Author Topic: Numerous Ideas/Proposals/Cleaning  (Read 2510 times)

Offline wesos19 (OP)

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Numerous Ideas/Proposals/Cleaning
« on: 29 October 2016, 11:57:34 PM »
Here goes an hour's worth of typing:

As a new player finishes the spawn tunnel, there does not appear to be a clear instruction on what to do. There should be a sign at the exit of spawn tunnel using the randomtp plugin to teleport randomly in outlands to begin survival/village building. If no player is online or willing to help the newly-joined, they really dont have a clue on how to proceed except get lost in qualia. Randomtp should help that and give new players an easy way into the outlands. I found /essentials:help vcmod and it showed /randomwarp being a command yet it doesnt work; rtp should fill this void

Get rid of stp once and for all and remove notice of it in spawn tunnel

Add notice of economy in the spawn tunnel, add sign to encourage use of /bal in tunnel and sign saying you start with $200, find our market at /warp m. Farming and mining are great ways to make money!

Add notice of /backpack in spawn tunnel

In spawn tunnel perhaps remove notice of apartments in qualia to prevent confusion

At end of spawn tunnel include signs like Market /warp m, Information /warp info, Teleport to the outlands and start a village /rtp, Minigames /warp vcgames, qualia village /warp qualia

Replace warp amusementpark at old market to warp vcgames

Add perms for everyone to use /warp vcgames

kit food
Add a kit just for food, maybe 10 steak- especially helpful for new players. Cooldown of an hour or so. Kit starter gives unwanted wooden tools and not enough food.

Update server information book removing stps, griswold, /sbp and /ma

Make voting and parliament clearly different:
/vote to vote for server listing the three links
/parliament to check out parliament votes/verdicts

Revise /outlands removing update notice

Add command shortcut /info to /warp info, /qualia to /warp qualia, /minigames and /vcgames to /warp vcgames

Revise /help. The current is a maze to manuever and there are tons of subcommands...make it simpler by doing /?
Perhaps listing the following information for /?:
For lots of info, check out /warp info
Peace Agreements /peace help
Random Teleport /rtp *if you add the plugin*
Warps /warps
Vote and get rewards /vote
Minigames /warp vcgames
Village Info /rg info
Map /map
Donate /donate
Website /website
Suspect Grief? /lb tb

Remove the override from /essentials:help to the current /help. /essentials:help lists useful commands for those not familiar with essentials, so it should remain the default /help. To ensure visibility of both help menus, include a line which says
/help menu: More help by /? or /warp info
/? menu: More help by /help or /warp info
OR instead of what is listed for /? have a link on the website that lists the information in greater detail

Blue color font for every single tip/help is somewhat difficult to read and causes information to look blended together. More contrast please!

Add warps room at /warp info? Village owners could drum up some visits/interest

Add donor room at /warp info...for donors of $10 or more and must request addition to room from forums

Remove stp room from /warp info, perhaps replace it with individual warps to certain minigames (as they are finished)

Add free scs for server information book in /warp info

In vcgames world rg flag vcgames feed-delay 1

Add guidlines/prices for advertisement room in qualia, change /warp advertisements to new room

enable access to /coords for self

enable /dynmap hide since it is a survival server

In vcgames add arenas for 1v1, 1v1v1, 1v1v1v1 and give each player a starting kit with max pvp equipment and cooldown time for players to put on armour/rearrange inventory before match. different arenas for different gameplay like boxing, full diamond, potions, etc.
<[VIP] ~Shadow> i'm fairly certain that he wasn't the first to use that greeting
<[VIP] ~BeastofBurden> how can you be certain
<[VIP] ~BeastofBurden> or even fairly certain
<[VIP] ~Shadow> and i'm fairly certain that there's a 40% chance I used that before him
<[VIP] ~BeastofBurden> 40% doesnt sound fairly certain to me
<[VIP] ~Shadow> you misunderstand
<[VIP] ~Shadow> I am fairly certain that it is a 40% chance, not a fairly certain 40% cahnce

Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #46 on: 19 April 2017, 05:57:15 PM »
Gullible fools.

Offline OctoGamer

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Re: Numerous Ideas/Proposals/Cleaning
« Reply #1 on: 30 October 2016, 08:49:41 AM »
We're removing STP but we ran into some petty issues.

(adressing all of your ideas about spawn tunnel) I don't know if we have plans for these but some are good, why would we remove notice of apartments when we have them though, same for amusement park, why can't we have vc games and amusement park?. Warp m and warp info signs are good, I think we had them at one point. Don't really need /backpack as a notice I think it appears in chat quite often.

I disagree with kit food, it's a survival server and we already have the market which is already a great way to get food.

Updating server info book is a good idea.

I don't even know what /outlands is.

/info is already a command. and changing the warps actually seems like something minor, i've typing an extra 5 characters takes a second or two.

Donor room is an idea i think we might have had at one point, I don't think its a good idea.

I thought dynmap hide was always avaliable to people, it should be. your point of it being a survival server and thats why it should be allowed is dumb though.

Kit pvp is a good idea for vc games

I don't understand your coords to self command, just hit f3

I don't think we're going to change the tips color, they have been like that forever and your the only one who thinks we should change it.

and adressing every other thing about VCgames and VCgames in general, It will probably be put on hold for a while sadly.

Offline Hogz

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Re: Numerous Ideas/Proposals/Cleaning
« Reply #2 on: 30 October 2016, 11:31:45 AM »
I don't think random teleport should be a thing, just because what if u spawn in a village there is less exploring and more just spamming RTP until you get a decent spot (This goes for ppl like me who build new villages all the time).
"ye boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" - JFK

John Coffey: I'm tired, boss. Tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I'm tired of never having a buddy to be with, to tell me where we's going to, coming from or why. Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head, all the time... Can you understand?" - The Green Mile

Offline wesos19 (OP)

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Re: Numerous Ideas/Proposals/Cleaning
« Reply #3 on: 30 October 2016, 01:38:16 PM »
You can configure the plugin to prevent teleportation to regions and add a cooldown to prevent spamming. The main use is for new players to get into outlands easily. I added the link so you might read about it  ::)
<[VIP] ~Shadow> i'm fairly certain that he wasn't the first to use that greeting
<[VIP] ~BeastofBurden> how can you be certain
<[VIP] ~BeastofBurden> or even fairly certain
<[VIP] ~Shadow> and i'm fairly certain that there's a 40% chance I used that before him
<[VIP] ~BeastofBurden> 40% doesnt sound fairly certain to me
<[VIP] ~Shadow> you misunderstand
<[VIP] ~Shadow> I am fairly certain that it is a 40% chance, not a fairly certain 40% cahnce

Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #46 on: 19 April 2017, 05:57:15 PM »
Gullible fools.

Offline shanebolenback

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Re: Numerous Ideas/Proposals/Cleaning
« Reply #4 on: 30 October 2016, 02:33:11 PM »
I have to agree with the spawn tunnel and randomTP thing!

I think this server is great, but when I first started I had a hard time getting out of the region.
Im 31, and a smart players so i was able to run run run out of Qualia, find a spot, build a temp shack until I was able to move on.
BUT... as we all know there are players out there that are not so smart.
Also I have noticed since I started playing on this server, the Qualia region has gotten larger. For example, found my old shack and it is now part of the Qualia region. So it seems as though its gotten too big.

I personally HATE the random teleport commands, as they drop you who knows where, BUT, i personally feel there should be something that makes it a little easier for new players to get started.

I have noticed (no joke) hundreds of players join this server, get confused and leave. MAKES SENSE, once you get out of the spawn tunnel it is super hard to find your way AWAY from it. I could definitely see plenty of players give up.
(Also when i first started playing VC, it was when i first started playing MC on the PC, i didn't know you could turn up the brightness of the game, i spawned at night, and had the hardest time getting out of the tower once i was out of the tunnel, its too dark, and no direction)

The spawn tunnel is a great idea, but Like weso said it is missing a lot of important information. Maybe expand on that to give new players a sense of all the functions they are able to use?!?!

Once they get out of the tunnel have more direction on where they need to go, or what they need to do.

This is going to sound harsh, BUT, VC like MANY MANY servers have this HUGE beautiful spawn building, but, for new players its useless. There really is nothing there for them to do, its all an oversized visual of what a player(s) can do in creative mode with probably some WorldEdit!

Make it so the new players have a sense of direction, a sense of hope to actually survive in the game.
Help them out, rather than drop them at a top of a mountain and basically saying "good luck"