So, you can now stream Minecraft to from directly in game! I'm sure many people
(Aida) will use this. When we update, I wanna see everyone streaming VillageCraft!
It sounded amazing at first and, dispite never really used Twitch all that much beofre, I was eager to try it out, like I always am with snapshots, so I loaded it up and clicked on the new "Broadcast Settings" button in the options menu. However, rather than being greeted with the options menu Dinnerbone promised, I was given a rather confusing message.
Now, forgive me if I am wrong but 2.1.0 is a higher version than 1.5, right? Does OpenGL use some horrific versioning system where you can't tell which comes after what? Maybe this is why shaders don't work for me too. Is it possible to have two versions of OpenGL installed, because I never installed any manually? Anyone know how to update, without getting new hardware? Why you be so broken laptop
Sidenote: The new music is awesome! If only the sound engine hadn't been rewritten it might play properly