VillageCraft Boards => Rules | Info | Support => Topic started by: OctoGamer on 12 March 2017, 07:32:02 PM
No keeps PVP rule clarification
- All pvp in Qualia arena is keeps unless decided otherwise
- If you pvp outside of an arena, you have to agree on no Keeps if not agreed on, pvp is keeps
- If you fight no Keeps against another player and give their stuff back, you cannot kill them right away and take the stuff back, you have one minute until no keeps expires after fights, and you must let players escape with their items (no trapping them, preventing them from leaving etc.) if they do not leave within the minute, you can kill them and keep their stuff
This is a simple rule to follow.
You kill someone in a no keeps fight, give the stuff back.
You kill someone in a keeps fight, you can keep the stuff.
You kill someone in Qualia arena, it is a keeps fight, unless decided otherwise
You kill someone and give the stuff back, you cannot kill them again, let them get away, do not trap them etc.
No keeps ends one minute after the battle, please, try to keep this in mind as it is hard to enforce.
so what happens if another burly man comes along and fucks you up that didn't agree to either: a third party if you will
so what happens if another burly man comes along and fucks you up that didn't agree to either: a third party if you will
Not allowed in arena. unless said burly man randomly finds them in the outlands and has no clue, but if people are conspiring to keep stuff via a third party, it shows that one of the players had no intentions of keeping the stuff anyways, thanks for asking this so it can get clarified.
so what happens if another burly man comes along and fucks you up that didn't agree to either: a third party if you will
Not allowed in arena. unless said burly man randomly finds them in the outlands and has no clue, but if people are conspiring to keep stuff via a third party, it shows that one of the players had no intentions of keeping the stuff anyways, thanks for asking this so it can get clarified.
yea np brocto