Author Topic: Player Misconduct Report: EpicPilot0709  (Read 1941 times)

Offline Islid (OP)

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Player Misconduct Report: EpicPilot0709
« on: 8 September 2012, 09:49:25 PM »
At approximately 8:05 PM Central Time, the players known as bloodydiablo and EpicPilot0709 engaged in combat with a player by the name of lianaireland3479 in a village called "Fort Kandria", specifically in a records shop owned by bloodydiablo. Lia was in the village, along with a player by the name of wil8910, against the wishes of bloodydiablo. After repeated attempts to get the two of them to leave by asking them repeatedly to collect their things and get out, bloodydiablo killed wil8910, and EpicPilot0709 killed lianaireland3479.

Normally, Fort Kandria has it's PVP disabled - indeed, it's even set that way in the message. However, a short period of time previously, bloodydiablo was trying to expel someone else from his village and had temporarily requested a nearby mod (JanuaryJones) turn on the PVP in his village to get rid of the unwanted guest. The person he was trying to kill left before he could be killed, and bloodydiablo simply asked JanuaryJones to leave PVP on for a few more minutes because of rising issues with lianaireland3479 and wil8910.

lianaireland3479, after being killed, started shouting repeatedly in chat that she demanded her items back from EpicPilot0709, the person who killed her. After furious demands, JanuaryJones intervened again, along with myself, to resolve the situation and return things to normal. After about 15 or 20 minutes of chat, lianaireland3479 was given $500 ($200 initially, increased to $500 due to a request for additional funding from JanuaryJones) to replace all of the lost items, and the original possessions were left with EpicPilot0709, since bloodydiablo specifically requested PVP be turned on for a short period of time to handle lianaireland3479 in the village (getting her out when she was not supposed to be there).

lianaireland3479 was told specifically not to go back into that village any longer, since she was no longer welcome, and PVP was turned off in the village to prevent any further issues in the near future. bloodydiablo is concerned that his sheep are at risk, but I assured him that if they were killed, he could report it and lianaireland3479 could be disciplined accordingly. bloodydiablo was also instructed to pass on the message to EpicPilot0709 that PVP was more or less intended to be restricted to the Outlands, or his village if he chose to turn on PVP.

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Re: Player Misconduct Report: EpicPilot0709
« Reply #1 on: 8 September 2012, 10:28:42 PM »
Post removed by Akomine.
« Last Edit: 10 September 2012, 08:01:25 PM by Akomine »

Offline Islid (OP)

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Re: Player Misconduct Report: EpicPilot0709
« Reply #2 on: 9 September 2012, 05:13:44 PM »
Processed, punishment issued accordingly. Thanks for the rapid response, Jan.

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