Author Topic: Theodorf's Professional Village Critiquing  (Read 1877 times)

Offline PengBunny (OP)

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Theodorf's Professional Village Critiquing
« on: 19 June 2015, 07:46:06 PM »

Kingdom of Gerelskovy [WIP]

     First off let me begin by saying that this village at first glance has depth. A lot of structures don't have just one layer but rather many. The organization and cleanliness of the village was also notable as it actually gave it a kingdom type feel. One of my complaints would be the lack of variety, as you can see many of the buildings comprise of soley sandstone. I feel a tad more of variety would add a lot to this village. The color isn't bad because there is an extremely colorful road, made up of prismarine and stone brick. Foliage isn't sparse either seeing as the road is accompanied with bushes and flowers. Overall good job by the architects.


Um [Complete]

     I would like to begin by saying that this is what a village should look like! It serves as a great role model to as how you should construct a village. Dawggy the creator of the village has put in a lot of hard work to create this masterpiece. Every time I see this village, I solicit a moan each time. The distribution of colors is stunning, a great balance of all colors. The statue is breathtaking boasting many diamond blocks, indicating a severe amount of wealth. It is clear who one of the most wealthiest players on the server is. The structures are absolutely perfect, every time I look at them I find myself orgasming like crazy. It is obvious what my score is; great job Dawggy.


Nemract [WIP]

     I would like to begin off by saying that this place has everything. You have huge trees, structures fixed into the mountain side, and also houses settled on the land. It's awesome! A huge thing I would like to bring up and congratulate the creators, Killermango135 and ThePandaWonder, for their amazing work and effort. There is an obvious theme and they made it work. There is a huge variety with many different colors, from the leaves to the wood to the randomly placed podzol scattered around the village. The centerpiece, the tree, looks amazing. I like how they used two varieties of wood to break up the tree and give it some depth. Everything you need in one village is here, a balance of foliage, architectural masterpieces, and a centerpiece. Altogether this village is a great example of what villages should be like in Villagecraft, if you were a nicolas cage constructing them of course. Both of the creators have shown an elite amount of skill and dedication to this village. Great job!


Gerelskovy [Expanding]

     As soon as you enter this village the theme clicks instantly, beach getaway. There is a lot of palm trees surrounding the road and scattered about in the sand. The structures are colorful and have a range of variety. A huge thing I liked about this village was the road, it contrasts so well against the sand, it just makes it seem important. I also thoroughly enjoyed the variety of not just the materials but also the varied sizes. It made for quite an interesting experience walking through Gerelskovy and it is a good example of a good community constructed village. Livid has been showing himself as quite a prominent village organizer, with this masterpiece as a huge example of his proficiency.


Valace Canals [WIP]

     This village has a very unique aspect to it that I or any others have not seen on VillageCraft, being that it is constructed with canals cutting through the land inbetween structures. The theme is very mixed, however it is balanced out with every house and building because tightly packed together, blending the colors and really making a nice looking village. There is a notable amount of grass hiding inbetween the buildings which is good because you always need that punch of plant life, however my complaint about the grass is the lack of flowers and grasses on it. A huge amount of variety has been put into this village, even the canals have different bricks and colors. I enjoy how the village seems to mold around the canals and have a sign of significance to them. I wish I could have captured this entire village and talk about every single aspect but that would take up the entire page, maybe more. Overall this village gives its inhabitants a feel of safety and comfort with its overall balanced colors and materials. Valace Canals is definitely a place to visit.

« Last Edit: 20 June 2015, 03:09:56 PM by PengBunny »
You know a thread is really bad when PengBunny posts on it.

My daddy is Air

air when the fuck did you do this ^^^