Author Topic: VillageCraft Project Tracking (Trello)  (Read 6898 times)

Offline Akomine (OP)

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VillageCraft Project Tracking (Trello)
« on: 3 July 2020, 03:24:54 PM »
- VillageCraft Project Tracking (on Trello) -
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VillageCraft often has several ongoing projects taking place. These are worked on by various Staff members, and occasionally other players as well. We use Trello to organize our projects, as well as plan and discuss various aspects of them. We have dev work, plugin work, building work, and server general management work all listed for all Staff to easily see and work on. There is always something going on in some department.

In an act of transparency, our project organization is now viewable by the public. All players may now view the VC Trello (project organization site) to see what is being worked on, what is planned, and what has recently been completed. We hope you enjoy being able to get direct information about what's going on behind the scenes, as it will also help you participate in giving suggestions, politely reminding us what still needs to get done, and informing your votes in the VC Parliament to help shape the future of the server.

Thank you, and we hope you enjoy!

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