Author Topic: Build of the Week  (Read 1235 times)

Offline Yvette (OP)

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Build of the Week
« on: 10 February 2022, 09:19:42 PM »
Hey y'all! I'd like to start showcasing amazing builds from across VillageCraft on a weekly basis. There's so much beauty in VillageCraft that's truly unappreciated and undiscovered and I'd love to be a part of showing that off. So, as of this week, I'll be posting a Build Showcase every week (Thursdays is the goal!). Feel free to message me here, on discord, or on VillageCraft if you'd like to nominate a build!
VC always has been like this. It has ebbs and flows, just like my menstrual periods

<[VIP] ~VieuxRiche> get with your reading skills and dont piss off powerful elite

How the fuck is @Jakrelia staff, shes probably r/againsthatesubreddits or some gay shit. 0/10 review on yelp.