Author Topic: Sc0pe has been griefing me  (Read 4131 times)


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Sc0pe has been griefing me
« on: 22 September 2012, 06:35:37 PM »
Ok, so i was building my house and fixing stuff he said he wanted to tp to me to see, i let him he attacked and killed me and took all my stuff but i didnt use protection because i wasnt done yet, how can i get my stuff back, all the [T], and [VIP] tell me he could do that

Offline knitefall

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Re: Sc0pe has been griefing me
« Reply #1 on: 22 September 2012, 06:36:50 PM »
He didnt break anything, just killed you....Nothing wrong there. Now you officially made yourself look like a dumbass


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Re: Sc0pe has been griefing me
« Reply #2 on: 22 September 2012, 06:38:49 PM »
He didnt break anything, just killed you....Nothing wrong there. Now you officially made yourself look like a dumbass


Offline DarkenedAngel

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Re: Sc0pe has been griefing me
« Reply #3 on: 22 September 2012, 06:44:55 PM »
He didnt break anything, just killed you....Nothing wrong there. Now you officially made yourself look like a dumbass

Actually he did not break any rules asking to TP to you and then attack you. It is kind of douchie but not against the rules. It is up to you to only TP ppl to you and to ppl that you trust or be ready for a fight if they are unfriendly. It is sad but true. Now you know tho.

Knite, I don't think the dumbass comment was needed. Not sure but he may be new to the server and not know how are rules are.


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Re: Sc0pe has been griefing me
« Reply #4 on: 22 September 2012, 06:53:15 PM »
Just got banned because gokumine was being rude and calling me stupid, and i told him to fuck off and now im banned for 1 day i dont know why everyone is being an ass to me, i didnt even do anything i asked sc0pe for my stuff and he said he would give it back and he never did

Offline cjm721

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Re: Sc0pe has been griefing me
« Reply #5 on: 22 September 2012, 06:56:27 PM »
Just got banned because gokumine was being rude and calling me stupid, and i told him to fuck off and now im banned for 1 day i dont know why everyone is being an ass to me, i didnt even do anything i asked sc0pe for my stuff and he said he would give it back and he never did

Never say your going to hack the server. or other people on the server. And the line I am going to get mojang to shut you down... you damm idiot.

Offline knitefall

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Re: Sc0pe has been griefing me
« Reply #6 on: 22 September 2012, 06:59:40 PM »
Well, you threatened to shut down the server and get my account banned from MC

Offline DarkenedAngel

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Re: Sc0pe has been griefing me
« Reply #7 on: 22 September 2012, 11:56:26 PM »
Ok Noahccm, before i thought you were just new and didn't know we don't have really strict rules here (other then Xray and stuff) but after seeing these pics i really think you need to grow up. It is obvious you are bluffing about shutting down the server and you have to be a little kid to think that would work soooo.... If you want my advice i would just stop talking and posting then try and play the game and hope everyone forgets this. If knite keeps harrasing you tho let me know and i will look into it and if it is a real issue i will take care of it. A real issue would be killing you over and over for an extended period of time keeping you from playing the game. Other then that don't trust everyone.
« Last Edit: 23 September 2012, 06:49:53 PM by airborne101st45 »

Offline TheCatsMangler

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Re: Sc0pe has been griefing me
« Reply #8 on: 24 September 2012, 06:29:06 AM »
Ok one thing noah hacking A minecraft server is not easy theres no download for it and im pritty sure your not a java MASTER
ive tryed to hack the server when i first got on and it diden work i hack things and i know for sure vc is hard to hack so don't try it ok the least that i want is another person banned....

Oh by the way if he griefed you why diden he grief you?

After i had a walk around vc for a bit i gained to like it and then love it im not going to try break it i only want to help it

Im posting here for this on the matter of telling little miss rager that hacking minecraft is next to impossible remove this if you must i don't really care i just thought he might of wanted to know that

Try to restrict your input on these posts a bit more, Catty. Thanks. :)
« Last Edit: 25 September 2012, 06:25:03 AM by Islid »

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Re: Sc0pe has been griefing me
« Reply #9 on: 25 September 2012, 06:31:56 AM »
Well, this post is really about two issues, both of which can be quickly addressed:

1. According to prior judgements on PVP TP kills, according to things that mods have done in the past, teleporting to someone with the sole intention of killing them WITHOUT TELLING THEM ANYTHING does not fall under the category of douche, and therefore does not require a fee to be levied against the offender. If he teleported to him after telling him he just wanted to look at something or come help you, however, that is against the rules.

(Citations: Here and here.)

2. As far as your behaviour further on the server and here on the forums, that is unacceptable. Threats towards the server are not taken lightly and you should not use those and expect to get away with it. Whatever punishment was levied against you, that is how it will stay, because of your heinous actions. Don't act like that again and expect to be treated nicely.

I'd like to hear from either a mod/admin that can look at logs, or from Noah himself, regarding Scope and whether or not he said he just wanted to look at something or help Noah before teleporting to him to kill him. In addition, if he did grief, then that needs to be addressed as well.

Waiting for input on the first problem from a mod or the player themselves.