Author Topic: BottledExp Discussion  (Read 1530 times)

Offline TheLegend12369 (OP)

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BottledExp Discussion
« on: 16 February 2021, 05:23:50 PM »
Hello everyone!

The Senate is now discussing a couple plugins, one of which is BottledExp. In short, it does exactly what the title says, it allows you to bottle Exp that you currently have, in order to be used later. For more info, the link is here:,their%20XP%20into%20XP%2DBottles. MysteriousKing requested a post to discuss the plugin, so here it is! Feel free to discuss concerns or support about the plugin!

As always, please be kind :)

Offline Naomi

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Re: BottledExp Discussion
« Reply #1 on: 16 February 2021, 05:31:31 PM »
I don't see any problems arising myself

As someone that likes to minecraft die for the meme this would be a lifesaver for when I do have large levels of xp.

Additional benefit is players could sell xp to others which could be nice
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Offline Brutalfive

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Re: BottledExp Discussion
« Reply #2 on: 16 February 2021, 07:23:19 PM »
As everyone knows I die a LOT! But on the rare occasion I don't die before tallying up some of that sweet sweet XP, I would love to bottle it up or even sell it. This could add a new aspect to the player market, one that cant be set by Qualia (which would be interesting)

Offline MysteriousKing

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Re: BottledExp Discussion
« Reply #3 on: 16 February 2021, 08:59:43 PM »
In my opinion I think that the BottledExp plugin will be well received by the community; because it allows players to store their "progress", they would also have an additional item option to sell and most importantly, it can be used as a portable repairing station. Meaning, that shops such as v-tgf would have a slight hit, as players do not need to rely on it to repair their gear anymore - less congestion when lots of players are on. However, there would also be a slight imbalance where players would have an easier time when enchanting gear - since minecraft default way of nerfing levels is mitigated (exponentially hard to gain level); however I dont really see it as a huge problem. Therefore I think that the plugin would be well received as it is more of a convenience than an imbalance.

With regards to SimpleCrops however, I think this plugin is abit tricky. It is worth noting that, comparing it to the default minecraft the plugin is undoubtedly significantly imbalanced because at its worse, it speeds up the entire process of farming by quite abit (replanting and collecting optimized by player) . Yet, I still do think that it is a plugin that is worth exploring, simply because it benefits new players more than anyone else, and it is not quite as imbalanced as it seems based on natural limitations.

Before I begin explaining, I'd like to make some assumptions for the statistics that I would be using to prove my point: firstly, farms sizes are based on chunks (optimal size, 16x16 length x width) x however many farms (height). Additionally, we should also consider the time invested into maintaining these farms and acknowledge the fact that players are limited into doing things, meaning that they can only maintain a handfull of farms. For the purpose of this post, I would be assuming that players are able to maintain a ridiculous number of a 50 farms (16x16x50 = 12800 - further explained below). Also, I am assuming that money is balanced by taking into account of how long it takes for someone to obtain it. For an example if it takes me 10 mins to grow potatoes, it should also take you 10 mins to find diamond + some for the demand factor.

For the case of new players:
in order to maximise profit per block, they would most likely be planting potatoes- which equates to about (2.5(median) x 3(price)), which means a full harvest would gain a profit of 96000.

For older players:
Best crop for older players would be planting netherwarts which would earn about (3(median) x 7.5), which means a full harvest would gain a profit of 288000, almost tripling the profit of potatoes.

Assuming that 1 player can maintain 50 farms, 12800 blocks
12800 crops = 12800 blocks/9 (harvesting size with plugin) = 1422
players have to walk for 1422 blocks to harvest Everything;
assuming optimal traveling distance (no inbetween roads etc)+ no inventory management(putting into chests)
1422/5.62(running speed) = 253/60 = 4.21 mins

Time investment:
Farm setup:
for potatoes: just need a hoe and a load of time to build 12800 blocks + hoe time + water management
for netherwarts : load of time to build 12800 blocks + soul sand cost

Best case scenario:
4.21 mins (running speed)+ 5 mins(ideal condition of 1 plant/assuming for all) = 9.21 mins - for full harvest

Worst case scenario - most likely scenario:
4.21 mins (running speed) + 35mins (worse condition for 1 plant/assuming for all) + full plot grow time (minimize work) = >39.21 mins ~40 mins

which means that in the best case scenario, players are able to earn $96000 with potatoes, and $288000 for aproximately 10 mins of work time (best case scenario); and in the more likely scenario it is at least 40 mins of constant work time (no afk). I believe that in the case with potatoes, anyone with a money farm would say that they can earn more than that in the time given (40mins). Likewise, the profits listed here are also exagerated significantly to prove that it is not worth the investment at all for the value it is giving (no way someone is able to maintain 12800 blocks, some chunks are not even gonna be loaded based on farm design). Thus, they would earn <96000 or <288000 every 40mins+, and thus be incentivised to build other forms for farm (mob farms) which is used in to server extensively already.

Additionally there is always a tendency for players favouring automatic farms, as they require less maintenance; as most people would transition from farm (potatoes, carrots) farm to for an example a pumpkin farm. By having a simpler mode of harvesting the server could save some resources from discouraging people from building pumpkin farms - which in large scale would require quite a bit of resources.

I believe the only reason why players would start farming is because they require something that they couldn't afford; farming is tedious and boring work. This is quite evident with newer players as in comparison, older players are seen to build instead of farming for money (they already have some form of money farm), whilst new players tends to farm because they need it to start a village and get mob protection. Additionally, I believe that these farms are extremely underappreciated; because it is just not worth it to build and farm at all; most players main income (if they have farms) nowadays are based on a different kind of farm: mob farms. If the prices of "growing" farms were to increase, more players would be incentivised to build more of these types farms instead of mob farms. In a way it would allow certain players to specialize in certain things such as selling mob loot, or farm related products; instead of everyone building mob related farms (most lucrative) and selling it to the server, it can also be used to facilitate a dynamic marketplace because some farms (if built too much) would decrease the price - therefore discouraging people from building those farms. For an example, having an automatic parkin farm would decrease the price and therefore discourage people from building more of em -> saves server some resources.

With the case of netherwarts however, I believe that perhaps the price needs to be rebalanced slightly to accomodate for the fact that the price is imblance with this plugin. In saying this, I also believe that the price needs to be adjusted just slightly because it could be used to encourage other players from not building massive mob farms and build netherwarts farms instead.

Therefore, for these reasons, I believe that this plugin would not be imbalanced at all as it would just benefit new players. Older players have more lucrative ways of making money based on the current conditions.

With the jobs plugin, I'd say that it's certainly a very interesting plugin to explore. The implications of this plugin could be quite revolutionary because it means that players do not need to rely on farms to gain money anymore; and most things being streamlined. For an example, newer players could just build buildings instead of farming for money to get their village claimed or doing other things. However, I could also how it could be exploited as well.

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Re: BottledExp Discussion
« Reply #4 on: 16 February 2021, 09:08:44 PM »
I frequently see sad souls in chat who just died and realized how much XP they lost lol. Bottled XP would, among other things, be a nice quality of life improvement for players like those.

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Re: BottledExp Discussion
« Reply #5 on: 21 February 2021, 01:48:53 PM »
I love the idea of the bottled xp plugin (it seems very helpful), although the simplecrops does seem a bit silly, we shouldn't have to alter server prices that have been there for ages simply for new plugins.
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Offline Akomine

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Re: BottledExp Discussion
« Reply #6 on: 23 February 2021, 10:13:37 AM »
We should completely avoid adding plugin-only crops to server-run markets.

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