Author Topic: Well I have evidence  (Read 14236 times)

Offline Rainy_Turtloid (OP)

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Well I have evidence
« on: 12 August 2012, 08:37:34 PM »
well cj thought i had outside items, didnt even ask how I got them.

I got banned from VC because I killed knitefall with potions I got from air's dispenser?

Bl4ck even said I could because knite was being a douche to me.

I didn't get any outside items lol, it was in the dispensers.

You can log block the dispensers too,


kobe also tried to give me an apple but i gave it right back, I couldn't tell him it wasn't allowed because cj just muted me randomly earlier.

Offline Islid

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #1 on: 12 August 2012, 08:41:36 PM »
For reference, it was stated by Nomad that Rainy had gained not only harming potions, but also some healing potions that he did not immediately return. It is claimed he did not say anything on purpose before being banned. Here is the rule from the contract that was supposedly violated.

5) You may not possess outside items inside of the Prison.
P: Tempban (up to 21 days).

In Rainy's defense, I would like an admin to check all of the dispensers in the area to see what kind of potions are available to him. If he was discovered to have and have used potions not in those dispensers, then the rule has been broken, but if he only used what was given to him, it can't be his fault.

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #2 on: 12 August 2012, 08:43:05 PM »
I know i have no business posting here but i'd like to say that CJ did not mute you randomly, you broke the contract rule where the staff could tell you to stop talking about a subject. Also i don't think rainy gave the apple back, but im not sure

Ok, in my defense, when I visited the link i was very high and didn't realize it was the onion. Now i shamed myself. fags

Offline Rainy_Turtloid (OP)

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #3 on: 12 August 2012, 08:45:31 PM »
For reference, it was stated by Nomad that Rainy had gained not only harming potions, but also some healing potions that he did not immediately return. It is claimed he did not say anything on purpose before being banned. Here is the rule from the contract that was supposedly violated.

5) You may not possess outside items inside of the Prison.
P: Tempban (up to 21 days).

In Rainy's defense, I would like an admin to check all of the dispensers in the area to see what kind of potions are available to him. If he was discovered to have and have used potions not in those dispensers, then the rule has been broken, but if he only used what was given to him, it can't be his fault.

He threw a splash potion. I can't get it back.

I had to nod no and return the apple to Kobe.
He didn't tell me to stop he just said quote:
Time to mute

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #4 on: 12 August 2012, 08:46:14 PM »
Nomad also said that the harming potions were his, so if he did get them from him dieing, then used them...That is accepting outside potions

Offline Islid

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #5 on: 12 August 2012, 08:47:08 PM »
I still need to know about these supposed healing potions. What kind were they?

Offline cjm721

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #6 on: 12 August 2012, 08:48:40 PM »
Im checking the item ids of what you had.  He said he had the potions and when he died you got them. A second or two latter you start spamming potions.  If those are the potinos from air's trap (which was locketted for a reason) then just have them replaced and put the locketts back on.

Offline Rainy_Turtloid (OP)

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #7 on: 12 August 2012, 08:49:00 PM »
Nomad also said that the harming potions were his, so if he did get them from him dieing, then used them...That is accepting outside potions

Kobe is lying. Ask bl4ck he knows where I got them.

I'm innocent this time so yeah, not worried

Islid he threw a splash potion at me. I never held it.

Offline Rainy_Turtloid (OP)

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #8 on: 12 August 2012, 08:52:23 PM »
Nomad also said that the harming potions were his, so if he did get them from him dieing, then used them...That is accepting outside potions

Kobe is lying. Ask bl4ck he knows where I got them.

I'm innocent this time so yeah, not worried

Islid he threw a splash potion at me. I never held it.

Also I was to far away to pick any thing up

Offline cjm721

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #9 on: 12 August 2012, 08:53:08 PM »
The 12 Splash Harm 2 you had should be from the dispenser but trying to check what kobe had.
Also second hop on you can explain from in game.

Offline Islid

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #10 on: 12 August 2012, 08:53:40 PM »
Nomad also said that the harming potions were his, so if he did get them from him dieing, then used them...That is accepting outside potions

Kobe is lying. Ask bl4ck he knows where I got them.

I'm innocent this time so yeah, not worried

Islid he threw a splash potion at me. I never held it.

Also I was to far away to pick any thing up

It's possible to throw things a good distance of 3-4 blocks, so that's irrelevant. It really comes down to these healing potions. What all other than the apple did you pick up?

Offline Rainy_Turtloid (OP)

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #11 on: 12 August 2012, 08:55:09 PM »
Nomad also said that the harming potions were his, so if he did get them from him dieing, then used them...That is accepting outside potions

Kobe is lying. Ask bl4ck he knows where I got them.

I'm innocent this time so yeah, not worried

Islid he threw a splash potion at me. I never held it.

Also I was to far away to pick any thing up

It's possible to throw things a good distance of 3-4 blocks, so that's irrelevant. It really comes down to these healing potions. What all other than the apple did yo

u pick up?

Nothing. Absolutely Nothing, btw he died after he fell to far away from where I was doing hand signals to kobe

Offline cjm721

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #12 on: 12 August 2012, 08:59:18 PM »
Rain it has nothing to do with getting my items its about Kobe. Kobe died on the entrance I died like 50 blocks away.

Offline Rainy_Turtloid (OP)

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #13 on: 12 August 2012, 08:59:55 PM »
Log on and see ALL my books were also taken, and some other items I had in the chest. I spent 40minutes making the Rainy_Turtloid book ;(

Offline Bl4ck_St0ne

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #14 on: 12 August 2012, 09:00:13 PM »
Well, I am probobly going to get a ton of hate here, and I am ready to take it.... but as much as I may sometimes not like rainy... I find him innocent, since he DID get the pots from dispensers, kobe was pretty dumb with his items being slipped to rainy... though cj must of had a powertool to ban rainy... since rainy got the items like... INSTANTLY, then banned... rainy did not get time to speak, and the pots were my fault... so sorry, but knitefall was douchey, killing rainy with pots... also the pots were not outside items, and were not going to all be kept, just about 10 or so

In the end, I find rainy innocent, though most mods hate me now :P, I have to explain my thoughts and not let how other ppl think of my decisions get in the way of what I really think. Soo... yeah :/
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Offline Islid

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #15 on: 12 August 2012, 09:03:26 PM »
Nomad also said that the harming potions were his, so if he did get them from him dieing, then used them...That is accepting outside potions

Kobe is lying. Ask bl4ck he knows where I got them.

I'm innocent this time so yeah, not worried

Islid he threw a splash potion at me. I never held it.

Also I was to far away to pick any thing up

It's possible to throw things a good distance of 3-4 blocks, so that's irrelevant. It really comes down to these healing potions. What all other than the apple did yo

u pick up?

Nothing. Absolutely Nothing, btw he died after he fell to far away from where I was doing hand signals to kobe

You had other stuff in your inventory and I think the problem now is that some of it is questionable. It might have been held by Nomad when he died.

Offline Islid

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #16 on: 12 August 2012, 09:05:25 PM »
Well, I am probobly going to get a ton of hate here, and I am ready to take it.... but as much as I may sometimes not like rainy... I find him innocent, since he DID get the pots from dispensers, kobe was pretty dumb with his items being slipped to rainy... though cj must of had a powertool to ban rainy... since rainy got the items like... INSTANTLY, then banned... rainy did not get time to speak, and the pots were my fault... so sorry, but knitefall was douchey, killing rainy with pots... also the pots were not outside items, and were not going to all be kept, just about 10 or so

In the end, I find rainy innocent, though most mods hate me now :P, I have to explain my thoughts and not let how other ppl think of my decisions get in the way of what I really think. Soo... yeah :/

Are there dispensers with poison splash potions in the area?

Offline Akomine

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #17 on: 12 August 2012, 09:08:36 PM »
So, rainy got potions from the dispensers.
Rainy got an apple from the visitor window and tried to give it back.
Rainy may have gotten some other items from the window.
Rainy was muted at some point, and was unable to express that he had outside items, and despite trying to physically shake his character's head, he was swiftly banned.

This is sounding a little iffy, and a lot unjust.

I vote to unban Rainy immediately, unless I am missing something.

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Offline Rainy_Turtloid (OP)

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #18 on: 12 August 2012, 09:13:43 PM »
Ok, CJ delted the items, but with them he deleted my series of books :(

All evidence so far proves me innocent, yet cj is still saying i should of not been unbanned.

and i dont think ANY ITEMS will make it 3 blocks away swiftly through the 1b1 hole and into my inventory, and I turned everything in.

Offline cjm721

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #19 on: 12 August 2012, 09:15:15 PM »
The items in question were from kobe death he gave back the apples already.

If the items were from bl4ck then he (rainy) did nothing wrong.
« Last Edit: 12 August 2012, 10:33:52 PM by cjm721 »

Offline cjm721

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #20 on: 12 August 2012, 09:16:16 PM »
The you should not of been unbanned comment was for you ever even been banished. You logged out and missed that question before.

Also I unbanned you before Ako even said to see what you were going to say.

Offline Rainy_Turtloid (OP)

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #21 on: 12 August 2012, 09:17:09 PM »
Ok time frame of events:

1.knitefall being a douche and throws poison potions when kovos is trying to visit me.
2. bl4ck logs on and sees it
3. bl4ck feels bad for me and says i can use the potions against knite
4. i do
5. whats happening right now

Sorry for my shity type i really gotta go shit!

The you should not of been unbanned comment was for you ever even been banished. You logged out and missed that question before.

Also I unbanned you before Ako even said to see what you were going to say.

oh ok <3

Offline Akomine

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #22 on: 12 August 2012, 09:18:12 PM »
So is rainy unbanned? I've confirmed with bl4ck he said it was ok to throw the potions back at him.

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Offline Rainy_Turtloid (OP)

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #23 on: 12 August 2012, 09:19:04 PM »
So is rainy unbanned? I've confirmed with bl4ck he said it was ok to throw the potions back at him.

currently, not sure if i am gonna be rebanned already =/

Sucked to see everyone go AGAINST me except well, Islid, sort of.

Offline Rainy_Turtloid (OP)

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #24 on: 12 August 2012, 09:20:14 PM »
forgot I mentioned i opened fire once I saw knitefall attacked Kobe from behind.

Offline Islid

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #25 on: 12 August 2012, 09:23:29 PM »
After review of the patchy evidence and witnessing the chat logs myself, I just want to insert this here for administrative review:

It is my personal determination as a public representative that there is only circumstantial evidence calling him guilty, and as such he cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have done what is claimed. Therefore, he is innocent unless further information arises to disprove this claim.

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #26 on: 12 August 2012, 09:24:58 PM »
Staff members have told me throwing stuff at him is ok. And in no way bad. I was also with CJ at the time of killing Koby, and also, The lockettes were there for a reason

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #27 on: 12 August 2012, 09:33:34 PM »
I feel black stepped out of line letting rainy retaliate. He is being punished for being douchie to many ppl on the server and staff (among other things). He has lied to get unbanned and was facing perma ban. We decided to give him this banishment so he can still "play" on the server and try to earn his way back on it. He is in hell serving a punishment if ppl want to throw things at him i feel that is fine. If we feel (or black) they start to do it to much we can remove them. In no way should we be helping rainy while he serves his punishment.

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #28 on: 12 August 2012, 09:36:05 PM »
I would also like to add that in this case rainy should be let back on but he should be aware of the fact that he should not be doing things like this in the future. The staff should have a small chat and come up with a better set of rules and guidelines for those not serving time.


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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #29 on: 12 August 2012, 10:23:03 PM »
The items in question were from kovos death he gave back the apples already.

If the items were from bl4ck then he (rainy) did nothing wrong.

Woah, woah, I think you mean Kobe here. I wasn't even on during this time.

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Re: Well I have evidence
« Reply #30 on: 12 August 2012, 10:23:58 PM »
He was kovos