Author Topic: Accused of stealing??  (Read 2220 times)

Offline VokdaDonuts (OP)

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Accused of stealing??
« on: 18 May 2015, 01:51:44 AM »
So i suppose i was accused of "stealing" from Taylar94, "stolen" Potion supplies (chests were unlocked also build on my land) which i will admit i did. Basically when the colony was established i gave him permission to use part of the colony to build a farm, me under the impression it would be a farming district of sorts (for the benefit of the colony) . But apparently according to Taylar94 it was his own land not governed by the colony and not being apart of the colony, which i believe to be not true i wouldn't just give away land i could have used and planned to use to the towns benefit. More proof for the fact that "his farm" is owned by the colony under my understanding, it is protected by the colonies protection radius therefore owned by the village and him himself claiming to be "the only active member of the colony", But how can he be a "member" of the colony if he claims his farm isn't apart of it. Not to mention the fact he went against rules on the sign board of the colony, rules such as 1. Do not touch Vokda's sign board. Which he did, he put signs on it without my permission and went well past the land i said he could use in the first place. Also greifing a sign board i put in the district which was overlooked by staff members.
Now more on the topic of what happened. So when he joined the colony i thought i remembered saying something about him paying rent to the village, and these last few months went by and i saw nothing from him, so i took it upon myself to retrieve payment to in my mind i thought was owed. Only last night i hear from livid that i didn't say he needed to pay rent also being told by Taylar94 the same thing. So i rethink and come to the conclusion that i didn't say that and i admit and apologize for taking his stuff  (even though it is still legal) i offer to return the items back therefore undoing what i did, he denied the offer and still continued to report me. As for what he said in his report about me "leaving when i was confronted" that is simply not true, i did in fact leave but not because i was threatened but because of lag, so i went on the map to message him abut it then proceeded to minechat, after a few minutes i came back onto the server and we had an over hour long discussion.  Also i noticed the one who jailed me to be Octogamer, but JANUARYJONES replied to his report saying it was nonsense. So i presume that Octo didn't see the ruling from Jan, he just jailed me without even bothering to check the reports. So basically i believe i should be unjailed and this be put behind us (But it is up to you whoever decides to unjail me or not). But i still have a few things to say.
A few weeks ago before any of this, i took control of the colony and it became my own independent town which i removed the members from to make way for more organization on my part to reconfigure the town and to sort some things out. So since it is my town i still wish Taylar94 no part of it since he already broke rules i had placed down countless times. Thank you for listening and goodbye :) - VOKDA

Offline VokdaDonuts (OP)

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Re: Accused of stealing?? (Bits i forgot to include)
« Reply #1 on: 18 May 2015, 02:36:41 AM »
Also Just a quick thing i forgot to mention. I wouldn't have needed to break in if he didn't private the doors which i told him countless times not to do since the time he joined the Village, the reason being that it is public farm village property which i allowed him to build so it should be public to the people who live there. Also i don't think it counts as grief if i put it back in order and didn't leave blocks unbroken. For example when he greifed the sign board i built (which was significantly larger than 2 blocks) and he left broken and placed a chest in it's place, not to mention him continue sly denying it even though i logged it.

Offline Noket

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Re: Accused of stealing??
« Reply #2 on: 18 May 2015, 08:34:19 AM »
If I'm reading this correctly, it's your village, and he had unprotected chests?

IMO, you shouldn't have been punished. We have lockette for a reason.


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Re: Accused of stealing??
« Reply #3 on: 18 May 2015, 11:01:47 AM »
No,  this report had misinformation. Noa gave Tay land to make his own PRIVATE farm and he never said anything about monthly fees.

FYI I'm an owner of the village as well.