Author Topic: On the recent update to the ShowCaseStandalone plugin...  (Read 3619 times)

Offline Islid (OP)

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On the recent update to the ShowCaseStandalone plugin...
« on: 17 July 2012, 02:03:57 AM »
So, I don't know if anyone else noticed, but there was recently an update to the showcase plugin put in by our mods, in an effort to keep the server up-to-date and bug free, which is very generous of them. However, a couple things occurred that might be of interest to the staff as a result of this update...

1. All of the potions in my shop have had their damage values altered. I don't know what they are now since I don't have a way of checking that, but what this basically means is that I cannot brew with them any further (any attempts to make the regular poison potions or regular health potions into splash potions or more powerful versions of themselves is not recognized by the brewing stands). This renders the harmful potions pretty much useless, because no one wants to poison themselves on a regular basis, but also creates a unique problem for my healing and supplementation potions...

2. I cannot add new stock to any of my existing Showcases displaying healing or damaging potions. When I attempt to, it says no new stock was added. The new and old stock looks exactly the same from a cosmetic perspective - the same duration of effectiveness, power level, everything. The only thing different, which causes them to be unable to be combinable into one showcase, is that their damage values are different from one another. The potions are literally impossible to tell apart otherwise.

3. A new and interesting bug that has arisen with the newest update is that a showcase can now no longer be created with potions made after the update (presumably, the showcase mod changed the damage values of the old potions to a format that could be used properly with the update, but it didn't apply to not-yet-created potions). Even after gathering 30+ potions in my inventory to make a new showcase, when an attempt is made to display and sell them, a message stating that I don't have enough stock to make a showcase appears. This, as you can imagine, is sort of frustrating, as it means I can now no longer make and sell new stock unless I make chests and signs, which sort of eliminates the point of showcase.

Presumably these bugs will be fixed by the developer, but I fail to see why a developer of any plugin would release a version that is so incredibly buggy. I've had problems with duplicated fake potions that disappear when I try to store or use them but look identical otherwise to the real potions, meaning I can't figure out which ones are real or not. This and many other problems are what we get for an "update"? Seems a bit like a downgrade to me.

Anyways, I appreciate the hard work the admins are doing and I understand the frustration in being limited by the developer of the plugin itself - you guys can only do so much with what you're given. I'm glad that you guys are willing to be accommodating, and this post is more of an FYI for you guys, in case you wanted to pass it on in a ticket with some config errors or something of the sort.

I'll post with what I'm missing from my splash potion stock on this same thread shortly. Thanks for the help.

Islid Davilas

Offline Islid (OP)

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Re: On the recent update to the ShowCaseStandalone plugin...
« Reply #1 on: 17 July 2012, 02:04:37 AM »
Splash Potions that need to be replaced:

30 Potions of Poison I
48 Potions of Poison II
29 Potions of Extended Poison
30 Potions of Harming I
119 Potions of Harming II
30 Potions of Weakness I
49 Potions of Extended Weakness
39 Potions of Slowness
21 Potions of Extreme Slowness

Attached are the screenshots I took of the potions in each slot. As you can see, they've switched from telling you the actual potion name to just a generic "POTION" name in the identifier slot (something I suspect has to do with the changed damage values), but I hope the numbers of each of the potions will be enough to suffice. I took the screenshot after checking the stock down the row of potions from the front door all the way to the fountain, and I missed the last one so I took a screenshot of that one separately, but with the last two from the first screenshot above it so you can see the relevance.
« Last Edit: 17 July 2012, 02:22:19 AM by Islid »

Offline Islid (OP)

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Re: On the recent update to the ShowCaseStandalone plugin...
« Reply #2 on: 17 July 2012, 02:22:54 AM »
Also, I'm throwing out the old damage potions except for a few for evaluation, because I can't use them for anything other than hurting myself now.

Offline boylink

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Re: On the recent update to the ShowCaseStandalone plugin...
« Reply #3 on: 17 July 2012, 09:20:03 PM »
My splash potions all switched to regular potions too, plus it's some type of chest thing when I right click it.

Offline Islid (OP)

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Re: On the recent update to the ShowCaseStandalone plugin...
« Reply #4 on: 17 July 2012, 09:34:45 PM »
My splash potions all switched to regular potions too, plus it's some type of chest thing when I right click it.

As far as I know, the new "chest-like" interface is some sort of streamlining for the people who make the plugin. I think they intended it to be an easier way to remove items instead of having to do "/scs remove" every time you wanted to take stuff out, or having to buy them by right clicking like everyone else. The result is a clunky, hard to use, and frankly rather ugly interface that doesn't even display all of your merchandise if it doesn't stack (which potions do not).

Honestly, they changed a bunch of crap that wasn't broken, and broke a bunch of stuff that was working fine. Apparently the developers decided to smoke copious amounts of crack cocaine before working on this update.

Offline boylink

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Re: On the recent update to the ShowCaseStandalone plugin...
« Reply #5 on: 17 July 2012, 09:39:42 PM »
I agree, especially that last sentence. :P

Offline cjm721

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Re: On the recent update to the ShowCaseStandalone plugin...
« Reply #6 on: 17 July 2012, 10:44:58 PM »
Will probably roll back for a bit. I did check this and it was doing it.

Offline Islid (OP)

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Re: On the recent update to the ShowCaseStandalone plugin...
« Reply #7 on: 18 July 2012, 01:55:53 AM »
I got the potions, Ako! Thanks a lot - however, now the problem comes in not being able to create a showcase with them because the thing doesn't recognize that I have enough potions for some reason. Weird as fuck. :/

This plugin update sucks.