Author Topic: Gere Monarchy Referendum?  (Read 1702 times)

Offline Die_Endermen (OP)

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Gere Monarchy Referendum?
« on: 18 March 2017, 03:19:47 PM »
Highly considering this after I had a conversation with the unprofessional king..
tl;dr- @I'm better than you because I don't break rules on a game and I have more money, and you're useless on here, let me completely disregard everything about you in real life, fuck you"

13:56:24] ~VinceWilfork: Kylie wanna buy some gapples
[13:56:29] ~Kylie: Shen
[13:56:31] ~Kylie: I need to talk to you
[13:56:31] ~VinceWilfork: Woops, i sold them all to law
[13:56:39] ~Kylie: mm livid
[13:56:43] ~Kylie: this is why i want a referendum

[13:56:53] ~VinceWilfork: Kylie I want you out of gere
[13:57:00] ~Kylie: lol what have you contributed
[13:57:06] ~Kylie: if you kick me out i'm just going to be more determined
[13:57:11] ~VinceWilfork: Listen you fat faced fuck
[13:57:12] ~Kylie: to overthrow you
[13:57:16] Kylie: screenshotting this
[13:57:20] ~Kylie: you continue to throw insults
[13:57:21] ~VinceWilfork: Get the fuck out of gere
[13:57:28] ~Kylie> /l shen
[13:57:31] ~Kylie> wops
[13:57:32] ~Kylie: shen
[13:57:34] ~ascn: ty
[13:57:35] ~Kylie: My village too :)

[13:59:35] ~VinceWilfork: ur mom
[13:59:41] ~Kylie: lol how mature
[13:59:44] ~Kylie: now shen
[13:59:48] ~ascn: Kylie whats the jungle floor building going to be across the river?
[~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast -> me] 7 sigs triggers parlaimentary debate
[13:59:57] ~VinceWilfork: when you've said "ur mom" hundreds of times
[13:59:57] [me -> [SM][CM] ~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast] how do i petition it
[14:00:05] ~Kylie: "listen you fat fuck face"
[14:00:08] ~Kylie: i didnt say anything to you lol
~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast -> me] A book and quill with the general gist of what oyu want to do
[14:00:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [[SM][CM] ~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast -> me] and people need to sign i
[14:00:31] <~ascn> Kylie
[14:00:32] ~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast -> me] it
[14:00:34] ~Kylie: how about you get out of gere, i mean like it's not like your popularity is high at all

[14:00:54] ~VinceWilfork: Why r u still on vc
[14:01:05] ~Kylie: because there's people i like on here
[14:01:07] ~VinceWilfork: thought u quit, gunna go play adult games
[14:01:08] ~Kylie: do you have a problem?
[14:01:12] ~VinceWilfork: DO YOU
[14:01:17] ~VinceWilfork: jesus christ
[14:01:17] ~Kylie: no, you came to me
[14:01:20] ~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast: what are adult games
[14:01:21] ~Kylie: stop trying to start stuff
[14:01:25] ~Kylie> IMVU
[14:01:26] ~Kylie> LOL
[14:01:29] <[SM][CM] ~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast> ewwwwwwwwww
[14:01:30] <[SM][CM] ~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast> Die
[14:01:33] <[SM][CM] ~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast> CLUB PENGUIN PORN
[14:01:37] <[MANGO] ~Kylie> livid
[14:01:40] ~VinceWilfork: u already started shit
[14:01:41] <[MANGO] ~Kylie> go watch tunnel vission music video

[14:02:15] ~VinceWilfork: Cause u wanna remove me as king for selling gapples
[14:02:17] ~VinceWilfork: lmao
[14:02:24] ~Kylie: No because you're being bitchy
[14:02:31] IronShadow_ joined the game
[14:02:32] ~VinceWilfork: yup, im being bitchy
[14:02:35] ~Kylie: You're trying to start stuff coming over here, you've contributed very little to gere
[14:02:37] ~Kylie: what else
[14:02:37] <[VIP] ~LordShadow> hey
[14:02:46] ~Kylie: oh and you don't interact with your subjects at all
[14:03:01] ~VinceWilfork: Well i guess im better then u, since livid chose me and not u
[14:03:04] ~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast: He was having fun with us building gatu for like 20 mins
[14:03:05] ~Kylie: and you told me to get the fuck out of gere, even though i've helped build it up tremendously
[14:03:18] ~Kylie: Yeah ok shen, you're better since you got to be king on a game
[14:03:24] ~Kylie: even though i was offered many times :-)
[14:03:32] ~VinceWilfork: there u go again
[14:03:34] ~Kylie: you're totally better because i refused, yep
[14:03:44] ~ascn: Kylie would make the better queen
[14:03:46] ~ascn: just saying
[14:03:58] ~VinceWilfork: i guess im better overall
[14:04:03] ~Kylie: lol ok

14:04:15] ~VinceWilfork: More money, King,
[14:04:24] ~Kylie: "more money"
[14:04:25] ~Kylie: ok
[14:04:34] ~VinceWilfork: overall better player
[14:04:38] ~Kylie: you're saying youre better over a game shen

[14:04:52] ~VinceWilfork: Welp, if you look to the left of my name
[14:04:56] ~VinceWilfork: you see a M'
[14:04:58] ~Kylie: oh good for you
[14:05:01] ~Kylie: good job
[14:05:05] ~Kylie: you help people on the computer
[14:05:07] ~Kylie: nice!
[14:05:21] ~Kylie: How about you join student council or somethng and help actual people instead of virtual ones
[14:05:37] ~VinceWilfork: How about you get a job
[14:05:38] ~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast: student council has a bunch of sjws tho
[14:05:40] ~VinceWilfork: earn money
[14:05:43] ~Kylie: i do shen :)
[14:05:53] ~VinceWilfork: where
[14:05:55] ~Kylie: i work occasional jobs because they have a board at school
[14:06:05] ~VinceWilfork: Paying jobs
[14:06:08] ~Kylie: yes
[14:06:11] ~VinceWilfork: Like....
[14:06:13] ~Kylie: and i do community service on top  of that
[14:06:16] ~Kylie: I did shrubbery
[14:06:19] ~Kylie: For 20/hour
[14:06:25] ~Kylie: if you want i can take a pic of my money
[14:06:28] ~Kylie: if you dont believe me
[14:06:47] ~VinceWilfork: Lmao, taking pics of ur money
[14:06:48] ~Kylie: i didnt convert
[14:06:52] ~VinceWilfork: thats amazing
[14:06:54] ~Kylie: there we ago again shen
[14:07:00] ~Kylie: Now what have you done irl?
[14:07:03] ~VinceWilfork: BOYS, JUST GOT 50 BUCKS
[14:07:09] ~Kylie: you havent done anything outside of this server
[14:07:17] ~Kylie: totally better than me
[14:07:17] ~VinceWilfork: um bought my own computer
[14:07:22] ~VinceWilfork: earned 1000+
[14:07:25] ~VinceWilfork: working
[14:07:29] ~Kylie: you've never helped the community though
[14:07:32] ~Kylie: you've never donated
[14:07:35] ~Kylie: to your school
[14:07:42] ~VinceWilfork: why would i donate to my school
[14:07:45] ~Kylie: you've never done fundraising
[14:07:49] ~ascn: Sehns still in school???????

14:08:20] ~ascn: parent teacher association
[14:08:21] ~Kylie: they have the meetings
[14:08:21] ~VinceWilfork: Sorry, i dont wanna buy a  class ring for 300
[14:08:30] ~Kylie: Shen I'm not talking about that
[14:08:39] ~Kylie: How about you go help out your school and community
[14:08:53] ~Kylie: in fact tomorrow i'm helping out at a church for 3 hours :)
[14:09:12] ~VinceWilfork: its hard to do shit. when u have a BROKEN LEG ~VinceWilfork: U DUMB SHIT
[14:09:24] ~Margaret_Thatcher_Enthusiast: niga it's been broken for like 598 years
[14:09:25] ~Kylie: doesnt give you the excuse to come on and start shit

[14:09:52] ~Kylie: because you're totally better
[14:10:01] ~Kylie: you know what they say stop feeding the trolls
[14:10:04] ~VinceWilfork: i mean, you could have just turned ur comp off
[14:10:09] ~Kylie: Right shen
[14:10:15] ~Kylie: Because I'm such a bad person
[14:10:22] ~Kylie: because my friend came over and we made slime for 2 hours
[14:10:32] ~VinceWilfork: I mean, u did break a no keep
[14:10:32] ~Kylie: i have a life outside of this game
[14:10:37] ~Kylie: who cares shen
[14:10:41] ~Kylie: it's a fucking game
[14:10:44] ~VinceWilfork: yeah, my life is limited
[14:10:46] ~VinceWilfork: since leg
[14:10:47] ~Kylie: its not going to help you in real life

Offline Die_Endermen (OP)

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Re: Gere Monarchy Referendum?
« Reply #1 on: 18 March 2017, 03:20:43 PM »
Edited a lot out that was unrelated to the discussion, and edited chatlog info etc because it wouldn't fit on... if you don't believe these logs are real please check for yourself :)

Offline OctoGamer

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Re: Gere Monarchy Referendum?
« Reply #2 on: 18 March 2017, 03:26:42 PM »
I don't understand this? why would we care if you want to kick shen out as king of gere :P