Author Topic: Path of Exile!  (Read 2577 times)

Offline SirLogiC (OP)

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Path of Exile!
« on: 4 October 2013, 09:24:44 AM »
I've plugged this game before but I'm doing it again now, it's that awesome. The game will be going into full release on 23 October, and will also be coming on steam. This is an action RPG, similar to Diablo 2, Torchlight, etc but much better than the hunk of shit that was Diablo 3.

Why you should play this game:
1) It's free, completely free, no charge what-so-ever. There is a shop, but that is all item effects, new skill animations, even the ability to buy/design a unique item for the game! Otherwise you can play this as much as you want for absolutely free. You can play it now!

2) It features true customisation. You really can play it any way you want to, and then there is the passive tree, aka "skilldrasil". The tree will change with the release, since more stuff will be getting added. Last I heard it was around 1300 passives. Then there is skills, support gems and the many combinations they have. You can use fireball and make it bigger, shoot multiple fireballs, life steal off it, make it jump to nearby enemies, add cold damage, critical hit more often, make it blind enemies or shoot out more fireballs when it hits- or almost any combination of these! Every skill in the game can be modified like this.

Then on top of this is how uniques work. Most uniques have a "gimmick" and many of them are tailored to changing how a specific skill works. Good rare items are the best items but certain builds require specific uniques to work and help define them.

3) Regular updates! Usually small patches occur every week and larger content patches are frequent. The team behind this game really know their stuff and are dedicated to the project. A lot of additions are uniques designed by players, would you believe at $1000 a pop too!

4) True difficulty. Not fake difficulty where overgearing makes it go away, the mechanics mean you must pay attention. This is not a game you can just casually roll through and expect to win at high level. But when you can kill tough enemies and get awesome loot it is awesome. I guess this is also a minus, if you like Call of Duty style hand holding and coddling then this game will butt rape you hard.
5) No bots! It's true, the above point and how item dropping works means it's almost impossible to bot the game in any meaningful way. I almost never see chat bots even, and they are very quickly dealt with. Then the really crazy thing- there is no gold, coins, money at all. There are "currency" orbs, but every orb has a use in crafting. This makes it harder for RMT to really take off. Weirdly though you will be amazed at how quickly you get used to there being no money.

6) No pants!

Here is a good video review, you will probably note the funny New Zealand accent  :)

Basically in any way that Diablo 2 was awesome, this game expands and changes it into something more awesome. And hell why not try it out, it is free.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: Path of Exile!
« Reply #1 on: 5 October 2013, 01:12:09 PM »
I'll check it out.

Offline ChaosMushrooms

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Re: Path of Exile!
« Reply #2 on: 5 October 2013, 01:39:31 PM »
I think I tried it before but it was too laggy/sucked

Offline Saxturian

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Re: Path of Exile!
« Reply #3 on: 7 October 2013, 09:39:37 PM »
I've plugged this game before but I'm doing it again now, it's that awesome. The game will be going into full release on 23 October, and will also be coming on steam. This is an action RPG, similar to Diablo 2, Torchlight, etc but much better than the hunk of shit that was Diablo 3.

Why you should play this game:
1) It's free, completely free, no charge what-so-ever. There is a shop, but that is all item effects, new skill animations, even the ability to buy/design a unique item for the game! Otherwise you can play this as much as you want for absolutely free. You can play it now!

2) It features true customisation. You really can play it any way you want to, and then there is the passive tree, aka "skilldrasil". The tree will change with the release, since more stuff will be getting added. Last I heard it was around 1300 passives. Then there is skills, support gems and the many combinations they have. You can use fireball and make it bigger, shoot multiple fireballs, life steal off it, make it jump to nearby enemies, add cold damage, critical hit more often, make it blind enemies or shoot out more fireballs when it hits- or almost any combination of these! Every skill in the game can be modified like this.

Then on top of this is how uniques work. Most uniques have a "gimmick" and many of them are tailored to changing how a specific skill works. Good rare items are the best items but certain builds require specific uniques to work and help define them.

3) Regular updates! Usually small patches occur every week and larger content patches are frequent. The team behind this game really know their stuff and are dedicated to the project. A lot of additions are uniques designed by players, would you believe at $1000 a pop too!

4) True difficulty. Not fake difficulty where overgearing makes it go away, the mechanics mean you must pay attention. This is not a game you can just casually roll through and expect to win at high level. But when you can kill tough enemies and get awesome loot it is awesome. I guess this is also a minus, if you like Call of Duty style hand holding and coddling then this game will butt rape you hard.
5) No bots! It's true, the above point and how item dropping works means it's almost impossible to bot the game in any meaningful way. I almost never see chat bots even, and they are very quickly dealt with. Then the really crazy thing- there is no gold, coins, money at all. There are "currency" orbs, but every orb has a use in crafting. This makes it harder for RMT to really take off. Weirdly though you will be amazed at how quickly you get used to there being no money.

6) No pants!

Here is a good video review, you will probably note the funny New Zealand accent  :)

Basically in any way that Diablo 2 was awesome, this game expands and changes it into something more awesome. And hell why not try it out, it is free.
this sounds very interesting... thank you very much for sharing and caring
If you smoke my stash I will cut your dick off and feed it to my hounds so they get a good taste for your flesh. I will then set you free in the forest and give you a one day head start so my hounds get nice and hungry, then I will unleash them and they will hunt you and devour your flesh. hoe

I don't see why a little porn is dark but ok.

Also, if you do choose to hack VC in whatever method, I can get your IPs from the server log, and with more coding knowledge than most people here, I could easily and more importantly legally hack you back. And if you hack VC, I'll be cross. Don't try it.

That is all
Luis, in all his badassery

I love the yearly reminders that Jan has much bigger balls than I do.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: Path of Exile!
« Reply #4 on: 27 October 2013, 11:12:53 PM »
Game just got released on Steam. Nice!

Offline SirLogiC (OP)

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Re: Path of Exile!
« Reply #5 on: 28 October 2013, 12:26:45 AM »
Yep this game is now in the 1.0.0 "full release". Frequent updates are planned still.

Biggest issues people seem to be having is-

1) How is I play gaem pls?!?!!???
2) Desync

My net isn't good and I rarely have lag issues, desync is an issue but holding shift to attack stops most of it.

Beyond that when I started playing my pants exploded and I haven't worn them since! Join Pants of Exile today!

If you want some tips or just to chat press "s" ingame and search/friend add  LanceDIncendie