Accused player(s):spenceswag33
Accused of (Kind of) tp killing
Player(s) effected: ColeMadeAwesome and his dia armor
Time occurred: 9:00 A.M in california
Location: Outlands
(For TP killing reports) Was a no-kill promise made between the two parties? no, it was not.
Brief summary of what happened:
spenceswag33 placed a sword in the qualia chest. I never knew it was a player that put it in. it was sitting there for like 2 hours and finally, I decided to take it out. I never used it just in case the owner wants it back. the next day, I put on my enchanted diamond armor that cost me 7k and 50 levels. I asked for it back but he won't give it to me. I know that khe killed me and there was no tpkilling promise but I dont want him banned or muted or jailed (I kinda do) but I want my enchanted dia armor
it took me a week to get the levels, buy the armor, and enchant it. I just want it back. and if I don't get it back, can I at least have 7k to replace the armor?