I read Pitt43's appeal for me, and you guys are all saying that I need to appeal. So here I am. I played on a few servers (And by a few, I mean about 15). I liked a few, but those started to lag and I deleted them. the rest pretty much were horrible. I played on all of these servers and all of them are starting to suck. this one, however, is a really good server. don't tell me anything I told you guys earlier, because I don't mean any of that anymore. I have been banned from this server for about five months now. I once said that I wanted to be unbanned and then a day later I said that I don't care about this server. Now, I want to be unbanned, and I wish I never said that I don't care about this server, because this was my favorite server. I haven't griefed at all ever since I got banned from this server for breaking Pitt43's Windows, and I will never grief anything again. I'm really sorry about the grief. there is one thing about this server that I really don't care about anymore, and that is Riverside village. I agree with your insults about Riverside, and yes, Riverside is a pretty junky village. I am really sorry about the grief I have done to the server. I really miss this server and I would really appreciate it if you would let me be unbanned.