Well, It's useless to all the Admins cause they have Creative Mode, and this plugin, really helps people people like me, who don't use enchantments...
We Should've had a vote....
1. The choice to add, remove, or keep MCMMO never had anything to do with us having creative mode (no plugin ever does). We clearly understand the difference between survival and creative, don't worry. We also often use Survival mode.
2. We don't make plugin decisions based on staff alone, we have a Parliament Board where you can directly voice your opinion.
3. Use enchantments, lol. This will actually make them more valuable.
4. We did have a vote months ago, where 6-3 voted to remove MCMMO, which is partially where our mandate to remove it this time came from. We altered the vote to ask if we should instead just remove combat, and that won afterwards. Had we not done that, the majority vote would have been to remove it completely.
And regardless, we simply moved it out of the server files into a backup to help alleviate the bukkit memory leak lag problem. It worked. It was never up to debate; we did it to help the server overall.
Sidenote: go complain to the bukkit staff to fix the memory leak!