VillageCraft Boards => Rules | Info | Support => Topic started by: Yvette on 15 June 2020, 05:41:45 PM
We got drugs back on the server in the form of SimpleDrugs!
This plugin adds various drugs or drinks to VillageCraft.
Each drug is crafted by placing three of the item in a vertical line in a crafting table. Drinks can be crafted with a water bottle in the centre of the crafting table, and three dyes along the top row.
Once you have crafted a drug for the first time, its recipe will be remembered in your recipe book for easy crafting in the future.
Acid Paper
Gives Night Vision, Jump Boost, Strength, Instant Health
Cocaine Sugar
Night Vision, Strength, Fire Resistance, Glowing, Haste, Instant Health, Luck, Speed
Heroin Spectral Arrow
Blindness, Luck, Instant Damage
Ketamine Red Dye
Slowness, Resistance
Opium Poppy
Nausea, Slowness, Instant Health
PCP Magenta Dye
Speed, Nausea
Weed Green Dye
Slowness, Hunger, Mining Fatigue, Luck
Beer Water Bottle + Brown-Orange-Brown Dye
Nausea, Slowness
Rum Water Bottle + Orange-Brown-Orange Dye
Nausea, Slowness
Vodka Water Bottle + White-White-White Dye
Nausea, Slowness
Now that Brewery has been added, we thought the drug scene on VC was getting a little stale. So now you druggies can make or buy Meth.
Meth ________ ???
Speed, Jump Boost, Hunger
I'm not sure what the ingredients are, some of you clever people can probably figure it out, but I heard there's a guy selling it at the Tal Carnival...