Could you please consider our village?
Village owner(s): Linyxx {me} bekkkah and Evanlikespie
Village name: Satansville
Co-ordinates: around x:1896 y:24 z:-217
PVP (on or off): Off please
$5000 in account (yes or no): Yes
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): As in the requirements in the Help center? Yes, But it is not completely finished. I want it to be protected because one person found it and keeps tp-ing his friends there to kill or steal our stuff. Also I am thinking of expanding in the near future
Description and/or screenshot: {sorry about no screenshots, my files were to large} I Found this place while venturing around the world. It was abandoned, basically just a fence bordering a plot of land with a few crops -and yes i checked the previous owner had been gone for a year- The main Island has a large pub, crops, a mountain, and a head exhibit. Over connected to the main island, though i dont include it as a part of it, is a garden that is a work in progress, behind the 'mansion' at the gardens edge are stairs leading up to two flat areas, both to be temples ether to made up gods { enderman god, Cactus, or something} or actual gods {Isis and Cernunnos} But as I said they are a work in progress and I am in the process of making one area larger. Connected by a bridge is a man made island, where houses are going to be, two of which are already up. Behind the Village is a Grave yard where gravestones are, It is also an ideal place to find mobs. Also at the front is a small man made island connected by a smaller bridge which is going to be our welcome island, but we have yet to obtain a grass block or silktouch shovel.
There are no roads, Seeing as this is to be a smaller, less modernized village, and doesnt feel like there should be roads let alone room for them. In the future we are planning on making a railway, connecting our village to another neighboring one or the main one itself. Some shoppes we are planing on making, or are in the process of is an alchemist shop, head shop, food shop, and mineral shop. Also, would it be okay to ask for the water -like a few blocks- around our village to be protected as well?
Thank you guys for considering, Me and Bekkkah have been waiting for ever, and one admin just completely ignored us when we asked. Hope you like our village