Author Topic: Get cheesed on, Luis.  (Read 9894 times)

Offline ChaosMushrooms (OP)

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Get cheesed on, Luis.
« on: 26 April 2014, 11:13:48 AM »

Offline luisc99

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #1 on: 26 April 2014, 01:12:42 PM »
"Software updates run slowly on older products"
They must have implemented some special code to make this happen, of course. I mean, hardware not begin as good in older products would have nothing to do with it running slowly now, would it? If you try to run Windows 8 on a old PC, it'll probably run slowly too. If you try and run Android on a old phone, it'll run slowly. Hardware changes, and so do the things required to run the best code. If the ram is not as good in an older model, of course the OS will run slower.

"The use of their own screws"
Because they use screws they designed themselves, it must mean that they are trying to make older products break. Obviously. It's totally got nothing to do with saving money on buying screws from other companies or anything, because that would be ridiculous. As for replacing them in older models, it'll be what the repairers (is that even a word) were told. Same thing if you take a laptop into PC World for repair, and they use different screws to put it back together, or different wires to connect up the parts. It's what they have at the time of repair.

"The new connector"
So, because a new, smaller, simpler, connector that doesn't just go in one way was used to charge things, it must be a bad thing, obviously. I mean by that logic, that's why microUSB is used, to make all other USB connections not work. A smaller connector means a smaller space requirement inside the product, meaning they can fit more stuff in the area saved. But no, this would be far too sensible of a reason to change.

"Apple refuses to comment"
Hm, a multi-million dollar business obviously has nothing better to do than comment on it. Most companies refuse to comment on things. Google are refusing to comment on Google+ being stopped, does that mean they are making things obsolete? Must be, because there is obviously no other reason.

Now because obviously Apple is the only company in the world to have flaws, anything I say now would obviously be made up right?. Such as one where a security fault on the XBOX was discovered by a 5-year-old boy. Or as a way to make money, they stopped support for XP, which is probably the best OS Microsoft was ever able to produce, forcing millions of people to upgrade including making governments pay out huge sums of money simply to keep XP, instead of spending the millions on useful things. Or out of the 6 worst operating systems in history, Microsoft developed 4 of them.

Alternatively, the internet could agree on how bad windows is as seen by my Google Search.

TL;DR If you're gonna pick out flaws in a company, first think "are they sensible flaws" then think "is the company I support any better?"

Also, I really can't be bothered to take part in another "Mac vs Windows" thread, because they are just annoying. Plus, the major Apple hater here Air as recently purchased a Mac to go along with his iPhone, so they can't really be that bad now can they? :P

Offline TheCatsMangler

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #2 on: 26 April 2014, 01:45:08 PM »
"The use of their own screws"
Because they use screws they designed themselves, it must mean that they are trying to make older products break. Obviously. It's totally got nothing to do with saving money on buying screws from other companies or anything, because that would be ridiculous. As for replacing them in older models, it'll be what the repairers (is that even a word) were told. Same thing if you take a laptop into PC World for repair, and they use different screws to put it back together, or different wires to connect up the parts. It's what they have at the time of repair.

Why would a company as big as apple care about screws? And I'm fairly sure it would be easier just to unscrew the current screws and place them on the table next to them then put them back when done. Instead of taking new ones out a box and chucking the old ones. Exception for broken screws (Not likely). Because if you think about it, wouldn't it cost more adding new screws than reusing the old ones?

they stopped support for XP, which is probably the best OS Microsoft was ever able to produce, forcing millions of people to upgrade

Windows 8 was out, don't forget they have been updating it for 12 years. That's longer than most things are updated.

This is nothing personal, I still love you : P

Offline ChaosMushrooms (OP)

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #3 on: 26 April 2014, 02:58:04 PM »

Alternatively, the internet could agree on how bad windows is as seen by my Google Search.

1. Phale.

"The use of their own screws"
Because they use screws they designed themselves, it must mean that they are trying to make older products break. Obviously. It's totally got nothing to do with saving money on buying screws from other companies or anything, because that would be ridiculous. As for replacing them in older models, it'll be what the repairers (is that even a word) were told. Same thing if you take a laptop into PC World for repair, and they use different screws to put it back together, or different wires to connect up the parts. It's what they have at the time of repair.

2. Screws will cost more to produce and why would they feel the need to design a 5 point screw unless there was something fishy going down like not wanting consumers to tamper with their precious product?

"The new connector"
So, because a new, smaller, simpler, connector that doesn't just go in one way was used to charge things, it must be a bad thing, obviously. I mean by that logic, that's why microUSB is used, to make all other USB connections not work. A smaller connector means a smaller space requirement inside the product, meaning they can fit more stuff in the area saved. But no, this would be far too sensible of a reason to change.

3. Why dain't those muddas just use Micro USB instead of making it so awkward?

Offline Airbongo

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #4 on: 26 April 2014, 05:35:57 PM »
Lol, those Google screen caps are just bs. People obviously search "why is Mac better than PC" because they are considering getting a Mac. Almost everyone starts up with a PC so there's a lot more people who go from PC to MAC.

I did buy a Mac and in my opinion, Mac OS is inferior to Windows. You do everything with fucking hotkeys and everything is just so cluttered. Why can't there be a god damn button to get to my desktop? I have to use a hotkey or minimize every single window to get to my desktop and even when I do, the annoying "Finder" toolbar is there to annoy me. And then there's the multiple desktops feature in Mission Control. I hate dat so much! I'll be browsing Chrome and I want to add something up with the calculator so I open the calculator app and it FUCKING SWITCHES ME TO ANOTHER DESKTOP! AWAY FROM MY CHOME WINDOW!! So I gotta open Mission Control and fucking move the calculator to the same desktop Chrome is in.

I do not enjoy the "simplicity" of MAC OS. I feel like I'm using a fucking smart phone and not a computer...It is so restrictive, I gotta modify settings to unlock basic features like fucking right click, lol wtf.

As for the actual machine, I do love it. It's sleek, the screen looks great, even under the sun and I love the backlit keyboard. Most importantly, I love getting 13 hours of battery. It is so light and pretty. I will probably install Windows 7.

Also, fuck Windows 8. Smart people use Windows 7, Windows 8 feels like a fucking smart phone, just like MAC OS.

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« Last Edit: 26 April 2014, 05:42:49 PM by Airborne101st45 »

Offline TheCatsMangler

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #5 on: 26 April 2014, 05:49:41 PM »
Also, fuck Windows 8. Smart people use Windows 7, Windows 8 feels like a fucking smart phone, just like MAC OS.

You think windows 8 is bad? If you got windows 8.1 and updated fully. You would shoot yourself in the head. And you won't even stop to think that you even have a gun.

--------Rant inbound--------

It locks every 60 seconds, so you have to log in. Want to change that? Well you have to go fuck with the registery to make the damn advance options to even show the option. And even then it didn't work for me. A lot of the time it keeps logging me onto a temp account. I have to re-log in again for it to work. I could go on all night about the crap in windows 8.1.

Either stick with windows 7, or if you have windows 8. Don't touch anything which has even remotely the word "update" in it.

Oh, and the search thing, windows 8. I liked it, it was fast, it found everything. Windows 8.1. It's faster to go through your 1000 folders to find what you want, it doesn't even show everything.

Don't get me started on the permissions.

Rant over.
« Last Edit: 27 April 2014, 05:22:50 AM by TheCatsMangler »

Offline Akomine

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #6 on: 26 April 2014, 09:15:41 PM »
-Apple is a highly controlling company

-Apple's connector is terrible, and their refusal to use the universal serial bus like EVERYONE ELSE is indefensible, especially when USB is so obviously better. Their use of an apple-specific connector is classic control-freak apple. USB is great, and with a little adaptor kit any USB can connect to any other USB size. It's almost like co-operation and logic triumphed over greed when it came to USB, but Apple didn't want to be a part of it.

-Indeed, as hardware improves, new software to run on it will simply run worse on the old hardware. I have no idea if Apple actually codes updates to make old software run worse. I'd love to see some proof.

-The screw thing is hilarious, a perfect example of control-freak Apple. There is no fucking way in hell that developing and manufacturing unique screws and screwdrivers that nobody owns is in any way cost-effective for Apple. The fact that they actually take the time and effort replace the old screws when a product comes in for repair is FUNNY as hell. Also unacceptable as shit. Assholes.

-Apple never fucking comments on anything. I don't really blame them, but how they have such terrible PR with such a zombie-like following is incredible to me.

-No, Apple isn't the only flawed company with flawed products. Nobody would ever assert this.

-Microsoft has more failed operating systems (is this even true? is that random website's top 6 list in any way reputable?) because Microsoft makes more operating systems used by more people.

-Apple would not exist if Bill Gates and Microsoft did not rescue the company from bankruptcy, so one could argue that Apple's operating systems were failures to the point that they destroyed the company.

-Google recommended searches are not evidence of anything. People search for things in certain ways, with certain wordings, to get desired results. Google searching is not an answer to an opinion survey or something.

-Apple products are demonstrably overpriced, though this doesn't mean they are bad products.

-Apple probably does use planned obsolescence - many companies do, and Apple is a marketing company who want nothing more than for their annual products to sell. Even if they don't plan obsolescence, they release updates by way of new hardware rather than software to make more money. Case in point: Siri, a (dated) technology easily compatible with an iPhone 4, yet they deliberately don't allow it to be used without a 4S or higher.

My iPhone 4 has voice recognition added to it via jailbreaking, no thanks to Apple for making me have to hack to avoid their bullshit restrictions. This truly is an arbitrary restriction designed to make money by marketing (what Apple does best) a new feature for a whole new phone that could have just been added to the existing phone. If this isn't planned obsolescence, it is the closest fucking thing to it before falling under that label.

TL;DR - some of these accusations are a stretch, some are reasonable. Regardless, apple is a controlling marketing company first, and everything else comes second. Cheese.
« Last Edit: 26 April 2014, 09:30:02 PM by Akomine »

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #7 on: 27 April 2014, 02:03:06 AM »
Inbuilt obsolescence is a fairly old idea now. Apple fully embraces this concept. Basically you make a product able to live long enough that it mostly breaks outside of warranty. Remember 3 year warranties? Or even 5 year warranties? Doubt Apple has any over 1 year now.

Agree Apple is a very controlling company.

They make opening the cases on their products void warranties. The 5 point screws just make it harder for home repairs. They use custom plugs that could just as easily use USB ports. I believe the mac computers don't have upgradable parts, like if you want a better graphics card you have to get a better mac.

There are many ways a company can be bad. Walmart might be a good place to shop but they are horrendous to their low and even mid level workers. Monsanto (they make the Roundup pesticide and GM crops) make farmers reliant on Monsanto completely if they use their GM crops, to the point it can ruin farmers if they have a bad year. Koch Industries probably does more to destroy reason, scientific understanding, education, critical thinking and fair regulation in America (especially concerning fossil fuel energy) than any other group in the world.

Apple's evil is completely fleecing users with pretty devices that needs replacing every year for trivial upgrades or even just new stickers (4 to 4S for example), while completely locking out the users ability to play with the hardware or software. Like they are very easy to use items, and locking out users ability to modify prevents a lot of issues. But if you want a machine that can actually do something you use a PC. The only industries I can think of that use macs are probably some networking people and graphics designers/artists, which seem to love them for some reason.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #8 on: 27 April 2014, 02:40:12 AM »
Inbuilt obsolescence is a fairly old idea now. Apple fully embraces this concept. Basically you make a product able to live long enough that it mostly breaks outside of warranty. Remember 3 year warranties? Or even 5 year warranties? Doubt Apple has any over 1 year now.

Agree Apple is a very controlling company.

They make opening the cases on their products void warranties. The 5 point screws just make it harder for home repairs. They use custom plugs that could just as easily use USB ports. I believe the mac computers don't have upgradable parts, like if you want a better graphics card you have to get a better mac.

There are many ways a company can be bad. Walmart might be a good place to shop but they are horrendous to their low and even mid level workers. Monsanto (they make the Roundup pesticide and GM crops) make farmers reliant on Monsanto completely if they use their GM crops, to the point it can ruin farmers if they have a bad year. Koch Industries probably does more to destroy reason, scientific understanding, education, critical thinking and fair regulation in America (especially concerning fossil fuel energy) than any other group in the world.

Apple's evil is completely fleecing users with pretty devices that needs replacing every year for trivial upgrades or even just new stickers (4 to 4S for example), while completely locking out the users ability to play with the hardware or software. Like they are very easy to use items, and locking out users ability to modify prevents a lot of issues. But if you want a machine that can actually do something you use a PC. The only industries I can think of that use macs are probably some networking people and graphics designers/artists, which seem to love them for some reason.
I don't get the graphic designers/artists who claim Macs are better for it. It is just not true...

Offline Akomine

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #9 on: 27 April 2014, 03:49:01 AM »
Inbuilt obsolescence is a fairly old idea now. Apple fully embraces this concept. Basically you make a product able to live long enough that it mostly breaks outside of warranty. Remember 3 year warranties? Or even 5 year warranties? Doubt Apple has any over 1 year now.

Agree Apple is a very controlling company.

They make opening the cases on their products void warranties. The 5 point screws just make it harder for home repairs. They use custom plugs that could just as easily use USB ports. I believe the mac computers don't have upgradable parts, like if you want a better graphics card you have to get a better mac.

There are many ways a company can be bad. Walmart might be a good place to shop but they are horrendous to their low and even mid level workers. Monsanto (they make the Roundup pesticide and GM crops) make farmers reliant on Monsanto completely if they use their GM crops, to the point it can ruin farmers if they have a bad year. Koch Industries probably does more to destroy reason, scientific understanding, education, critical thinking and fair regulation in America (especially concerning fossil fuel energy) than any other group in the world.

Apple's evil is completely fleecing users with pretty devices that needs replacing every year for trivial upgrades or even just new stickers (4 to 4S for example), while completely locking out the users ability to play with the hardware or software. Like they are very easy to use items, and locking out users ability to modify prevents a lot of issues. But if you want a machine that can actually do something you use a PC. The only industries I can think of that use macs are probably some networking people and graphics designers/artists, which seem to love them for some reason.

Well put.

It's my understanding that while some in the graphic design industry use macs, it is generally at the amateur to intermediate level, and getting into professional productions requires something less restrictive to work with. Sony Vegas, for example, is just one industry standard publicly-available editing suite unavailable for mac, and is definately more used than final cut pro (mac's editing program). Getting into specialized editing, a lot of studios have privately-developed programs (that obviously run on Linux or Windows). I'm not sure why the gradeschool to university level aspiring editors think macs are somehow superior for editing. It is blatantly false. Like, it is simply just not true. Apple marketing magic works, I guess.

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #10 on: 27 April 2014, 05:27:52 AM »
I have to agree with pretty much everything you guys have said. I don't have a problem with Apple's products, just their ethics.

Offline Freelix2000

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #11 on: 25 June 2014, 06:00:47 PM »
"Software updates run slowly on older products"
They must have implemented some special code to make this happen, of course. I mean, hardware not begin as good in older products would have nothing to do with it running slowly now, would it? If you try to run Windows 8 on a old PC, it'll probably run slowly too. If you try and run Android on a old phone, it'll run slowly. Hardware changes, and so do the things required to run the best code. If the ram is not as good in an older model, of course the OS will run slower.

"The use of their own screws"
Because they use screws they designed themselves, it must mean that they are trying to make older products break. Obviously. It's totally got nothing to do with saving money on buying screws from other companies or anything, because that would be ridiculous. As for replacing them in older models, it'll be what the repairers (is that even a word) were told. Same thing if you take a laptop into PC World for repair, and they use different screws to put it back together, or different wires to connect up the parts. It's what they have at the time of repair.

"The new connector"
So, because a new, smaller, simpler, connector that doesn't just go in one way was used to charge things, it must be a bad thing, obviously. I mean by that logic, that's why microUSB is used, to make all other USB connections not work. A smaller connector means a smaller space requirement inside the product, meaning they can fit more stuff in the area saved. But no, this would be far too sensible of a reason to change.

"Apple refuses to comment"
Hm, a multi-million dollar business obviously has nothing better to do than comment on it. Most companies refuse to comment on things. Google are refusing to comment on Google+ being stopped, does that mean they are making things obsolete? Must be, because there is obviously no other reason.

Now because obviously Apple is the only company in the world to have flaws, anything I say now would obviously be made up right?. Such as one where a security fault on the XBOX was discovered by a 5-year-old boy. Or as a way to make money, they stopped support for XP, which is probably the best OS Microsoft was ever able to produce, forcing millions of people to upgrade including making governments pay out huge sums of money simply to keep XP, instead of spending the millions on useful things. Or out of the 6 worst operating systems in history, Microsoft developed 4 of them.

Alternatively, the internet could agree on how bad windows is as seen by my Google Search.

TL;DR If you're gonna pick out flaws in a company, first think "are they sensible flaws" then think "is the company I support any better?"

Also, I really can't be bothered to take part in another "Mac vs Windows" thread, because they are just annoying. Plus, the major Apple hater here Air as recently purchased a Mac to go along with his iPhone, so they can't really be that bad now can they? :P
"Software updates run slowly on older products"
That part actually doesn't add up without a conspiracy though because all that Apple changes in physical updates is just making it smaller, then smaller, then a more interesting curve on the back, then GUYS! GUESS WHAT? I MADE A BIGGER ONE! There really isn't usually any huge changes to the memory or anything that should make a new OS run slower on a slightly older device. On that video, I saw a comment in which someone said that their older device (Not that old, actually, just an update behind I think.) began running slower than a melting stick of butter sliding down a hill after IOS7. It seems that anything that should make a new device run better with a new update must be intentional.
You also claim that the reason for their switch to newer, patented screws was simply to save money by not buying from other companies, but I don't think they would want to begin manufacturing their own screws that still require purchasing materials from other companies just to save money, and even if they did it isn't exactly necessary to make their own type of screw, because I'm pretty sure the more original screw types that most companies use aren't patented, so if they had to begin manufacturing their own screws it wouldn't be necessary to design their own and paten them. Also, the paten on the screws really can't be explained by anything else, the purpose of a paten is to make it illegal for any other company to manufacture tools designed to unscrew their design and make it difficult for people to repair or modify their product. I don't really think that Apple is specifically designing every product to break in a huge, completely deliberate conspiracy, but they are definitely doing some sneaky things.

Screw that, the brand on your ass takes priority since it has a physical manifestation. You belong to me, mother trucker.
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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #12 on: 9 July 2014, 12:53:40 PM »
Also, fuck Windows 8. Smart people use Windows 7, Windows 8 feels like a fucking smart phone, just like MAC OS.

You think windows 8 is bad? If you got windows 8.1 and updated fully. You would shoot yourself in the head. And you won't even stop to think that you even have a gun.

--------Rant inbound--------

It locks every 60 seconds, so you have to log in. Want to change that? Well you have to go fuck with the registery to make the damn advance options to even show the option. And even then it didn't work for me. A lot of the time it keeps logging me onto a temp account. I have to re-log in again for it to work. I could go on all night about the crap in windows 8.1.

Either stick with windows 7, or if you have windows 8. Don't touch anything which has even remotely the word "update" in it.

Oh, and the search thing, windows 8. I liked it, it was fast, it found everything. Windows 8.1. It's faster to go through your 1000 folders to find what you want, it doesn't even show everything.

Don't get me started on the permissions.

Rant over.
At least with Windows you don't have to go to hell and back just to right click. =P

Screw that, the brand on your ass takes priority since it has a physical manifestation. You belong to me, mother trucker.
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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #13 on: 9 July 2014, 02:07:29 PM »
After having my Mac Book Air for months, I conclude that OS X is inferior to Windows. I like the actual laptop though, that's why I installed Windows on it.

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #14 on: 9 July 2014, 03:19:39 PM »
thing is you cant customised the inside/upgrade hardware

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #15 on: 9 July 2014, 03:43:30 PM »
thing is you cant customised the inside/upgrade hardware
I don't need to.

Offline luisc99

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #16 on: 9 July 2014, 04:27:52 PM »
I hate these threads, so I'm not really going to comment in it. Especially since it was directed at me. I'm just going to stick this here though. So much for your "Mac is not comparable with anything" stuff you keep saying to me ;)

Offline Airbongo

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #17 on: 9 July 2014, 05:01:32 PM »
I hate these threads, so I'm not really going to comment in it. Especially since it was directed at me. I'm just going to stick this here though. So much for your "Mac is not comparable with anything" stuff you keep saying to me ;)

What does dis show exactly?

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #18 on: 9 July 2014, 05:16:22 PM »
I once had a mac. Even after I had about a month or two to use it, I eventually came to the conclusion that every MacBook and other shitty excuse for a terrible operating system that Apple has ever made all suck sweaty, saggy balls. If I was stranded on a tiny island with nothing but a MacBook and a palm tree that gave off wifi signals, I would not even touch the MacBook to try to communicate or get help. And if I did, I would probably die before I could even figure out how to right click on the piece of shit.

Screw that, the brand on your ass takes priority since it has a physical manifestation. You belong to me, mother trucker.
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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #19 on: 11 July 2014, 05:55:42 AM »
I hate these threads, so I'm not really going to comment in it. Especially since it was directed at me. I'm just going to stick this here though. So much for your "Mac is not comparable with anything" stuff you keep saying to me ;)

Need context, what is this graph showing? Got a link for the source?

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #20 on: 11 July 2014, 12:37:48 PM »
I hate these threads, so I'm not really going to comment in it. Especially since it was directed at me. I'm just going to stick this here though. So much for your "Mac is not comparable with anything" stuff you keep saying to me ;)

Need context, what is this graph showing? Got a link for the source?

I think it's basically saying that there are more operating systems running on UNIX (Mac) than any other (windows), even though windows is more widely used.

Offline Akomine

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #21 on: 11 July 2014, 12:41:01 PM »
I hate these threads, so I'm not really going to comment in it. Especially since it was directed at me. I'm just going to stick this here though. So much for your "Mac is not comparable with anything" stuff you keep saying to me ;)

Need context, what is this graph showing? Got a link for the source?

I think it's basically saying that there are more operating systems running on UNIX (Mac) than any other (windows), even though windows is more widely used.

Makes no sense

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #22 on: 11 July 2014, 01:42:18 PM »
I hate these threads, so I'm not really going to comment in it. Especially since it was directed at me. I'm just going to stick this here though. So much for your "Mac is not comparable with anything" stuff you keep saying to me ;)

Need context, what is this graph showing? Got a link for the source?

I think it's basically saying that there are more operating systems running on UNIX (Mac) than any other (windows), even though windows is more widely used.

Makes no sense

Exactly. Luis has tried to point this out to me at school before but I never really got it either. Even if more UNIX OSes exist than others, there are still more Windows PCs (probably). I think what Luis is trying to say is that games should really code for UNIX first as it is technically more widely used, despite the fact that more windows PCs exist.

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #23 on: 11 July 2014, 02:17:53 PM »
I hate these threads, so I'm not really going to comment in it. Especially since it was directed at me. I'm just going to stick this here though. So much for your "Mac is not comparable with anything" stuff you keep saying to me ;)

Need context, what is this graph showing? Got a link for the source?

I think it's basically saying that there are more operating systems running on UNIX (Mac) than any other (windows), even though windows is more widely used.

Makes no sense

Exactly. Luis has tried to point this out to me at school before but I never really got it either. Even if more UNIX OSes exist than others, there are still more Windows PCs (probably). I think what Luis is trying to say is that games should really code for UNIX first as it is technically more widely used, despite the fact that more windows PCs exist.
There's a METRIC niggeeload more PC's than Macs.

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Re: Get cheesed on, Luis.
« Reply #24 on: 11 July 2014, 04:33:40 PM »
Simply because Linux distros run on unix, there are more unix builds out there. Valve/Steam agree that the future of gaming/software is moving towards Linux support. In terms of numbers of actual PC use, Windows absolutely fucking dominates. I have no idea what that graph is saying.

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