Sorry I meant to reply to this the other day while multitasking in a meeting but just found this tab still open.
Something like this could be possible, either with or without this plugin. For ages I've been wanting to expand the VC advancements tab to give rewards for a whole bunch of stuff, which would encompass a lot of the functionality of this plugin, in a way which (depending on your viewpoint) may seem more natural and integrated with everything else? I'll admit that's not a great explanation.
If I were to add new advancements, either for VC-specific things, or just for gameplay in general, does anyone have any ideas of things they'd like? I've been slowly adding ideas to my ideas list, but would be interested to hear other feedback, either for the challenges themselves, or for reward ideas for completing them. If all goes well I can roll them out with 1.19?
I guess what I'm trying to say is yes, I've been wanting to do this sort of thing for years, but need more ideas!