I appreciate all the support guys, it is nice hearing it from time to time. I don't care of anyone's opinions on war, etc. nor do I care for politics in general (truth be told I am an idealistic Marxist, lol) but to know that there are so many opinions out there on the legitimacy of current American involvement in the Middle East, yet people still thank me for what I do is, for lack of a better term, overwhelming. Makes me feel appreciated. But, you all deserve credit too, for standing behind members of your respective Nation's Armed Forces, regardless of your personal beliefs. That is why I chose the path I have. And Kovos, I too am quite the scholar, but I found that books are not the only place to garner knowledge and wisdom. The field itself has much to offer, especially if you are a student of human psychology, history, humanities, anthropology, et al. And as an aside, I personally think the origin of everyone's name here is pretty cool. It is a small insight to who we each are as a person and things that we value as individuals.
I love you guys and VC rocks!