NOTICE: To Register for Parliament, post a reply to the thread in this link: PASSED: 9:1 (2 abstentions)
Parliament Vote #24 - Add the SimplePets Plugin
Should we add SimplePets Plugin to the server?Link: Pet PluginThe plugin SimplePets will be added to the server with the intent to bring an element of companionship that cannot be hurt. This can also allow another roleplay aspect to the game that many players enjoy.
Perks of SimplePets-You will be able to have the pet of your choice, unlocking more options the higher VIP Level you are.
-You will be able to wear your pet as a hat
-You will be able to ride your pet
-You will be able to name your pet
Exceptions to SimplePets-mobs that are too large have been removed
-pets will not be allowed in other worlds, other than the Overworld, Nether, and End.
-pets that fly, flying will be disabled.
Pets will not be allowed:-During CM run events in the Overworld, unless otherwise stated
-In worlds other than the Overworld, Nether, and End.
All of the pets have been sorted into the following levels:Any level player:-Chicken
$5 Donor
-Trader Llama
-Wandering Trader
$10 Donor
-Polar Bear
$20 Donor
-Cave Spider
-Magma Cube
-Wither Skeleton
-Zombie Villager
$50 Donor-Armor Stand
-Iron Golem
-Skeleton Horse
-Tropical Fish
-Zombie Horse
The Signatories are as follows: AlliCat_22, HeinzeC1, Gerrit70, TastePasteHaste , Daypath
Staff Member Support: TheLegend12369
If "yes" is majority, Simple Pets will be implemented on the server
If "no" is majority, the plugin will not be added
All Members of Parliament may vote.
For the act to pass, a majority of voting MPs must vote in favor.
If you are indifferent, please abstain.