VillageCraft Boards => Rules | Info | Support => Topic started by: Gamalin on 21 November 2019, 10:17:37 AM
Hi there,
I was wondering if/when we are going to add phantoms to the protection list for villages. I was toild this is something you techies can do as opposed to waiting for an update to the plugin?
I support this, phantoms should be included in mob protect. If that can't happen, we should make a second tier of mob protect for it. They're THE WORST!
I support this, phantoms should be included in mob protect. If that can't happen, we should make a second tier of mob protect for it. They're THE WORST!
I like this idea of a second tier.. give people something to spend there money on
I support this, phantoms should be included in mob protect. If that can't happen, we should make a second tier of mob protect for it. They're THE WORST!
I like this idea of a second tier.. give people something to spend there money on
I just want the phantoms gone xD
I'm in favour of simply adding any hostile mob to the list.
I'm in favour of simply adding any hostile mob to the list.
Would this need a vote or can it just happen?
I'm in favour of simply adding any hostile mob to the list.
Would this need a vote or can it just happen?
lets make a vote just for shits and giggles hehe
I'm in favour of simply adding any hostile mob to the list.
Would this need a vote or can it just happen?
lets make a vote just for shits and giggles hehe
Lets. Anyone else support this?
I'm in favour of simply adding any hostile mob to the list.
Lets. Anyone else support this?
I support this too, feel free to put it to a vote :)
Apologies, not sure what the problem is here. One pays for a village to have protection of hostile mobs. Minecraft evolves and creates new hostile mobs.
Is it not a simple case of said mob being added in such list?
Or are we going to create a new tier each time they create a new mob?
This is all with the utmost respect to the server owners. I just though this would be a simple reminder that their was anew mod that needed adding the list, no votes etc needed?
Apologies, not sure what the problem is here. One pays for a village to have protection of hostile mobs. Minecraft evolves and creates new hostile mobs.
Is it not a simple case of said mob being added in such list?
Or are we going to create a new tier each time they create a new mob?
This is all with the utmost respect to the server owners. I just though this would be a simple reminder that their was anew mod that needed adding the list, no votes etc needed?
go vote man, rn you winnin