Author Topic: Ban Appeal: teamfe  (Read 9255 times)

Offline Teamfe (OP)

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Ban Appeal: teamfe
« on: 9 June 2012, 05:24:09 PM »
State your full Minecraft username:

State the punishment you recieved:

State what you were likely doing that got you banned/punished:
"Griefing, stealing, not listening to admins"-Bl4ck_St0ne

State why you should be pardoned:
On the first accusation; Griefing.
When I had asked Bl4ck_St0ne what I had griefed he replied "The roof" referring to the single block that I removed, and replaced, to gain entry to cjm721's Enderman grinder. Legitimate reason for ban?

On the second accusation; Stealing.
The basis for Bl4ck_St0nes argument in game was that I had stolen from a moderator and this was "Against the rules". (These "Rules" cannot seemingly be found anywhere, /rules certainly doesn't work, nor can they be found on the forums here.) The reason players are prohibited from using hacks, modified clients or other third party clients is that they give them an unfair advantage.
Is it just me that see's the correlation between the act of gaining an unfair advantage by using "Hax" and having that so yearned for title of Mod or Admin that automatically places the wearer on a pedestal above the ordinary players.
But of course I don't wear any of those titles so god forbid I have an opinion.

On the third accusation; Not listening to admins
Of course I did listen to Bl4ck_St0ne, but selectively. When he ordered me to leave cjm721's Enderman grinder (That I had legitimately and without the use of any administrative permissions found) I blatantly stead for principle as there was absolutely zero reason for me not to be there, I had found it legitimately and was making full use of the xp grinder. The area was unprotected and unsigned as to give me any indication NOT to use the service freely open for anyone who was to stumble upon it. The fact that the owner was a moderator/admin should have zero bearing on my being there. 

Further information:
I'm pretty positive this thread will not be taken on board or even recognized whatsoever. I was debating whether or not to even create this thread as I really do not want to play on a server with staff that feel they are above their player, I have been a part of staff for a different gaming community and that is one thing that has always grinded my gears.
I'm posting this for principle.

Offline DarkenedAngel

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #1 on: 9 June 2012, 05:53:21 PM »
Well you're wrong lol.

I am 90% sure if you had just left the XP grinder when asked you wouldn't have gotten into trouble. Just because it wasn't marked does not mean it is yours so when asked to leave you should. The smart thing to do would have been to ask about the XP grinder and if you could use it. You didn't tho. You found someones place, broke in, and began to use there things with out permission. Then when asked to leave you didn't.

An example of this in the real world would be like me breaking into your house laying in your bed and watching TV while surfing the internet because i don't feel like paying for my own. In other words don't use other ppls shit if you want an XP grinder make one!

The fact that it was a mods place shouldn't have made a difference. Doesn't seem like it really did and that black just said it was a moderators build.

Offline Teamfe (OP)

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #2 on: 9 June 2012, 06:59:14 PM »
Rude? Maybe. Against the rules? Nope.

Offline Akomine

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #3 on: 9 June 2012, 07:09:15 PM »
Further information:
I'm pretty positive this thread will not be taken on board or even recognized whatsoever. I was debating whether or not to even create this thread as I really do not want to play on a server with staff that feel they are above their player, I have been a part of staff for a different gaming community and that is one thing that has always grinded my gears.
I'm posting this for principle.

Your appeal IS being taken in to consideration, trust me.

And for whatever it's worth, I very specifically designed the way the staff functions on this server to be much more fair than on most other servers. The staff are not to be better or above anyone else, and when they act like they are, I don't take kindly to it. Ask someone about Quintasticable.

Regardless, play your cards right, tell the full truth, and bl4ck (or someone else) might decide to reduce or remove the ban.
« Last Edit: 9 June 2012, 07:19:07 PM by Akomine »

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Offline Bl4ck_St0ne

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #4 on: 9 June 2012, 07:28:34 PM »
Quintasticable was mod, abused, got taken away, lied, stole from admins house by keeping a dirty secret, got banned...

Firstly you griefed not just "1 block" you were destroying the grinder... and you would not listen to me at all when i told you to not go there... you kept going... destroying, and using it, and stealing. So then i had to go through locking every chest, so you wouldnt steal from it. Yet you started to break blocks of the grinder, and i was saying that griefing a mods build isnt the smartest thing to do... thats all, also i wouldn't be griefing and stealing while a admin watches you.
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Offline DarkenedAngel

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #5 on: 9 June 2012, 08:36:48 PM »
Quintasticable was mod, abused, got taken away, lied, stole from admins house by keeping a dirty secret, got banned...

Firstly you griefed not just "1 block" you were destroying the grinder... and you would not listen to me at all when i told you to not go there... you kept going... destroying, and using it, and stealing. So then i had to go through locking every chest, so you wouldnt steal from it. Yet you started to break blocks of the grinder, and i was saying that griefing a mods build isnt the smartest thing to do... thats all, also i wouldn't be griefing and stealing while a admin watches you.
If this is how it went down i agree with bl4ck and do not believe you should be unbanned. Bl4ck has no reason to lie or bend the truth... you on the other hand do. You want back on the server. But when it comes down to it i believe we can go back, look, and basically see exactly wut happened.

Rude? Maybe. Against the rules? Nope.

On VillageCraft we obey one golden rule: Don't Be a Douche.
That's our rule and everybody knows exactly what it means, so don't be one.

Being a douche includes things like:
 - using hacks or cheats that give you an unfair advantage (like x-ray, flymod, speedhack),
 - constantly asking moderators or admins for items or promotions,
 - griefing buildings that are obviously in use. (Salvaging an abandoned building is fine.)
This was copied and pasted from the villagecraft website. Under the server info tab. Based off of bl4cks description of wut happened you were clearly being a douche and would not listen.

Do we have to bring up quin >.>

Offline cjm721

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #6 on: 10 June 2012, 01:02:11 AM »
I will say this I told anyone if they could find it I would not be pissed but you ended up putting water into the redstone, not lisiting to bl4ck and then going into the chests?

Finding it was not against the rules nor was entering but taking out of chests then breaking shit while Bl4ck was watching?

Second from what I know of it bl4ck caught you early a few minutes before I logged in. And both him and Jan were saying that you said "its not protected so I can use/take what I want."

Also the ban was not just for a single action but them as a whole
1. Stealing
2. griefing ( may not been intentional but you did flood the back room and if you only broke one block there is no way to get from the back room to where you were.
3. Not lisitining to the admins/mod.

Then on a side note either you randomly built out that way or used some thing to see beyond what the normal 16 chunks it sends you. I have optifine which extends my view to the max server allowed and the grinder cannot be seen from the main land (have to go about 100 out and then be on past far settings).

Also when I hopped on all I saw was you in front of me and Bl4ck say leave and you did not and a minute latter you were banned when I was still trying to figure out what was going on, but either way I saw bl4ck say leave and you did not.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #7 on: 10 June 2012, 03:42:09 AM »
About the stealing from chests. I don't think taking stuff from unprotected chests is stealing. We have lockette for a reason. If the chests are in an unprotected building and the chests don't have Lockette, then the items can be considered part of the Outlands.

I am reading the logs and he only destroyed one block to get into the spawner and he replaced it. That's hardly griefing. Bl4ck didn't even give him the chance to explain and just banned him.

"I will say this I told anyone if they could find it I would not be pissed but you ended up putting water into the redstone, not lisiting to bl4ck and then going into the chests?"-CJ
From what I can read, putting water into the redstone was an accident. Bl4ck didn't really explain himself. He said this:
 "if u go near that grinder again your in trouble cuz i need to protect it for cj"
Bl4ck didn't really explain why he wanted him to leave the grinder.

What Teamf did hardly justifies a tempban, and let alone a permaban! We don't even permaban first time xrayers.

Bl4ck, in my opinion this is an unjustified ban and it should be lifted.

Offline digdug68

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #8 on: 10 June 2012, 03:55:43 AM »
I personally believe this ban was out of line, after all, one block? And just to get in? My vote is an Unbanning and a formal apology from Bl4ck for his hastiness in decision. After all, this breaks one of the Main Rules of being a Moderator. "Approach problems slowly, do not be militant". Bl4ck, you're a good guy, but this was unfair.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #9 on: 10 June 2012, 03:55:52 AM »
By the way, even if he had actually griefed the spawner, we never permaban first time griefers. We only jail them. We can't be more severe because the spawner belongs to a moderator.

Offline Teamfe (OP)

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #10 on: 10 June 2012, 07:39:34 AM »
Thanks to all for their opinions.

And to cjm721; I do apologise for the destroying of the redstone and it was definitely not intentional and if the ban is lifted I WILL replace.

Offline Teamfe (OP)

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #11 on: 10 June 2012, 08:10:56 AM »
Quintasticable was mod, abused, got taken away, lied, stole from admins house by keeping a dirty secret, got banned...

Firstly you griefed not just "1 block" you were destroying the grinder... and you would not listen to me at all when i told you to not go there... you kept going... destroying, and using it, and stealing. So then i had to go through locking every chest, so you wouldnt steal from it. Yet you started to break blocks of the grinder, and i was saying that griefing a mods build isnt the smartest thing to do... thats all, also i wouldn't be griefing and stealing while a admin watches you.

Could you please provide logs that show that I broke more than 1 single cobblestone?

Quote from: DarkenedAngel
If this is how it went down i agree with bl4ck and do not believe you should be unbanned. Bl4ck has no reason to lie or bend the truth... you on the other hand do. You want back on the server. But when it comes down to it i believe we can go back, look, and basically see exactly wut happened.

Motive doesn't justify prosecution.

Then on a side note either you randomly built out that way or used some thing to see beyond what the normal 16 chunks it sends you. I have optifine which extends my view to the max server allowed and the grinder cannot be seen from the main land (have to go about 100 out and then be on past far settings).

While building in the void of The End the farthest rendering setting allows me to build without any lag whatsoever, on the other hadn my 7 year old computer can barely handle tiny render distance while on the overworld.
I was building my own ender farm directly opposite the spawning point as this was the easiest place to be found later.
I had built 128(2 cobblestone stacks) blocks into the void and began to build a 23 block high platform with pressure pad spawning points. Similiar to yours but on an infinitely smaller scale. Both D4rk_St0ne and Kenn040 observed this.
I was getting very low spawn rates and I came to the conclusion I wasn't far enough from the land so I tore down the spawning pads and landing strip and built another 128 (2 cobblestone stacks) blocks into the void and while building a larger 16x16 landing pad such as Ethoslab's design and could see the water pouring from your building when I turned my camera diagonal, for some reason it rendered when I did this and not when head on. It was purely fluke that I came across your building.

About the stealing from chests. I don't think taking stuff from unprotected chests is stealing. We have lockette for a reason. If the chests are in an unprotected building and the chests don't have Lockette, then the items can be considered part of the Outlands.

This was my belief and D4rk_St0ne's agro seem'ed to be that I was "Stealing" from an admin's chests as can be seen from the logs.
This was the reason I wasn't listening to him. I believed that the fact that the chests were an admins didn't give him the right to order me to leave. If they were anyone elses unlocked chests there would be zero gripe.

Offline cjm721

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #12 on: 10 June 2012, 01:35:13 PM »
Personally taking stuff from unprotected chests of anyone's I ask them to return the stuff. Now to me the stuff you had taken I was not stuff I really cared about just more the action of taking for a person you know is active (one thing to take out of a chest from someone who has not been on in weeks). All my valuable stuff is hidden and locked anyways, but the chests on the sides did have over 400k worth of materials. while the center ones were random shit and  the stuff i use a lot (ie the 15 enchanted diamond picks as I use them up really fast)

On my hand I should of locked the chests. I thought about turning the area into a "village" but no one had found it and if it was not for airborne accidentally teleporting someone to me no one would have ever known it even existed. But to say it again I'm not really annoyed by you finding it, more confused what all happened before I hopped on. The only thing that I would kicked you out for was taking from the chests more as a being a douche/principle. The redstone was really not an issue just somehow water got in there from where you broke in which I don't get  how it got up there.

On a side note it is a thing I sell time in for 100k for 10minutes. with a purchase of 10minutes at least but I think ill wave that as you did build all the way out there.

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #13 on: 10 June 2012, 01:42:11 PM »
I say unnamed but not to go near mine or cj's spawners.

Offline Akomine

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #14 on: 10 June 2012, 01:44:58 PM »
Teamfe, to me it sounds like you are somewhat guilty of ignoring an admin/mod. Bl4ck legitimately thought you were in there griefing, and considering that you broke a block to get in, and ruined redstone with water, and were taking from chests... I can see why he thought that.

Secondly, taking from the chests, while technically is somewhat cj's fault for not locking them, it is also considered kindof douchey (by cj himself). He isn't so concerned about what you took, but about the act. And to clarify, there isn't more weight on the act simply because it is a staff member's chest. I am declaring you not guilty of stealing, though cj could claim that you were being a douche if he wanted to do so.

With that said, I am also declaring you not guilty of griefing.

Teamfe, you won your appeal, as you have been banned for almost 24h, and with the advice and consent of cjm721, I am removing your ban. Welcome back.


PS: You originally said you were "pretty positive this thread will not be taken on board or even recognized whatsoever", and just wanted to note that that was incorrect. You were also concerned about our staff being above the other players, and I want to say that this is also incorrect. While they do have obvious privileges and responsibilities as staff, they are still under the rules of VillageCraft.
« Last Edit: 10 June 2012, 01:57:29 PM by Akomine »

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Offline cjm721

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Re: Ban Appeal: teamfe
« Reply #15 on: 10 June 2012, 02:10:46 PM »
I am declaring you not guilty of stealing, though cj could claim that you were being a douche if he wanted to do so.

I think the one day of not being able to get on was more then enough anyways even if i did say douche (I really have no idea what you even took).