Author Topic: Spawn Killing Report: krazydonut  (Read 1767 times)

Offline Islid (OP)

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Spawn Killing Report: krazydonut
« on: 8 September 2012, 05:44:14 AM »
At approximately 3:55 AM Central Time, a player by the name of "krazydonut" began killing a player by the name of "aazza02" repeatedly - over the course of 5 minutes, he was killed about 12-15 times from a rough count (the chat logs can provide further insight as to exact numbers). Being unable to get ahold of any staff member, since this is an inactive time, krazy was simply jailed for 20 minutes after three separate warnings about his spawn killing, and I began to question him about his activities.

In response to some rather rude behavior, I quickly and curtly informed him that if he was going to be a dumbass about it, I would be more than happy just to leave him sitting there until he could think his lesson out for himself. After unsuccessfully trying for about 15 or 20 more minutes to explain that I was interested in hearing his side of the story and only getting rude dialogue in return, he was simply stuck in a cell for 24 hours or until a mod came online, whichever happened first.


I managed to calm him down and talk to him about 20 minutes later, where he explained to me that aazza02, a member of his village, wasn't paying a village tax that he had established, and as a result he felt it necessary to repeatedly kill him until he either paid or left, despite the fact that killing him over and over prevented him from doing both of those things very effectively. We had a short conversation where I explained to him that it was much easier and more effective to simply report players who were acting like douches (because he claimed that aazz was trying to do to him what he did to aazz) and lock up your town with a wall and locketted doors instead of taking matters vigilante-style into your own hands and just getting yourself in trouble.

Aazza02 left the town and doesn't intend on coming back, it seems, and krazy was relatively annoyed about the whole thing, mostly because he felt his time had been wasted. I'm issuing this report primarily because I wanted to make the mods aware of his behavior, and the fact that he might be acting like this again later on. He's currently unjailed and free to walk around, and the offense was relatively minor in the grand scheme of things, but being a douche is still being a douche.

Chat logs can be dug up between the time period of 3:45 AM and 4:45 AM Central Time US (I think GMT -6) to verify this account if necessary.

Offline Islid (OP)

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Re: Spawn Killing Report: krazydonut
« Reply #1 on: 9 September 2012, 05:14:08 PM »
Processed and handled accordingly.

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