Incumbent leader of the Gerelskovy Democrats, IronShadow, is challenged to a leadership election by MP Yvette, which he has accepted. The poll will run from now until Midnight EST tomorrow.
Campaign of Yvette
Yvette will shift the Gerelskovy Democrats from the Radical Left more towards the Centre. Economically, the party will become Centrist, focusing more on Investment and Raising the Minimum Wage. Diplomatically, she would like to see the further peaceful expansion of the empire, and will look out for opportunities to grow the empire. Socially, as the first Transgender Woman ever to hold any democatically elected office on VillageCraft, she would like to promote equality, equal opportunities, and progressive policies for all people of Gerelskovy. Yvette has had experience leading the former cities of Jhassa, Abuja and Mecca, as well as experience as a Constitutional Judge and Member of Parliament of Gerelskovy.
Campaign of IronShadow
IronShadow mostly intends to retain the status quo for the Gerelskovy Democrats, keeping them at the Left-Wing. However, one notable new policy is that he intends to expand housing in Gerelskovy, in addition to his other policies of Market Regulation and Populism. IronShadow has had experience as a Member of Parliament of Gerelskovy as well as Leader of the Gerelskovy Democrats and Shadow's People Party.