I'm like what I'm hearing but will any plugins be reset/removed?
This is my main concern.
Also how long will it take till update is another thing bugging me. I wanna stack my buckets and signs
We will update when we make sure all of our plugins are fully compatible.
what if theres that ONE annoying plugin that wont update, will you skip it till it updates? Considering it isnt a important one
In most instances I have personally seen, server admins generally wait until ALL plugins, with very rare exceptions, are up-to-date on a stable version that's been bug-checked. This may take a couple of weeks time, but in exchange it allows the players to go from a completely functional, outdated system to a completely functional, updated system, without a broken bit in between that can cause a hundred thousand duping/hacking/etc. issues that the admins just don't want the stress of dealing with. I know that when I updated plugins for my old server, I specifically waited for the time that they were all completely stable, backed up the files anyways, and updated them, because it was just way safer for everyone to do that.