The Fourth Gerelskovian Parliamentary election has officially commenced under the orders of interim Prime Minister Yvette, following the collapse of the former ruling party.
Four parties are running, their information posted below.
Cake and CookiesLeader: Luisc99
Position: Centre-Left
Ideology: Fair schooling; anti-money-in-politics
Campaign Thread: N/A
Gerelskovy DemocratsLeader: YvonitaSanchez
Position: Centre
Ideology: Anti-Corruption, Stabilising Gere, Infrastructure Revitalisation, Pro-Free Market
Campaign Thread: New LiberalsLeader: Frogster19
Position: Centre-Right
Ideology: Expanding housing sector; expanding the borders; pro-openness; retaining the free market.
Campaign Thread: N/A
The Gere RepublicansLeader: FireBentJoel
Position: Right
Ideology: Anti-Socialism, Stabilising Gere
Campaign Thread: N/A