« Reply #33 on: 18 August 2013, 03:53:15 AM »
So if you have noticed me and Chaos have been on and off rather randomly over the past 3 days, it is because we have spent all our time doing this project. So I present you, our entry for the background competition:
It comes in the following resoloutions: 1280x720, 1366x768, and 1920x1080.
We would have liked to include everyone into this image, but unfortunately there was just too many people actively playing on the server that it would have taken months to do, and would have turned into a "Where's Wally" sort of image. After much thought, we decided to stick to staff but we may do another version in a few months for more people. Sorry
Chaos drew the outline for the images, and I coloured them and did the background. It was a joint effort
Because it comes in a range of resolutions, you can also use it as a desktop background if you wish. If you need a resolution that is not listed then let me know and I will see about getting it posted for you.
I just remembered about our new logo mentioned above, so I quickly edited it to include this instead
EDIT: If the people in this image want their avatar as a separate image, just let me know and I can get it for you
You faggits mind if I add it to my signature? like this:
Made by Chaos and Luis:
Akos' THOR (Ban Hammer of Baness)
"ye boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" - JFK
John Coffey: I'm tired, boss. Tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I'm tired of never having a buddy to be with, to tell me where we's going to, coming from or why. Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head, all the time... Can you understand?" - The Green Mile