Accused player(s):
Player(s) effected: TobTrev
Time occurred: (please specify a time zone as well) About 9:40-9:42 PM EST
Location: (Village name or Outlands) Cozy Cottages
Co-ordinates: (not required, but helpful) In the logs
(For unlawful attack reports) If in a village, was PVP on or off? PVP was off.
Brief summary of what happened:
Well, the second I logged on, a conflict started between TobTrev and joshtimasprime. Josh apparently set tob on fire, according to Tob a minute after in the logs it showed this happened 30 seconds before the complaining. The room was apparently locked off with dirt from the main structure, which tob did not have perms to destroy it. We found logs of josh putting fire, very likely to have been him setting Tob on fire in no PVP, from the time difference of when Tob complained and the fire was put on the floor. Mossy or Tob, please add to this if you have anything else.