Well I got on, 30min ago-ish. And some guests were being tpkilled. I told them the member code and that guests often were tpkilled like that, being as it happened to me twice before I got Member. So somehow in chat it slipped by that SpiderPig killed mmPeaches. Well soon it also popped up next to the screen, a kill chart showing demolisher56 at the top of it. And went through chat and it showed demolisher56 getting on the server but never leaving, yet the Legend appeared no where when I pressed tab. So after voicing my suspicions that it was SpiderPig aka demolisher I announced that if I messaged demolisher56 "Hi", to prove the message we show to me it was sent to SpiderPig, his nickname. Well it went to ASFjerome, something along those lines. I was discouraged until ASF said in chat "wat did i do?". Well seeing I never directly accused him but merely said hi, I think that's a nice confession right there.
The killings went on for maybe 3 minutes and he left. Along with his leaving the killings stopped. I now feel like L from Death Note.