:- `1st of all An
fools comma can I say more ??
for example: your father Existed before your birth but an comma existed Before "whatever D.N.A. father ??"
in this world no `1 can comma be Peace full.
miss is all along Fact.
world 4 Problems: Disease, Old age, Death, and Birth after Birth.
special note: all right for what you are waiting for ? why don't you define what is an Comma on the dictionary language or grammaric basics ? explain it now.
and the first step is to know the difference between an coma and an comma. What is the difference?
“‘No, why? an comma Drinks.’
“‘Well, comma also go to hell.’
explain about an comma which i have written upside ^. go ahead and do it now. ( and don't give me anytype of link because that is not an comma and i didn't gave any link in my argument )
Special Note :- and if you are not able to define what is an comma on the basics of dictionary language or grammaric basics then i will say only two words ** An Commas Paradise.**
an comma.