My friends stopped playing the server for a while and came back that day, the reason why I came back then and not before was because they were not my friends before. But anyways, why the hell does the server have pvp if you can't attack anyone or they get butt hurt that you are attacking them in a PVP AREA. I was also using a thing that is similar to aimbot, but I was clicking myself. You're little nocheat either means I am a god at clicking, or it is pretty fuckin' stupid. When you banned me you made it say "likes dick". That is not douchey at all right? I assumed you were killing me to help, not actually as an order because you could of just jailed me anyway, because i'm pretty sure it's a rule that you can pvp in those areas you are allowed to do so. I think you are just butt hurt I wouldn't stop attacking and was damaging your armor possibly. But yes I went on my alt to ask why you jailed me, because there is no rule stating you CANNOT pvp.
Just because there's PvP in certain areas like the Outlands doesn't mean you should cut down all the people who live in the Outlands. And Spawn Killing is actually a form of griefing. That's both Doucheness AND Griefing (Spawn Killing)
You broke into my house as well, via the wall. And the glowstone. Add Griefing (Destruction) to the list of charges!
Y'know, there are certain areas where PvP is encouraged, and places where it's discouraged if used to make poor people in the Outlands cry.
By the way, I moved out of that place and gave it to a noob, who griefed it herself to get attention. It's no longer there, and is now replaced with a grove of trees.
And so began my long chain of moving in and moving out of places.
CJ, if Nick has only committed crimes against me, I ask you to please clear Nick of all charges. I don't know why, but I feel that it's right.