:34 PM by Jakrelia »
VC always has been like this. It has ebbs and flows, just like my menstrual periods

<[VIP] ~VieuxRiche> get with your reading skills and dont piss off powerful elite

How the fuck is @Jakrelia staff, shes probably r/againsthatesubreddits or some gay shit. 0/10 review on yelp.