Author Topic: Twitch  (Read 4116 times)

Offline ThePandaWonder (OP)

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« on: 11 January 2015, 06:59:00 PM »
As some of you already know I've started streaming to twitch for shits and giggles (Not really, I always wanted to do something that has to do with gaming). I know I am not that experienced with videos and streaming but I hope to improve! I already got 10 followers after just 3 streams and had 11 people watching me at one time which I find amazing. Now most of those followers (about 75%) are friends or people from VC. Anyway, I am going to try and take this streaming stuff seriously, I want to do something I like. People that had watched my stream said I was good/decent (Hey its a start). It was hard to actually not just be myself and be silent but Dave kept me going (you may know him as killermango135) and I have a few things to tell you and ask you about.

I will be streaming from an iMac but its a good one (overpriced but good). As I found out myself, streaming with an in-built mic is a bad idea and this is where the next part of this post comes in!

Software Upgrades

A Windows Operating System (8.1, it's the only one they had, I wish I had 7)
Which means that I will be able to stream nearly any game now!
As I will have a Windows OS I will be able to choose between streaming software aswell as different audio software that will improve my audio quality!

Hardware Upgrades

A good quality microphone! Blue Snowball
A Mic Stand!
A Shock Mount!
A Pop Filter!
A Pair of Headphones! (Air you suggested good headphones but I forgot I needed open acoustic)

Other Things!

As I said I found it hard to keep going on my own since I am quite boring as a person (I can go wild sometimes but thats rare) so I need a partner to do twitch with! This is not a fixed position because it would be boring to stream with the same combination of people (Maybe not, idk)

@Lycoris That's you Aida isn't it? If it is, you've streamed before haven't you? (I know you have I watched you) Any tips? I would love some tips! I would love some tips from anyone actually! Any sources of good uncopyrighted music you know of?

I will be streaming in about a month or two, this is so I can get ready before hand!

Potentual Server Advertisement

As it says above, this may be seen as an opportunity to advertise VC on a media!

@Airborne101st45 @JANUARYJONES @Akomine @Bl4ck_St0ne @killermango135 @CSB @Kyro @luisc99 @TheCatsMangler @DoggyStomper
I am sorry if I left anyone important out

Thank you for reading my wall of text, there might be mistakes since this computer is shit (I am in school right now and this computer loves to burst into flames at random times)
« Last Edit: 11 January 2015, 07:51:29 PM by ThePandaWonder »

Offline Airbongo

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Re: Twitch
« Reply #1 on: 11 January 2015, 07:56:00 PM »
can u do camgirl livestreams

Offline OctoGamer

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Re: Twitch
« Reply #2 on: 12 January 2015, 05:05:27 PM »

Offline Lycoris

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Re: Twitch
« Reply #3 on: 5 May 2015, 04:00:35 PM »
where are the cam girls? I've been waiting

Swatted away by the world, I was atop an incredibly thin needle.
I was using the tips of my fingers to balance,
But it wasn’t until they touched you that I learned I wasn’t alone;
That alone bestowed upon me these crooked wings.
“What do you want to accomplish between life and death,” I asked,
But all you did was laugh, like an angel.
Weaving through the spaces of the hordes of buildings burning in the summer heat,
We’ll eventually descend, pulling that trigger at the very end.
And winter will cover everything.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: Twitch
« Reply #4 on: 5 May 2015, 04:25:19 PM »
where are the cam girls? I've been waiting
Me too.

Online KingNurtul

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Re: Twitch
« Reply #5 on: 21 May 2015, 12:00:27 PM »
Hey so I watch Twitch alot and ive been paying attention to some production stuff because I think it would be cool to stream maybe if I have time in or after College? idk but maybe I can help you out a little with my tiny little brain:

First: for talking, I think i'm going to have a problem with that too. I thing I noticed alot of people to is just kinda say whats going on. Even if it seems boring and routine to you, there might be viewers who have no idea whats going on and can learn from it. just stuff like "I need to get seeds to grow plants" and just kind of a running dialogue of what your doing and thinking.Make sure you tell your people you  enjoy their company and like them and stuff, it makes them want to come back and give you money.
And Music: On twitch you can play music on stream, but any replays of the stream will be muted if its copyrighted material. So you can either only play classical music or you can go out and make some musical friends. Heres some guys I have seen music played from on live streams of course, but they usually would like if you talked to them through email or something asking for permission, and ALWAYS be sure your viewers can find some kind of credit to the song creator
Equiment: If you dont want to go find a real pop filter, Ive heard a sock or something can do a similar thing for less money. And make sure your background isn't... too interesting, ive seen some embarassing things in the background of starting streams.

Sorry for my wall of text  :P

Addition: whats your Twitch channel name? ill go follow you :)
Sorry 1 more thing, something that I see through alot of the popular channels is they have a mascot kinda thing or a theme, they have Dinosaurs all over or like Pie or they have Rock-on hands, just a thing to make people remember you and serve as a symbol of your streaming prowess

« Last Edit: 21 May 2015, 12:24:18 PM by KingNurtul »
My advice to everyone else on this server:
I encourage you all to make something of your lives. I implore you not to waste your "glory days" in front of a computer screen like I did. Go out into the world, but do not live like everyone else. Strive to stand above and bring the others up with your knowledge and hard work.-Kovos Datch

jokes are no longer allowed on Villagecraft.-Anonymous(Aug. 2020)

Offline ThePandaWonder (OP)

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Re: Twitch
« Reply #6 on: 13 June 2015, 11:32:46 PM »
[Wall Of Extremly Usefull Text]

Sorry for replying so late, I've put off replying because I thought this needed an honest good reply, also one typed out on a keyboard and not an autocorrected mess, still on an iphone but with a keyboard at least! Anyway I have been thinking alot about streaming in the summer and I have come up with multiple ways to improve the quality of entertainment.

First : Running commentary is difficult and I understand that, and that is why I tried to encourage my friends to be doing the streams with me, one of them is @killermango135 and he agreed to help me with multiple things (well he helps me with alot of things in real life, that is what best friends are for right? We are good friends, anyway). I decided to plan a rough schedule and I started it a few days ago (planning what games and such) I hope to get it done by the end of next week or so. Having it organised will help me to focus a bit more and I will in most cases have a friend by my side because they will know when and where to find me.

Secondly : Music, I did my homework and I found some pretty sweet tunes, Outertone (they are on YT look them up) and they only ask you to provide the link to their YT channel if you use their music for streaming or YT videos so that is 90% sorted, just gotta get in contact with them to verify it. Monster cat have amazing music but they are a alot harder to get permission from, maybe in the future.

Equipment : I gathered all the equipment I wanted and needed so that is good to go.

Background : Yeh it can be embarrassing to have something personal in there but I got that sorted. As some well know I am quite well off, so I went out and bought some acoustic foam and had them installed by the people that built the house (they are good friends and they did an excelent job) so now its just a red background. Might change it to green if it gets too irritating (red tends to agitate people and such, maybe green is the way).

Also if you are actually planninng to do this you are welcome to join me in the struggle. Maybe we can collaborate together and get something going! Best of luck and thank you for that gloriuous wall of text. This was actually pleasant to read. Oh and also sorry about this wall.

Edit : My twitch is the same as my name so its also forgot to mention you @KingNurtul
« Last Edit: 13 June 2015, 11:37:29 PM by ThePandaWonder »