Author Topic: Stories from The Beer Store: Episode 2 - Wasps (as requested)  (Read 2083 times)

Offline Kyro (OP)

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A typical day at TBS deals with lots of empty returns. This means handling people's lovely unfinished beers, cigarette-butt filled bilge cans, and graciously bottled vomit.

We have people with nice sorted empties, don't get me wrong, but then we have people like this...

It was a nice sunny day, a Wednesday perhaps, about a year ago. I had just opened the store and was working alone. I always appreciate lovely alcoholics coming in at 9:30am bringing back their empties they downed the night prior.

A man came in with a few 6-packs of Vex (sugary bitch drinks for those of you who don't know), which I began carrying to the back in preparation for their eventual smashing. Suddenly however; I felt a sharp pain in my middle finger and dropped the case on the floor. At first I thought it was broken glass that cut me, but as I went to pick it up I noticed about 4 wasps emerge from the case. I managed to stomp a couple right away but the rest flew off. My finger already had begun to swell by this time, but I proceeded to cash out the customer. He didn't apologize, in fact, he hardly reacted to the incident altogether. After I hunted down the rest of the fucking wasps and smashed that case to shit, I discovered a few honey combs in the case. That asshole brought in a fucking wasp nest, which fucking stung me multiple times and he didn't seem to think that was worth - you know, saying "sorry", or "oops", or "I'm a fucking dipshit".

Morale of the story, check and sort your god damn empties for FUCKING HIVES -

- And other creatures, but that's a different story.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: Stories from The Beer Store: Episode 2 - Wasps (as requested)
« Reply #1 on: 5 August 2012, 08:05:31 PM »
Huh? Why didn't you say anything to the little shit?

Offline cayrat

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Re: Stories from The Beer Store: Episode 2 - Wasps (as requested)
« Reply #2 on: 5 August 2012, 09:03:20 PM »
Your poor finger. And remember, you are not payed enough to be nice. ;D
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Offline Kyro (OP)

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Re: Stories from The Beer Store: Episode 2 - Wasps (as requested)
« Reply #3 on: 7 August 2012, 05:46:26 PM »
I did say something but I mentioned his reaction was nonexistent, I think he replied with, "oh?"