Accused player(s): eogh53, reallyhotguy56
Accused of: Border hopping, douchiness (rude to luis).
Player(s) effected: me (Die_Endermen), danchessplayer, quinw, ldog2005
Time occurred: Around 11:45 AM EST to around 12:40 PM EST
Location: Arena and their base
Co-ordinates: Base: x: 5824 z: -4472 (killed at y:4)
Brief summary of what happened: danchessplayer, quinw, ldog2005 and I were having peaceful PvP matches with no keeps (except for ldog we had keeps but I gave his stuff back: I won). Then eogh53 and reallyhotguy56 come into the middle of our matches and start border hopping (seen in the screenies). Then they claim I start border hopping when they run from side to side in the arena. All I did is go into a safe zone so I could go AFK. I was doing my homework. After that, I tp'ed to one of them and I was killed. Then luis took care of the problem and he said by half past (which was 12:30) everyone's stuff must be returned. They apparently started giving danchessplayer his stuff back but not quinw and mine, who were part of the deal. Luis repeated himself and I kept asking for my stuff back nicely, while they kept refusing to do so. Luis got me a few items back (my melons and arrows). I am missing a diamond sword (sharp 1, bane 2, fire 1) a plain diamond shovel, a stack of melons and a few iron chestplates (middle durability for most of them except for one which is around 5% left [very low]). Luis has solved a lot of this so far (thanks) but I just wish for quinw's things to be returned and my things back too.
Thanks for your time, Die_Endermen