Author Topic: "abuse of power", things starting to annoy me  (Read 4083 times)

Offline SirLogiC (OP)

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"abuse of power", things starting to annoy me
« on: 4 January 2013, 11:47:51 PM »
So as I said in that other thread the quality of this server seems to have degraded since this shit started with CJ.

First this abuse of power thing for air-

So by abuse I don't mean breaking the rules. I mean using server tools as toys. The thing with CJ and star's village- wouldn't a temp ban have been the appropriate thing to do? If it was only him, or only 2 people, then a temp ban seems like it would have been the appropriate thing to do. Area deny'ing a village to stop alleged griefing seems to be taking it to the extreme.

The teleporting and reading private messages and using invisibility mode to "play" with people. Aren't they tools to help maintain the server? Air especially uses them as toys. If you are bored start a project!

Then this anti-lag plugin that was installed. Shouldn't a forum post have been made first? Yeah yeah it's your server, but me and many others donated money to help keep that server running. It's not just "your" server. This anti-lag plugin isn't just about item deletion right? Can you at least trial using it with item deletion turned off? That's the only part people don't like, and the plugin might still help, but you wont know until you try.

Other gripe is the weird "lag" issue. Where I sometimes can't hit monsters at all, and sometimes cannot move or interact with blocks or items, couple times not even being able to move. Seems like a memory leak and/or an issue with server/client synchronisation. This doesn't get looked at at all.

And lastly I don't dislike you air lol, just you, well to put it bluntly you got blue balls and it's showing.

Offline xxbabygirlstar

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Re: "abuse of power", things starting to annoy me
« Reply #1 on: 4 January 2013, 11:53:38 PM »
As my name was mentioned in here, I feel the right to reply.

Air did not do the entry-deny thing, he merely agreed with it. Runey was the one who did it, and even Ako supports it. If you knew anything about the situation, you wouldn't be talking. CJ and a few other people were using invisibility potions, and because admins could not see who was doing it, they could not tempban.

Please, Sir, I ask you to not talk about things you don't have details about. :/

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Re: "abuse of power", things starting to annoy me
« Reply #2 on: 5 January 2013, 12:06:38 AM »
First of all, Sir, you don't know everything that happened with CJ. I wouldn't be quick to assume both parties don't have reasons.
Also, I back up Air's temporary region deny, it's easier than tempbanning, THAT is excessive. A lot of people simply wanted to be left alone and that is an easier less conflicting action, in my opinion at least.

You know, we don't become staff to have power and do whatever we please. We want to make sure players have fun. I do my own things but I drop it all because you guys are my number one priority. That's all I care about. Our intentions are good, and sometimes we aren't perfect like everybody else.
I don't know what to tell you if that isn't enough.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: "abuse of power", things starting to annoy me
« Reply #3 on: 5 January 2013, 12:21:49 AM »
So as I said in that other thread the quality of this server seems to have degraded since this shit started with CJ.

First this abuse of power thing for air-

So by abuse I don't mean breaking the rules. I mean using server tools as toys. The thing with CJ and star's village- wouldn't a temp ban have been the appropriate thing to do? If it was only him, or only 2 people, then a temp ban seems like it would have been the appropriate thing to do. Area deny'ing a village to stop alleged griefing seems to be taking it to the extreme.

The teleporting and reading private messages and using invisibility mode to "play" with people. Aren't they tools to help maintain the server? Air especially uses them as toys. If you are bored start a project!

Then this anti-lag plugin that was installed. Shouldn't a forum post have been made first? Yeah yeah it's your server, but me and many others donated money to help keep that server running. It's not just "your" server. This anti-lag plugin isn't just about item deletion right? Can you at least trial using it with item deletion turned off? That's the only part people don't like, and the plugin might still help, but you wont know until you try.

Other gripe is the weird "lag" issue. Where I sometimes can't hit monsters at all, and sometimes cannot move or interact with blocks or items, couple times not even being able to move. Seems like a memory leak and/or an issue with server/client synchronisation. This doesn't get looked at at all.

And lastly I don't dislike you air lol, just you, well to put it bluntly you got blue balls and it's showing.

So by abuse I don't mean breaking the rules. I mean using server tools as toys. The thing with CJ and star's village- wouldn't a temp ban have been the appropriate thing to do? If it was only him, or only 2 people, then a temp ban seems like it would have been the appropriate thing to do. Area deny'ing a village to stop alleged griefing seems to be taking it to the extreme.

A tempban is a lot MORE extreme. I understand that more than 2 people were harassing Star in her village. Rune added a world guard flag (entry-deny) to prevent nonmembers from entering Star's village and the flag was only active for a few minutes. How the hell is that extreme? Preventing non village members from entering the village...for a few minutes.

The teleporting and reading private messages and using invisibility mode to "play" with people. Aren't they tools to help maintain the server? Air especially uses them as toys. If you are bored start a project!

Ok, first I am gonna address the "teleporting" and invisibility mode. I assume that you mean when I teleported to you while invisible and used some fireworks. That is your ONLY example of this. All I did was tp to you and use a few fireworks. "OMG ABOOOOSE! HUGE POWER ABOOOOSE" Sorry for not being an uptight admin who barely interacts with players directly.
Air especially uses them as toys. If you are bored start a project!
If you are gonna make that kind of accusations at least give some other examples and not just "OMG HE DETONATED A FEW FIREWORKS! ABOOOOSE".

and reading private messages
How the fuck do I abuse that? It is called socialspy and it is ALWAYS on for EVERY single staff member. Do you have any examples to back that up? I don't think you do...I don't see how can someone possibly abuse that.

Then this anti-lag plugin that was installed. Shouldn't a forum post have been made first? Yeah yeah it's your server, but me and many others donated money to help keep that server running. It's not just "your" server. This anti-lag plugin isn't just about item deletion right? Can you at least trial using it with item deletion turned off? That's the only part people don't like, and the plugin might still help, but you wont know until you try.

That's the only purpose of the plugin. Entity deletion. It has 2 features, clearing entities every 20 minutes and limiting entities to a certain quantity. The latter was what caused problems and was disabled days ago. It wipes entities every 20 minutes and it gives a warning in BIG RED LETTERS 2 minutes before it actually happens. I really don't see the problem here...can't you spare a minute out of your precioustime to not build/PvP/drop items on the ground?

Other gripe is the weird "lag" issue. Where I sometimes can't hit monsters at all, and sometimes cannot move or interact with blocks or items, couple times not even being able to move. Seems like a memory leak and/or an issue with server/client synchronisation. This doesn't get looked at at all.

This only happened to me once and it was my internet. That is not an issue with the server. It is not a memory leak and if it is an issue with the "server/client synchronisation." then shit, I guess Bukkit bugs are our fault too.

Offline SirLogiC (OP)

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Re: "abuse of power", things starting to annoy me
« Reply #4 on: 5 January 2013, 01:17:38 AM »
Sometimes I hate my life. I am not good with words. No matter how thoughtful and concerned I try to sound it always seems that people take it like I am stabbing their babies. I try to say things to stop arguments and people use it to start arguments. I have minor gripes and people take it to mean I am raging about it. I have no real life friends and am a sad loner. I hate that. I hate it so much. I wish I knew how to say things to diffuse arguments because I *HATE* them. Yet everything I say ends in arguments. So what the fuck can I say to make you fuckwits realise I just want you to stop arguing. This argument with CJ, whatever it is, just let it end dignified. Let him give the village to knitefall, as a last thing of respect for him. But you just drag the hostility right to the end, CJ too. And I just want to stop that, and now there is more argument.

So fuck it, instead of trying to sound concerned and thoughtful- air you can be fucking annoying, you have blue balls and need to get laid or some shit. Playing around is fine but you keep it up 24/7.

Jan you're cool, so is Ako.

As for what happened with star's village- I will not comment on this any more. I know I don't know what happened.

Everyone keeps dragging shit up and finding reason to make argument. I hate that and I hate you's for making this server uncomfortable to play on and I just want the arguments to stop. So please I beg, I beg, just stop this argumentative bullshit. So does that make it clear why I am saying what I am?

Offline Airbongo

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Re: "abuse of power", things starting to annoy me
« Reply #5 on: 5 January 2013, 02:13:07 AM »
Sometimes I hate my life. I am not good with words. No matter how thoughtful and concerned I try to sound it always seems that people take it like I am stabbing their babies. I try to say things to stop arguments and people use it to start arguments. I have minor gripes and people take it to mean I am raging about it. I have no real life friends and am a sad loner. I hate that. I hate it so much. I wish I knew how to say things to diffuse arguments because I *HATE* them. Yet everything I say ends in arguments. So what the fuck can I say to make you fuckwits realise I just want you to stop arguing. This argument with CJ, whatever it is, just let it end dignified. Let him give the village to knitefall, as a last thing of respect for him. But you just drag the hostility right to the end, CJ too. And I just want to stop that, and now there is more argument.

So fuck it, instead of trying to sound concerned and thoughtful- air you can be fucking annoying, you have blue balls and need to get laid or some shit. Playing around is fine but you keep it up 24/7.

Jan you're cool, so is Ako.

As for what happened with star's village- I will not comment on this any more. I know I don't know what happened.

Everyone keeps dragging shit up and finding reason to make argument. I hate that and I hate you's for making this server uncomfortable to play on and I just want the arguments to stop. So please I beg, I beg, just stop this argumentative bullshit. So does that make it clear why I am saying what I am?

So fuck it, instead of trying to sound concerned and thoughtful- air you can be fucking annoying, you have blue balls and need to get laid or some shit. Playing around is fine but you keep it up 24/7.

First of all, I barely even get on and when I do get on, I don't even talk to you. Your comment didn't sound as concerned to me since you were personally attacking ME. If that bothers you then YOU are the one with "blue balls". If all you wanted was to stop the whole argument about CJ then why the fuck did you even mention me? Did you even read my comment? I was basically the only one that agreed with Knitefall keeping CJ's stuff. I barely even got involved in the whole CJ's situation so why in the fucking fuck would your assumptions attack me.
« Last Edit: 5 January 2013, 02:17:23 AM by airborne101st45 »

Offline Akomine

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Re: "abuse of power", things starting to annoy me
« Reply #6 on: 5 January 2013, 02:28:38 AM »
Then this anti-lag plugin that was installed. Shouldn't a forum post have been made first? Yeah yeah it's your server, but me and many others donated money to help keep that server running. It's not just "your" server. This anti-lag plugin isn't just about item deletion right? Can you at least trial using it with item deletion turned off? That's the only part people don't like, and the plugin might still help, but you wont know until you try.

This is probably the only part of your post that warrants a response, because it is the only part that is a legitimate concern. But like you said in your next post, you have a way of coming across as insulting, rather than constructive (which you were apparently trying to be).

What you said seems to be totally rude to Air, and completely ungrateful. Air, like the rest of the Staff, doesn't apprecaite ungratefulness coming from the very players he aims to help. You seem to paint him as this evil abusive authority figure who purposely installed a plugin that fucks people over just cause he can. But it is so totally unfair, when his intent was to FIX the lag that many were recieving, and HELP the server, which is for the PLAYERS.

His intentions were good, and he felt shitty when people got upset about lost items. He disabled the bad part of the plugins, and kept the 20 min item wipe. We are discussing other options still. But Air didn't do it recklessly, he tested it first. It's just that the part that screwed up could only screw up with a lot of people online (not replicable in a little testing server).

And secondly:...

I am not good with words. No matter how thoughtful and concerned I try to sound it always seems that people take it like I am stabbing their babies. I try to say things to stop arguments and people use it to start arguments. I have minor gripes and people take it to mean I am raging about it. I have no real life friends and am a sad loner. I hate that. I hate it so much. I wish I knew how to say things to diffuse arguments because I *HATE* them. Yet everything I say ends in arguments. So what the fuck can I say to make you fuckwits realise I just want you to stop arguing. This argument with CJ, whatever it is, just let it end dignified. Let him give the village to knitefall, as a last thing of respect for him. But you just drag the hostility right to the end, CJ too. And I just want to stop that, and now there is more argument.

So fuck it, instead of trying to sound concerned and thoughtful- air you can be fucking annoying, you have blue balls and need to get laid or some shit. Playing around is fine but you keep it up 24/7.

Jan you're cool, so is Ako.

As for what happened with star's village- I will not comment on this any more. I know I don't know what happened.

Everyone keeps dragging shit up and finding reason to make argument. I hate that and I hate you's for making this server uncomfortable to play on and I just want the arguments to stop. So please I beg, I beg, just stop this argumentative bullshit. So does that make it clear why I am saying what I am?

Some of the things you said in there, like how air has blue balls and needs to get laid, are obvious red flags in the "say things to stop arguments" philosophy. PM me sometime and I'll kindly help you on how to diffuse basic disputes in a cleaner way. (I'm, however, not the person to ask about making friends, because I am terrible at meeting people).

About Star's village incident; you know little about it, and your series of accusations based on assumptions pissed people off. Avoid arguments from ignorance. They just cause arguments. Your bizzare assumptions of Air are so uninformed and incorrect it's almost laughable.

Lastly, you said that everyone keeps dragging up shit, but I honestly think that you were more-or-less the only person who has done that tonight. Look at the other thread; there is a discussion about the fate of CJ's former property (which btw, Air was fucking siding with CJ), and then suddenly you show up and derail it... with assumptions... and accusations based upon them... what did you expect?
« Last Edit: 5 January 2013, 02:35:07 AM by Akomine »

Ako is gay and has superaids - Air

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Re: "abuse of power", things starting to annoy me
« Reply #7 on: 5 January 2013, 02:58:09 AM »
We talked with Sir privately and it's all good now.


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Re: "abuse of power", things starting to annoy me
« Reply #8 on: 5 January 2013, 09:36:37 AM »
Alright, just giving my formal response here:

Air can come across as silly, annoying, whathaveyou, but from the conversations I have had with him, I can tell he truly cares about this server.

Ako basically summed up my thoughts in his post. You didn't have full info on the whole situation at Star's village. So no need to freak out about it.  :)

And I am thankful you both made up.

So, because this is resolved:
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