Author Topic: This made me sad :(  (Read 33610 times)

Offline Akomine

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #31 on: 15 July 2014, 09:49:47 PM »
Can you PLEASE just press enter twice? Even if it's at random during your typing, it would still make it easier to read lol.

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #32 on: 15 July 2014, 10:27:10 PM »
Freelix, I mean none of us are claiming life began on earth from a meteorite bringing ET life here. You can't just call that an "atheist argument" and pin it on us. Atheism does not equal evolution. Sir already pointed this out.

As to the giraffe thing, you really don't get evolution. Giraffes as a species are still evolving. All species are still evolving. Giraffes have long necks because over millions of years, a longer neck was a trait that allowed them to survive. I'm sure several of their ancestors died being unable to reach high up food in a drought or something like that. No the changes do not need to take place in a day. They take place over time through generations of animals. Even just a few generations you can see changes, such as the shapes of the beaks in Galapagos Islands finches.

And no, evolution is not perfect or precise. Just because it takes a long time doesn't mean it is precise. It is not aiming for a goal, it is just what happens to work. Think of survival as a game with many different strategies to winning. Every creature alive today is playing the game and winning. There are many, many, many more who lost. The crazy part is that evolution is not a conscious process, and the creatures winning at it just happen to be winning because over millions of years they have favourable traits.

And again, just because the universe is complex does not mean it has to have been created by the Christian deity. The bible doesn't explain shit. It's a complete contradictory mess. Many parts of it have been disproven. You have a very skewed perception of science. Believe what you want to believe, you have every right and we have full free speech on this server... but you should at least educate yourself on the science to be able to debate it. It is able to prove things, and if you research with an open mind you will be able to find flaws and falsehoods in the bible that simply cannot be overlooked without cognitive dissonance.

Science is a system where we determine what is and isn't true (what is reality). The bible is an ancient book of fairy tales and how it has lived on into 2014 as a factual book is cray. One of them is worth drawing facts from, one of them is not.

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #33 on: 15 July 2014, 10:37:12 PM »
Fossils prove evolution.

They do not prove that humans and every other species evolved from one small organism from space.
Correct, we do not have a fossil of a space creature. I have no idea what this has to do with anything.

I never said evolution was invalid. I said your proof is invalid for proving that humans and many other species of Earth evolved from a small organism from space.
When did I ever claim this? None of us here did. Why are you saying we did? WHAT?

I didn't say evolution is supposed to explain the origins of the universe.
WHAT THE HELL? The big bang has fucking nothing to do with evolution, and yet look at what you said:
Fossils don't prove shit. They prove that organisms do evolve over time, but not the evolution theory. I believe that a creature can become more advanced and evolve over time, that doesn't mean that humans started with some tiny life form that's presence still isn't explained, then over millions of years magically evolved into a million species. Again, the evolution theory is supposed to explain how a random explosion can create complex life, and it doesn't really explain that unless the starting organism was incredibly simple, to simple to evolve or even survive.

You clearly lack an understanding of both concepts. I'm not trying to be rude by saying this, I'm just trying to point out that you need to increase you knowledge in these areas so you don't make these mistakes.

I said its supposed to explain how a complex organism with organ systems to support its life, organs that function to serve countless purposes for countless species, each one with thousands of cells with their own structure and DNA more complicated than any written code, could occur from the creation of a universe that was not created by an intelligent being. And really, evolution does an extremely shitty job at explaining that.
So because it is hard for you to comprehend the sheer scale of evolution, you just revert to "oh god must have done it"? Pretty lame. Often what religious people do though, so not unexpected.

Evolution does an excellent job of explaining how one population can change over time. Given a LOT of time, the changes can be drastic. Given a LOT LOT LOT of time, an organism's evolutionary tree can go on to become many new species, including ones much, much different. This includes an aquatic creature serving as the ancestor to modern great apes (such as humans). Just because something is very complex does not mean it requires a deity.

Interestingly enough, evolution is very imperfect. Humans have bad backs because we are unusual among great apes in that we stand upright, and yet the evolution of our backs is not up to snuff. Giraffes have incredibly long laryngeal nerves that go from their brain, all the way down their neck and then back up again to their larynx, because they evolved to have very long necks but evolution does not have an end goal or work perfectly. The result is an extremely inefficient nerve spanning metres instead of centimetres. Pretty poorly designed there, god.

If your god designed it, why did he do such a bad job?

Also, since you can't prove your god, why do you bother believing in him? Why not another god? Why not no god? Please consider the Flying Spaghetti Monster, for he is so noodly and delicious.
When did I ever claim this? None of us here did. Why are you saying we did? WHAT?
This includes an aquatic creature serving as the ancestor to modern great apes (such as humans). Just because something is very complex does not mean it requires a deity.
I understand that the next thing I said did include the big bang theory, but I wasn't pointing my focus towards it, just using one of the atheist examples of how the universe was created. I was saying that evolution is supposed to explain how organisms can become what they are today from the start of the universe, if the universe was not created by an intelligent being. It does terrible at explaining that because that would mean the starting organism would have to be extremely simple, too simple to survive of evolve. I do not say that God must have done it because I cannot comprehend evolution, but because it simply does not add up. Here's a shitty example, but you get the point: If giraffes have long necks so that they can eat from the top of tall trees and plants, how did they survive before evolving into that? That's a bad example because a giraffe probably could survive without its long neck, but what about the many other organisms that inherit essential traits to help them survive in their environment that they simply could not live without? Is it because they started in another environment? If so, that would mean the change would have had to occur within a day, or they would have had to have started developing a long neck before they ever even needed to eat from a tall tree.
Giraffes have incredibly long laryngeal nerves that go from their brain, all the way down their neck and then back up again to their larynx, because they evolved to have very long necks but evolution does not have an end goal or work perfectly. The result is an extremely inefficient nerve spanning metres instead of centimetres. Pretty poorly designed there, god.
Maybe God doesn't want all animals to be super animals? But why the hell would a tiny change that occurs over millions of years have flaws? It seems like a process that takes so long and works so slowly should be more precise.
Also, since you can't prove your god, why do you bother believing in him?
Ako, please just take the time to read this. =P

You can't prove evolution. You can't prove the big bang theory. You can give reasons to believe it, just as I can give reasons to believe in God, but you cannot prove it. No theory for how we got here has ever been proven. Why not another god? The other religions don't make sense to me. They offer no explanation for why we live in a world with sin, why their god does not show himself and make himself well known, or a reason why their god hasn't killed us all because of our imperfections. The Bible includes explanation for all of that.
We live on one of millions of planets that just happens to be perfect for supporting life. We only find life where we are, and we only find intelligent lives in ourselves. When we find something that is not immediately explained and appears to have structure and design, like the Stonehenge, we begin to wonder what intelligent life has created it. Now we see our planet, perfect for supporting life, with plants that bear fruit for us and streams that provide water for us. When we look close enough at our own hands, we see millions of cells, each one with DNA more complicated than any written code or language. And now we think it came from an explosion. We know we got here somehow and we have many ideas, but really the only difference between atheism and theism is the difference between thinking we, a species that is complex beyond even our own understanding, (mostly referring to our lack of ability to create intelligence) either came from intelligence or random explosions. There are obviously things that we cannot see, such as our own sentience. We are not simply moving parts, we can actually feel and experience, and we assume the ones around us do too. That cannot be explained by science, and science cannot prove that it must be accompanied by a body, nor that its power or knowledge should be limited. Science therefore cannot disprove God, and although many of us do not believe because we do not see it, even logic cannot defy a God. That is why I choose to believe.

Also, Ako, I found a bug in my Halo plugin... You may not want to install it yet. I'm working on a fix. =)

First of all, make no mistake, evolution is proven. There's an overwhelming amount of evidence for it but you refuse to accept this.

I understand that the next thing I said did include the big bang theory, but I wasn't pointing my focus towards it, just using one of the atheist examples of how the universe was created.
Stop using that word, it doesn't mean what you think it means.

Maybe God doesn't want all animals to be super animals? But why the hell would a tiny change that occurs over millions of years have flaws? It seems like a process that takes so long and works so slowly should be more precise.
Because there isn't an intelligent being guiding the process. We are all born with an appendix, an organ that serves no purpose and can cause problems in a lot of people. It lost its function through evolution, why would god give us a useless organ, huh? We are all still evolving, slowly correcting flaws. That's why the appendix lost its use over the course of time, whatever its function was, another organ took over it and eventually we won't have an appendix. How do you explain this? God took our appendix because he didn't want us to be super humans?

I was saying that evolution is supposed to explain how organisms can become what they are today from the start of the universe, if the universe was not created by an intelligent being. It does terrible at explaining that because that would mean the starting organism would have to be extremely simple, too simple to survive of evolve.

Why do you keep saying this? No it doesn't, you already proved that your knowledge about evolution is horrible so why do you keep saying this? It is so hypocritical, and the fact that you think the bible makes more sense than the theory of evolution, makes it even more hypocritical, almost to the point of hilarity. There's so much research focusing on the last universal ancestor, a metric niggerload more than a single 1600 page book (the bible) that was written by the fucking complete opposite of a scientist, but you still dare to say Christianity does a better job at explaining all living organisms. And that's just for the last universal ancestor, there's a fuckton more about evolution as a whole. 

You can't prove evolution. You can't prove the big bang theory. You can give reasons to believe it, just as I can give reasons to believe in God, but you cannot prove it. No theory for how we got here has ever been proven. Why not another god? The other religions don't make sense to me. They offer no explanation for why we live in a world with sin, why their god does not show himself and make himself well known, or a reason why their god hasn't killed us all because of our imperfections. The Bible includes explanation for all of that.

I think Muslims and Jews would disagree with you, what do you know about other religions? Have you ever read the Quran? Fuck, have you ever read your own bible cover to cover? Or do you just blindly believe because that's the impression I am getting. You aren't well read in scientific theories like evolution or the big bang (as you already proved to us), yet you feel the right to say the bible explains it better.

why their god does not show himself and make himself well known, or a reason why their god hasn't killed us all because of our imperfections. The Bible includes explanation for all of that.
Oh, I see, the bible explains the same magical bullshit it is about, impressive.
There are obviously things that we cannot see, such as our own sentience. We are not simply moving parts, we can actually feel and experience, and we assume the ones around us do too. That cannot be explained by science, and science cannot prove that it must be accompanied by a body, nor that its power or knowledge should be limited.
What? Have you ever heard of neuroscience?
"and science cannot prove that it must be accompanied by a body, nor that its power or knowledge should be limited." Please, what?! Your brain is responsible for all of that, is your brain not part of the body? Have you ever heard of the fucking limbic system, man? Or is that just more random science bullshit that the bible explains better? I don't think you are remotely aware of most medical research and you just think it isn't explained. I'm done with dis shit, enjoy Jesus.

You are pretty fucking smart, just use the immense amount of knowledge on the internet to learn more about all this shit.
« Last Edit: 15 July 2014, 10:55:35 PM by Airborne101st45 »

Offline Freelix2000

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #34 on: 15 July 2014, 11:16:35 PM »
Fossils prove evolution.

They do not prove that humans and every other species evolved from one small organism from space.
Correct, we do not have a fossil of a space creature. I have no idea what this has to do with anything.

I never said evolution was invalid. I said your proof is invalid for proving that humans and many other species of Earth evolved from a small organism from space.
When did I ever claim this? None of us here did. Why are you saying we did? WHAT?

I didn't say evolution is supposed to explain the origins of the universe.
WHAT THE HELL? The big bang has fucking nothing to do with evolution, and yet look at what you said:
Fossils don't prove shit. They prove that organisms do evolve over time, but not the evolution theory. I believe that a creature can become more advanced and evolve over time, that doesn't mean that humans started with some tiny life form that's presence still isn't explained, then over millions of years magically evolved into a million species. Again, the evolution theory is supposed to explain how a random explosion can create complex life, and it doesn't really explain that unless the starting organism was incredibly simple, to simple to evolve or even survive.

You clearly lack an understanding of both concepts. I'm not trying to be rude by saying this, I'm just trying to point out that you need to increase you knowledge in these areas so you don't make these mistakes.

I said its supposed to explain how a complex organism with organ systems to support its life, organs that function to serve countless purposes for countless species, each one with thousands of cells with their own structure and DNA more complicated than any written code, could occur from the creation of a universe that was not created by an intelligent being. And really, evolution does an extremely shitty job at explaining that.
So because it is hard for you to comprehend the sheer scale of evolution, you just revert to "oh god must have done it"? Pretty lame. Often what religious people do though, so not unexpected.

Evolution does an excellent job of explaining how one population can change over time. Given a LOT of time, the changes can be drastic. Given a LOT LOT LOT of time, an organism's evolutionary tree can go on to become many new species, including ones much, much different. This includes an aquatic creature serving as the ancestor to modern great apes (such as humans). Just because something is very complex does not mean it requires a deity.

Interestingly enough, evolution is very imperfect. Humans have bad backs because we are unusual among great apes in that we stand upright, and yet the evolution of our backs is not up to snuff. Giraffes have incredibly long laryngeal nerves that go from their brain, all the way down their neck and then back up again to their larynx, because they evolved to have very long necks but evolution does not have an end goal or work perfectly. The result is an extremely inefficient nerve spanning metres instead of centimetres. Pretty poorly designed there, god.

If your god designed it, why did he do such a bad job?

Also, since you can't prove your god, why do you bother believing in him? Why not another god? Why not no god? Please consider the Flying Spaghetti Monster, for he is so noodly and delicious.
When did I ever claim this? None of us here did. Why are you saying we did? WHAT?
This includes an aquatic creature serving as the ancestor to modern great apes (such as humans). Just because something is very complex does not mean it requires a deity.
I understand that the next thing I said did include the big bang theory, but I wasn't pointing my focus towards it, just using one of the atheist examples of how the universe was created. I was saying that evolution is supposed to explain how organisms can become what they are today from the start of the universe, if the universe was not created by an intelligent being. It does terrible at explaining that because that would mean the starting organism would have to be extremely simple, too simple to survive of evolve. I do not say that God must have done it because I cannot comprehend evolution, but because it simply does not add up. Here's a shitty example, but you get the point: If giraffes have long necks so that they can eat from the top of tall trees and plants, how did they survive before evolving into that? That's a bad example because a giraffe probably could survive without its long neck, but what about the many other organisms that inherit essential traits to help them survive in their environment that they simply could not live without? Is it because they started in another environment? If so, that would mean the change would have had to occur within a day, or they would have had to have started developing a long neck before they ever even needed to eat from a tall tree.
Giraffes have incredibly long laryngeal nerves that go from their brain, all the way down their neck and then back up again to their larynx, because they evolved to have very long necks but evolution does not have an end goal or work perfectly. The result is an extremely inefficient nerve spanning metres instead of centimetres. Pretty poorly designed there, god.
Maybe God doesn't want all animals to be super animals? But why the hell would a tiny change that occurs over millions of years have flaws? It seems like a process that takes so long and works so slowly should be more precise.
Also, since you can't prove your god, why do you bother believing in him?
Ako, please just take the time to read this. =P

You can't prove evolution. You can't prove the big bang theory. You can give reasons to believe it, just as I can give reasons to believe in God, but you cannot prove it. No theory for how we got here has ever been proven. Why not another god? The other religions don't make sense to me. They offer no explanation for why we live in a world with sin, why their god does not show himself and make himself well known, or a reason why their god hasn't killed us all because of our imperfections. The Bible includes explanation for all of that.
We live on one of millions of planets that just happens to be perfect for supporting life. We only find life where we are, and we only find intelligent lives in ourselves. When we find something that is not immediately explained and appears to have structure and design, like the Stonehenge, we begin to wonder what intelligent life has created it. Now we see our planet, perfect for supporting life, with plants that bear fruit for us and streams that provide water for us. When we look close enough at our own hands, we see millions of cells, each one with DNA more complicated than any written code or language. And now we think it came from an explosion. We know we got here somehow and we have many ideas, but really the only difference between atheism and theism is the difference between thinking we, a species that is complex beyond even our own understanding, (mostly referring to our lack of ability to create intelligence) either came from intelligence or random explosions. There are obviously things that we cannot see, such as our own sentience. We are not simply moving parts, we can actually feel and experience, and we assume the ones around us do too. That cannot be explained by science, and science cannot prove that it must be accompanied by a body, nor that its power or knowledge should be limited. Science therefore cannot disprove God, and although many of us do not believe because we do not see it, even logic cannot defy a God. That is why I choose to believe.

Also, Ako, I found a bug in my Halo plugin... You may not want to install it yet. I'm working on a fix. =)

First of all, make no mistake, evolution is proven. There's an overwhelming amount of evidence for it but you refuse to accept this.

I understand that the next thing I said did include the big bang theory, but I wasn't pointing my focus towards it, just using one of the atheist examples of how the universe was created.
Stop using that word, it doesn't mean what you think it means.

Maybe God doesn't want all animals to be super animals? But why the hell would a tiny change that occurs over millions of years have flaws? It seems like a process that takes so long and works so slowly should be more precise.
Because there isn't an intelligent being guiding the process. We are all born with an appendix, an organ that serves no purpose and can cause problems in a lot of people. It lost its function through evolution, why would god give us a useless organ, huh? We are all still evolving, slowly correcting flaws. That's why the appendix lost its use over the course of time, whatever its function was, another organ took over it and eventually we won't have an appendix. How do you explain this? God took our appendix because he didn't want us to be super humans?

I was saying that evolution is supposed to explain how organisms can become what they are today from the start of the universe, if the universe was not created by an intelligent being. It does terrible at explaining that because that would mean the starting organism would have to be extremely simple, too simple to survive of evolve.

Why do you keep saying this? No it doesn't, you already proved that your knowledge about evolution is horrible so why do you keep saying this? It is so hypocritical, and the fact that you think the bible makes more sense than the theory of evolution, makes it even more hypocritical, almost to the point of hilarity. There's so much research focusing on the last universal ancestor, a metric niggerload more than a single 1600 page book (the bible) that was written by the fucking complete opposite of a scientist, but you still dare to say Christianity does a better job at explaining all living organisms. And that's just for the last universal ancestor, there's a fuckton more about evolution as a whole. 

You can't prove evolution. You can't prove the big bang theory. You can give reasons to believe it, just as I can give reasons to believe in God, but you cannot prove it. No theory for how we got here has ever been proven. Why not another god? The other religions don't make sense to me. They offer no explanation for why we live in a world with sin, why their god does not show himself and make himself well known, or a reason why their god hasn't killed us all because of our imperfections. The Bible includes explanation for all of that.

I think Muslims and Jews would disagree with you, what do you know about other religions? Have you ever read the Quran? Fuck, have you ever read your own bible cover to cover? Or do you just blindly believe because that's the impression I am getting. You aren't well read in scientific theories like evolution or the big bang (as you already proved to us), yet you feel the right to say the bible explains it better.

why their god does not show himself and make himself well known, or a reason why their god hasn't killed us all because of our imperfections. The Bible includes explanation for all of that.
Oh, I see, the bible explains the same magical bullshit it is about, impressive.
There are obviously things that we cannot see, such as our own sentience. We are not simply moving parts, we can actually feel and experience, and we assume the ones around us do too. That cannot be explained by science, and science cannot prove that it must be accompanied by a body, nor that its power or knowledge should be limited.
What? Have you ever heard of neuroscience?
"and science cannot prove that it must be accompanied by a body, nor that its power or knowledge should be limited." Please, what?! Your brain is responsible for all of that, is your brain not part of the body? Have you ever heard of the fucking limbic system, man? Or is that just more random science bullshit that the bible explains better? I don't think you are remotely aware of most medical research and you just think it isn't explained. I'm done with dis shit, enjoy Jesus.

You are pretty fucking smart, just use the immense amount of knowledge on the internet to learn more about all this shit.
What is this evidence that proves evolution? Fossils, then what? What actually proves that we have evolved from a much smaller organism? One organ in our bodies doesn't explain it. As I've said, I do believe that a creature can evolve, and I have no doubt that humans have changed. I don't believe that Earth is only a few thousand years old, the Bible doesn't say anything to suggest that.

I'm pretty sure I know what the word atheist means. Its an alias for dumbass.

Don't just state that Christianity doesn't explain anything. Explain the flaws in it, and give me a chance to respond. You may as well just say "I am right. You are wrong."

I know enough. I get the basic idea behind all of them, and the one that makes most sense to me besides Christianity is Judaism, but I don't believe that because the book of Isaiah in the Bible actually predicted Jesus as the Messiah, included many poems about it as if it were the past, even though it was written 600 years before. May I ask, have you read the Bible? Have you read even 100 pages of this "metric niggerload" of research you mentioned?

Neurology isn't that advanced, there is still so much about ourselves that we don't understand. Of course our intelligence and thinking is from our brain, but all that explains is why we are advanced organic robots. It doesn't explain how we actually experience what we see, how our thinking is more than just signals in our brain. We are more than just intelligence.

Screw that, the brand on your ass takes priority since it has a physical manifestation. You belong to me, mother trucker.
Freelix is awesome.
Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #35 on: 15 July 2014, 11:23:16 PM »
Uh so, I was arguing with my mexican gardener the other day about beans. He claims refried beans are shit. I am a fan of refried beans so this annoyed me greatly.
My jimmies =

 Anyone else loves refried beans?
mm yummy yummy

Here is a recipe for refried beans, it is in spanish so get your local orange retailer to translate it for you.


2 tazas de Frijoles Enteros Cocidos con un poco de Caldo (400 gr)
1/4 de Cebolla (35 gr)
3 cucharadas de Manteca de Cerdo
1/2 cucharadita de Sal
Queso Cotija molido al gusto (opcional)
Totopos al gusto (opcional)


1 Cacerola
1 Tabla para Cortar
1 Aplastador de Frijoles
1 Pala de Cocina
1 Cuchillo


Fría la Cebolla

Corte finamente 1/4 cebolla, al finalizar reserve.
Caliente en una cacerola a fuego medio 3 cucharadas de manteca de cerdo.
Ponga en la cacerola la cebolla que picó y fríala por 1 minuto aproximadamente, hasta que se ponga un poco transparente; mueva regularmente.

Fría los Frijoles

Incorpore en la cacerola:
2 tazas de Frijoles Enteros Cocidos con un poco de Caldo.
1/2 cucharadita de Sal.

Aplaste los frijoles con un aplastador de frijoles, hasta que obtenga la consistencia de un puré.
Fría los frijoles por unos 5 minutos, hasta que estén medianamente fritos y espesos; mueva constantemente.

Decore los Frijoles Refritos

Cuando sirva los frijoles refritos puede espolvorear un poco de queso cotija molido sobre ellos.
También puede insertar unos totopos en los frijoles refritos.

¡Que Ricos Frijoles!

Frijoles Refritos con totopos, queso y pan

Tip: Los frijoles refritos los puede congelar , sin ningún problema y así siempre los tendrá disponibles.

Sugerencia: Sí le gustó la consistencia de estos frijoles prepárese para la crema de frijol.

Variación: Otra forma de preparar frijoles – Frijoles Charros.


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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #36 on: 15 July 2014, 11:24:27 PM »
I'm pretty sure I know what the word atheist means. Its an alias for dumbass.

I'm not even atheist (I don't care about why we exist or how) but I'm sick of your fucking dick holster!
Shut it!

This is now a refried beans thread.

Offline Airbongo (OP)

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #37 on: 15 July 2014, 11:26:25 PM »
I'm pretty sure I know what the word atheist means. Its an alias for dumbass.

I'm not even atheist (I don't care about why we exist or how) but I'm sick of your fucking dick holster!
Shut it!

This is now a refried beans thread.

Offline Akomine

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #38 on: 15 July 2014, 11:34:56 PM »
When I was railing air's mom last night, I finally got her to give me her refried bean recipe. She even made me some!

1 pound dry ziti pasta
1 onion, chopped
1 pound lean ground beef
2 (26 ounce) jars spaghetti sauce
6 ounces provolone cheese, sliced
1 1/2 cups sour cream
6 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add ziti pasta, and cook until al dente, about 8 minutes; drain.

In a large skillet, brown onion and ground beef over medium heat. Add spaghetti sauce, and simmer 15 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Butter a 9x13 inch baking dish. Layer as follows: 1/2 of the ziti, Provolone cheese, sour cream, 1/2 sauce mixture, remaining ziti, mozzarella cheese and remaining sauce mixture. Top with grated Parmesan cheese.

Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until cheeses are melted.

Ako is gay and has superaids - Air

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #39 on: 15 July 2014, 11:36:30 PM »

« Last Edit: 15 July 2014, 11:38:49 PM by Airborne101st45 »

Offline Akomine

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #40 on: 15 July 2014, 11:44:28 PM »
Air, ur mom's beans are shit.

Ako is gay and has superaids - Air

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #41 on: 15 July 2014, 11:51:02 PM »
Air, ur mom's beans are shit.
Um wow? No they aren't, faggot. I bet your mom's poutine is utter shit, though.


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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #42 on: 15 July 2014, 11:54:30 PM »
poutine vs refried beans

who will win


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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #43 on: 15 July 2014, 11:56:32 PM »
poutine vs refried beans

who will win


Offline Akomine

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #44 on: 16 July 2014, 12:48:33 AM »

Ako is gay and has superaids - Air

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #45 on: 16 July 2014, 01:48:46 AM »
All hail his noodly appendage. Ramen.

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #46 on: 16 July 2014, 02:48:20 AM »

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #47 on: 16 July 2014, 02:35:50 PM »
Air why the fuck did you put post your recipe in spanish? I want to make some beans too.

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #48 on: 16 July 2014, 02:38:30 PM »
Air why the fuck did you put post your recipe in spanish? I want to make some beans too.
I clearly stated that you should talk to your local orange vendor to get it translated.

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #49 on: 16 July 2014, 04:30:30 PM »
Air why the fuck did you put post your recipe in spanish? I want to make some beans too.
I clearly stated that you should talk to your local orange vendor to get it translated.
Sorry I didn't read the entire thing because I saw spanish. Would a banana vendor be okay?

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #50 on: 16 July 2014, 04:33:00 PM »
Guys, I'm sorry I've been so hostile. I guess I got a bit too pissed when I saw all the hateful replies towards Christianity that followed this thread. I'm done reflecting that hate now, but please, have a little respect for my religion and try to keep the hate to yourself a little. If you would like to continue this debate, I am willing to do that in a more friendly manner now. =)

Screw that, the brand on your ass takes priority since it has a physical manifestation. You belong to me, mother trucker.
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Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #51 on: 16 July 2014, 07:11:34 PM »
Guys, I'm sorry I've been so hostile. I guess I got a bit too pissed when I saw all the hateful replies towards Christianity that followed this thread. I'm done reflecting that hate now, but please, have a little respect for my religion and try to keep the hate to yourself a little. If you would like to continue this debate, I am willing to do that in a more friendly manner now. =)

I assure you my hate is not towards you. I refuse to respect your religion, I only respect your right to hold any idea/belief/thought/association that you please. Furthermore, I will protect your right to speak freely on the VC network (with the exception of harassment or bullying). Respect must be earned, not demanded.

I'm happy to continue the debate. I'm also happy to provide you with proper academic sources that prove the science we talk about. But please do not put words in my/our mouth. I'd also like to take a moment to explain to you what atheism is and what it isn't, since you seem to be a bit confused, if you're interested.

I'm even more happy to announce that air's mom has been kidnapped and forced offered to join my dungeon as cook. She will be serving refried beans made of the feces of the other slaves willing dungeon volunteers.

Ako is gay and has superaids - Air

Offline Freelix2000

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #52 on: 16 July 2014, 07:31:24 PM »
Guys, I'm sorry I've been so hostile. I guess I got a bit too pissed when I saw all the hateful replies towards Christianity that followed this thread. I'm done reflecting that hate now, but please, have a little respect for my religion and try to keep the hate to yourself a little. If you would like to continue this debate, I am willing to do that in a more friendly manner now. =)

I assure you my hate is not towards you. I refuse to respect your religion, I only respect your right to hold any idea/belief/thought/association that you please. Furthermore, I will protect your right to speak freely on the VC network (with the exception of harassment or bullying). Respect must be earned, not demanded.

I'm happy to continue the debate. I'm also happy to provide you with proper academic sources that prove the science we talk about. But please do not put words in my/our mouth. I'd also like to take a moment to explain to you what atheism is and what it isn't, since you seem to be a bit confused, if you're interested.

I'm even more happy to announce that air's mom has been kidnapped and forced offered to join my dungeon as cook. She will be serving refried beans made of the feces of the other slaves willing dungeon volunteers.
That's great! Can I haz some refried beans?

Screw that, the brand on your ass takes priority since it has a physical manifestation. You belong to me, mother trucker.
Freelix is awesome.
Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #53 on: 16 July 2014, 07:35:16 PM »
Guys, I'm sorry I've been so hostile. I guess I got a bit too pissed when I saw all the hateful replies towards Christianity that followed this thread. I'm done reflecting that hate now, but please, have a little respect for my religion and try to keep the hate to yourself a little. If you would like to continue this debate, I am willing to do that in a more friendly manner now. =)

I assure you my hate is not towards you. I refuse to respect your religion, I only respect your right to hold any idea/belief/thought/association that you please. Furthermore, I will protect your right to speak freely on the VC network (with the exception of harassment or bullying). Respect must be earned, not demanded.

I'm happy to continue the debate. I'm also happy to provide you with proper academic sources that prove the science we talk about. But please do not put words in my/our mouth. I'd also like to take a moment to explain to you what atheism is and what it isn't, since you seem to be a bit confused, if you're interested.

I'm even more happy to announce that air's mom has been kidnapped and forced offered to join my dungeon as cook. She will be serving refried beans made of the feces of the other slaves willing dungeon volunteers.
And also, when I ask for respect for my religion, that was really directed more towards Airbo and all the shit I see here from him, and even though I have not proved that my God is alive, and again I cannot prove he is, I believe that I have proved that it is more than just a belief in random magic, and for that it does at least deserve to not be insulted and mocked all over VC forums for no apparent reason.

Screw that, the brand on your ass takes priority since it has a physical manifestation. You belong to me, mother trucker.
Freelix is awesome.
Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Offline Airbongo (OP)

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #55 on: 16 July 2014, 08:26:20 PM »
Guys, I'm sorry I've been so hostile. I guess I got a bit too pissed when I saw all the hateful replies towards Christianity that followed this thread. I'm done reflecting that hate now, but please, have a little respect for my religion and try to keep the hate to yourself a little. If you would like to continue this debate, I am willing to do that in a more friendly manner now. =)

I assure you my hate is not towards you. I refuse to respect your religion, I only respect your right to hold any idea/belief/thought/association that you please. Furthermore, I will protect your right to speak freely on the VC network (with the exception of harassment or bullying). Respect must be earned, not demanded.

I'm happy to continue the debate. I'm also happy to provide you with proper academic sources that prove the science we talk about. But please do not put words in my/our mouth. I'd also like to take a moment to explain to you what atheism is and what it isn't, since you seem to be a bit confused, if you're interested.

I'm even more happy to announce that air's mom has been kidnapped and forced offered to join my dungeon as cook. She will be serving refried beans made of the feces of the other slaves willing dungeon volunteers.
And also, when I ask for respect for my religion, that was really directed more towards Airbo and all the shit I see here from him, and even though I have not proved that my God is alive, and again I cannot prove he is, I believe that I have proved that it is more than just a belief in random magic, and for that it does at least deserve to not be insulted and mocked all over VC forums for no apparent reason.
I never mocked you, though. I have mocked religion on the forums for 3 years :P

Offline Akomine

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #56 on: 16 July 2014, 10:27:07 PM »
And also, when I ask for respect for my religion, that was really directed more towards Airbo and all the shit I see here from him, and even though I have not proved that my God is alive, and again I cannot prove he is, I believe that I have proved that it is more than just a belief in random magic, and for that it does at least deserve to not be insulted and mocked all over VC forums for no apparent reason.

Except for rare unique circumstances, not he nor you nor anyone else will be censored, sorry.

Ako is gay and has superaids - Air

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #57 on: 16 July 2014, 10:45:36 PM »
And also, when I ask for respect for my religion, that was really directed more towards Airbo and all the shit I see here from him, and even though I have not proved that my God is alive, and again I cannot prove he is, I believe that I have proved that it is more than just a belief in random magic, and for that it does at least deserve to not be insulted and mocked all over VC forums for no apparent reason.

Except for rare unique circumstances, not he nor you nor anyone else will be censored, sorry.
I'm not exactly asking for a new rule or actual staff-enforced censorship, that would be dumb because this is VC, a magical place where anyone can say whatever the hell they want. =P I'm just trying to prove the point that theism, or more specifically Christianity, is not the belief random magic and I'm hoping for the community to decide for themselves to keep the mocking and hate to themselves a bit.

Screw that, the brand on your ass takes priority since it has a physical manifestation. You belong to me, mother trucker.
Freelix is awesome.
Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Offline Airbongo (OP)

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #58 on: 16 July 2014, 11:16:56 PM »
And also, when I ask for respect for my religion, that was really directed more towards Airbo and all the shit I see here from him, and even though I have not proved that my God is alive, and again I cannot prove he is, I believe that I have proved that it is more than just a belief in random magic, and for that it does at least deserve to not be insulted and mocked all over VC forums for no apparent reason.

Except for rare unique circumstances, not he nor you nor anyone else will be censored, sorry.
I'm not exactly asking for a new rule or actual staff-enforced censorship, that would be dumb because this is VC, a magical place where anyone can say whatever the hell they want. =P I'm just trying to prove the point that theism, or more specifically Christianity, is not the belief random magic and I'm hoping for the community to decide for themselves to keep the mocking and hate to themselves a bit.
but it is :(

Offline ChaosMushrooms

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #59 on: 17 July 2014, 01:30:50 AM »
Luis walks into a bar. Bartender says: "why the long face?", Luis says: " I bought a Mac and now I cant play any video games".


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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #60 on: 17 July 2014, 03:13:40 AM »
Luis walks into a bar. Bartender says: "why the long face?", Luis says: " I bought a Mac and now I cant play any video games".

Offline Airbongo (OP)

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Re: This made me sad :(
« Reply #61 on: 17 July 2014, 03:54:12 AM »
Luis walks into a bar. Bartender says: "why the long face?", Luis says: " I bought a Mac and now I cant play any video games".