For as much as it's worth, I have seen several instances where both players and staff have claimed that there is a policy regarding administrative requests being followed, simply by the virtue that an administrator requested it, for general instances such as this. If Air asked several times (which according to the logs, he did), then he did technically make an administrative request, which he was in his rights to do, of course.
As far as it seems though, it was just a misunderstanding as to the seriousness of Air's request - perhaps Dom didn't think Air was being serious (even after he was muted). In the future, Air might want to delineate more effectively the difference between his joking around (which he does a lot) and his seriousness (which is seldom seen, lol).
By the same respect, Dom could probably benefit from a bit of prudence in matters where Air makes requests, at least until a more clear boundary can be established between what is able to be joked about and what is off-limits. It would probably eliminate a lot of heartache down the road.