In response to what CRH said, the rules on our rule board were a bit wonky and I logged on today to see they had been removed. I know some people placed some rules up there that were jokes, like the "killing royalty is encouraged" sign. (which is technically against the rules, but everyone does it anyways and no harm is really done)
But in our rule book that we have had up next to the board, the first rule stated is "1. PVP in Ambrose is allowed to an extent. No excessive killing is allowed unless the other party is okay with it."
This applies to excessive killing, like repeated killing or PvP matches were they kill each other often. It is very hard to regulate who is consenting for PvP when there is always so many people at the castle and so many people who like to just jump in and start killing each other.
The second rule in our rule book states "2. ALL PVP IS NO KEEPS! ANY items kept from PVP without permission is considered theft and against VC rules." I know our rules are confusing and not well put together, but the #1 rule that we make VERY clear is that any PvP that happens in Ambrose is no keeps. If you are added as a member in Ambrose, it is expected that you understand that just being there is an automatic no keeps PvP agreement.
I have been trying to consistently add rules into the rule book to make things more clear for village members, and I did add a sign next to the rule board to read the rule book for a more specific explanation of the rules. We have PvP turned on for a reason, and it's to have fun. If you don't want no keeps PvP, or no PvP at all, don't come to Ambrose.
I also try to encourage everyone in Ambrose to read the rules beforehand.
Hope this helps :>