Author Topic: Gerudo Desert  (Read 1782 times)

Offline xxbabygirlstar (OP)

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Gerudo Desert
« on: 16 December 2012, 03:42:21 AM »
Hey hey hey VillageCrafters~ Pardon my bit of shameless advertising, but hey, this is just incredibly exciting for me~! I've finally gotten protection for my village, meaning now I can open it up for the public. Keep in mind, right now it's pretty simple since I'm relatively new to the server, but it will continue to grow~


There are currently 3 standard houses available in the village, and once my expansion is completed, there will be 7. Each house is 9x10 sandstone with windows and has a small "front yard" with two cacti. Currently, they are selling for $500 a house, but this is negotiable. You may build multiple floors above or below your house for no charge, just as long as you stay within your 9x10 (plus front "yard" area)

There is a public farm available for any member to use, built by the fantastic Kovos_Datch. It has two strips of watermelons, two strips of pumpkins, two strips of sugar canes, one strip of carrots, and one strip of potatoes. As long as you replant anything you take, this will always be available to members~

Right next to the farm is a convenient little market members can use to buy simple things like tools and food or sell whatever they don't need and want to make some money off of. Currently I'm selling stone & iron tools, food (cooked chicken, baked potatoes, & bread), and redstone. My prices are less than Qualia Market's too~ There is plenty of space for villagers to sell their stuff~

Gerudo Desert is a pretty laid back village. There's only 10 very simple rules that are mostly common sense and/or re-iterating server-wide rules. They're kept in a cozy little Town Hall that looks similar to the Market :)

Anyway, right now that's about all Gerudo Desert has to offer you, but once we expand, I'm sure there will be more to come~ Also, if you're a new player/just needing some money, I'm willing to pay anyone who wants to help clear out the area around Gerudo Desert for expansions! I'm already playing jayden15502 daily to clear out for the next four houses. So feel free to ask questions, and if you're interested in joining, either reply below, hit me up on the forum, or PM me if I'm on the server~

Steam name: xxbabygirlstar
Skype name: xxbabygirlstar
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Offline millionaurefor

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Re: Gerudo Desert
« Reply #1 on: 23 December 2012, 01:41:41 AM »
Please let me join!!!!!
Best Wishes,

Offline ThePandaWonder

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Re: Gerudo Desert
« Reply #2 on: 23 December 2012, 02:00:40 AM »
Please let me join!!!!!

Million stop posting on every damn Topic. The only thing you say is : I agree! ; I Like it! ; Please let me [Do something] ; I want [item]. and so on