Seems pretty cut and dry. This explains why, when I first discussed with Catty about the trade of an enchanted pick, he told me that he didn't have much of anything to trade for it money or item-wise, but after only 10 or 15 minutes, he had nearly a whole stack of mossy cobblestone and several blocks each of gold, diamonds, and iron. When I asked him how he got ahold of it so fast (shortly before Boy had jailed him), he simply said "Oh, I fell into a rich cavern..."
Hardly convincing. Xray seems the most possible answer right now, and given the photographic and logged evidence, I would say with almost 100% certainty that it was the case.
Charges: Attempting to Bribe a mod, X-raying.
Recommended Punishment: 3-day temp ban, due to first offense and donor status.