Author Topic: witcher 3  (Read 5178 times)

Offline SirLogiC (OP)

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witcher 3
« on: 20 May 2015, 01:48:53 AM »
Played this for a few hours now and it seems quite good, here is my initial thoughts.

  • Heralt's beard grows in real time.
  • World looks and feels full. Skyrim felt empty. Forest vegetation was sparse (though it was so you could have good visability). Here forests are thick with trees and shrubs. You can use your "witcher senses" to listen for threats.
  • Voice acting is quite good
  • You can hold shift on it's own and you will follow roads, whether on horseback, or walking. Just need to turn. Very well done.
  • Geralt's beard actually grows in real time, like you see the beard get longer as the days pass.
  • The world itself looks beautiful

  • You step to turn, means turning can be clunky
  • Combat feels a little clunky
  • You can't zoom in on Geralt's beard and admire it's manliness up close

Offline SirLogiC (OP)

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #1 on: 24 May 2015, 01:23:18 AM »
Ok played some more.

A recent patch has fixed some FPS issues for me, so that's good. Still think combat is clunky.

The ambience in this game is amazing though. Definitely turn the music off. Like it might be clear and sunny. Suddenly the wind picks up and you see clouds slowly track across the sky. You hear the rustling of the leaves and you *see* the trees bend in the wind. Sometimes it will get dark and then the rain will start. Then there is simple things like hearing insect and bird calls, seeing small flocks of I guess sparrows or something flit about. In towns you hear the people gossip, the clang of the smith's hammer, the grunts of soldiers training. The world feels vastly more alive than Skyrim's. The voice acting is also very good, better than earlier Witcher games, characters have good facial expressions too.

Also there is almost no loading screens. If you want to enter a house, you open the door and walk inside, no loading. This game isn't about dungeons, though there are some. Nearly all are part of the environment though, to enter a cave you walk inside, no loading. Because content isn't in dungeons, like in Skyrim, riding around the world feels like you are actually exploring. You see bandits camped out, or army deserters, sometimes traders or peasants in distress, sometimes monster dens. Plus finding areas gets you recipes you need for crafting gear.

Combat is well, hard to describe. Skyrim combat was direct and fairly simple. This game is more technical. Usually it's just spam attacking, timing a dodge or two. Bosses can be difficult though. As you level you get better gear, which makes combat a lot easier. Trying to use the crossbow or cast signs (aka spells) quickly can be difficult and annoying. Another issue is movement- Geralt can't pivot, to change direction he takes a step in that direction. This can make lining up to loot a difficult container or climbing ladders frustrating.

Offline kill-bill

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #2 on: 24 May 2015, 05:31:31 AM »
You're playing it on console or a pc? i heard that they've downgraded the graphics and it's not what it look like before.

Offline SirLogiC (OP)

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #3 on: 25 May 2015, 04:06:26 AM »
You're playing it on console or a pc? i heard that they've downgraded the graphics and it's not what it look like before.

Playing PC, can't complain about graphics. Maybe they are downgraded, but it looks good enough, looks great even. Unless you want to give me $600 for an awesome video card to really test it out lol

Also just learnt a new word playing this, which I am sure the fine gentlemen of this forum will appreciate.

Tyromancy- Divining by the coagulation of cheese.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #4 on: 25 May 2015, 10:53:47 AM »
Wtf I posted a reply yesterday and apparently it didn't post.

I played it for a few hours on friday and I liked it. Combat is pretty challenging, you can't just spam most enemies with your sword, you gotta time your strikes, parry well and make good use of dodging and rolling, feels pretty good. I will probably play some more today.

Offline TobTrev

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #5 on: 25 May 2015, 01:06:56 PM »
Game's combat is very similar to Fable from what I've heard nothing more than button mashing.

Offline Akomine

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #6 on: 25 May 2015, 01:24:56 PM »
Having played Witcher 1, assuming the combat is the same stupid timed click to attack/parry/roll style, it's some of the worst combat in a game I've ever seen. I actually stopped playing it for this reason. In a story-driven world where you try to get immersed in the environment they've created, I found it incredibly weird and disappointing that the combat felt like a stupid nearly-mindless button-mashing afterthought.

But that's just me, I prefer interesting combat, and I don't know what Witcher 3's is like.

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Offline SirLogiC (OP)

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #7 on: 26 May 2015, 12:15:24 AM »
If you play on normal or easy then combat is a mindless button mash. If you play on hard (like me) or hardest setting combat is hard. I mean I am bad at combat, I button mash, but I get hurt for it. If you just spam attacks enemies will dodge and counter. If you time it right and are good (not like me) you can probably get through most fights without getting hit.

There is dodge-rolls (you move far but is slow to finish), dodge (fast but you don't move far, useful though), parry, counter, parry-counter if you are good.

Potions are also in, but they work as "charges", you get a few swigs per rest, instead of having to constantly craft them. It feels much better really. Weapon oils can give you a damage boost against certain enemies, and on harder difficulties it's probably best to use them.

But as I said before, it's hard to do fast chained moves. Doing a dodge-roll and casting a knockback out of it is annoying, since you have to finish the roll animation before you can cast. Learning to do a normal roll then a spell would help there though lol

Now I am off to practice some tyromancy.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #8 on: 26 May 2015, 12:34:25 PM »
If you play on normal or easy then combat is a mindless button mash. If you play on hard (like me) or hardest setting combat is hard. I mean I am bad at combat, I button mash, but I get hurt for it. If you just spam attacks enemies will dodge and counter. If you time it right and are good (not like me) you can probably get through most fights without getting hit.

There is dodge-rolls (you move far but is slow to finish), dodge (fast but you don't move far, useful though), parry, counter, parry-counter if you are good.

Potions are also in, but they work as "charges", you get a few swigs per rest, instead of having to constantly craft them. It feels much better really. Weapon oils can give you a damage boost against certain enemies, and on harder difficulties it's probably best to use them.

But as I said before, it's hard to do fast chained moves. Doing a dodge-roll and casting a knockback out of it is annoying, since you have to finish the roll animation before you can cast. Learning to do a normal roll then a spell would help there though lol

Now I am off to practice some tyromancy.
I'll tyromancy your face (not with cheese though)

Offline SirLogiC (OP)

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #9 on: 27 May 2015, 01:15:49 AM »
If you play on normal or easy then combat is a mindless button mash. If you play on hard (like me) or hardest setting combat is hard. I mean I am bad at combat, I button mash, but I get hurt for it. If you just spam attacks enemies will dodge and counter. If you time it right and are good (not like me) you can probably get through most fights without getting hit.

There is dodge-rolls (you move far but is slow to finish), dodge (fast but you don't move far, useful though), parry, counter, parry-counter if you are good.

Potions are also in, but they work as "charges", you get a few swigs per rest, instead of having to constantly craft them. It feels much better really. Weapon oils can give you a damage boost against certain enemies, and on harder difficulties it's probably best to use them.

But as I said before, it's hard to do fast chained moves. Doing a dodge-roll and casting a knockback out of it is annoying, since you have to finish the roll animation before you can cast. Learning to do a normal roll then a spell would help there though lol

Now I am off to practice some tyromancy.
I'll tyromancy your face (not with cheese though)

Well then it wouldn't be tyromancy would it.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #10 on: 27 May 2015, 11:14:53 AM »
If you play on normal or easy then combat is a mindless button mash. If you play on hard (like me) or hardest setting combat is hard. I mean I am bad at combat, I button mash, but I get hurt for it. If you just spam attacks enemies will dodge and counter. If you time it right and are good (not like me) you can probably get through most fights without getting hit.

There is dodge-rolls (you move far but is slow to finish), dodge (fast but you don't move far, useful though), parry, counter, parry-counter if you are good.

Potions are also in, but they work as "charges", you get a few swigs per rest, instead of having to constantly craft them. It feels much better really. Weapon oils can give you a damage boost against certain enemies, and on harder difficulties it's probably best to use them.

But as I said before, it's hard to do fast chained moves. Doing a dodge-roll and casting a knockback out of it is annoying, since you have to finish the roll animation before you can cast. Learning to do a normal roll then a spell would help there though lol

Now I am off to practice some tyromancy.
I'll tyromancy your face (not with cheese though)

Well then it wouldn't be tyromancy would it.
Well no but it would involve wet stuff coagulating on your face.

Offline SirLogiC (OP)

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #11 on: 29 May 2015, 07:46:18 AM »
Another update.

Still playing and still having fun. Must complete gwent deck!

Also they aren't lying when they say this game is big. It's fuckin' huge. 72 hours on steam, I've still got 2 large areas and a small area I haven't even visited yet. There's still heaps to do in the areas I have been.

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #12 on: 31 May 2015, 12:38:50 AM »
If I decide to play it am I expected to have played the other games in the series?

Offline Airbongo

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Re: witcher 3
« Reply #13 on: 31 May 2015, 12:43:36 PM »
If I decide to play it am I expected to have played the other games in the series?