
VillageCraft Boards => Parliament | Suggestions => Topic started by: luisc99 on 30 August 2024, 04:53:49 PM

Title: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: luisc99 on 30 August 2024, 04:53:49 PM

for the Election of the
11th Community Minister of VillageCraft

Submit all nominations for the 11th CM in this thread

Nomination and Election:
1. A Community Minister is elected by the VillageCraft Parliament for an indefinite term, until another election is called for by MPs. Any active player who is a Member of Parliament and who knows the server well can run for election. This includes Staff or any other VC player.
2. To be on the election ballot, the player must receive 3 nominations and agree to run. This can include nominating yourself, plus two other people nominating you.
3. The nomination process ends and proceeds to an election when there are at least 2 candidates and no more nominations are coming in.
4. The current Community Minister (Daypath) continues to serve as CM until a date chosen by the election winner, within 15 days of the election concluding.
More info: Community Minister Guidelines (

As a reminder, the roles of the Community Minister are as follows:
1. Event Organizer
The CM serves as a community event organizer on VC. The CM's goal shall be to create and run events to help bring the community together to have fun and make the server a better place to play. This could include building competitions, PVP matches, elytra races, and anything else to get players involved. The CM will run the events, but will work with the Staff to make sure the event is possible before organizing it.

2. Sit as a VC Senator
Before the start of a Senate Session, the CM is offered the choice to become a Senator in the upcoming Senate. For full details, see Section D of the Community Minister Guidelines (

3. Certify Simple Parliament Votes
The CM can represent the players' interests by certifying requests for Simple Parliament Votes in the VillageCraft Parliament. For more information on types Parliament Votes, see the Parliament Guidelines (

All nominations and confirmations of agreeing to run must be posted in reply to this thread, not via Discord or in-game.

Candidates with insufficient nominations: (✔ = agreed to run; number in brackets is number of nominations)
Currently none

Unconfirmed candidates with at least three nominations:
Dallas (3)

Confirmed candidates on the election ballot:
Froggy (5)
KingNurtul (3)
Luis (4)
Tina (4)

If your nomination is pending, please reply to this thread to confirm your intention to run.
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: OctoGamer on 30 August 2024, 04:56:45 PM
I nominate Dallas again
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: Daypath on 30 August 2024, 04:58:18 PM
I nominate froggybee :)
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: Naomi on 30 August 2024, 05:07:23 PM
We have one man who has almost done it all. He's been admin, Speaker of the Senate, but he hasn't had the chance to be our Community Minister.

I nominate Luis!

Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: Cbddallas on 30 August 2024, 05:35:23 PM
I nominate FroggyBee and TinyTinaJoon!
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: FroggyBee on 31 August 2024, 04:11:50 PM
Thanks for the nominations guys :^D I would like to run for CM, I think my friends and I have some pretty cool event ideas and I'd love to have a chance for us to put them in action
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: Kittypopping on 1 September 2024, 09:47:47 PM
I nominate Tina and Dallas!
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: GuessKero on 1 September 2024, 10:18:47 PM
I nominate Tina and Dallas (& Froggy)  ;D
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: Daypath on 1 September 2024, 10:51:25 PM
I also nominate kingnurtul! <3 :)
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: Naomi on 3 September 2024, 01:02:33 AM
Great Idea Day! I also nominate my bestest friend Nurt!
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: Cbddallas on 5 September 2024, 12:28:29 AM
I nominate King Luis.
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: Cbddallas on 5 September 2024, 12:30:36 AM
Also, it’s not a good time for me to serve as CM, but I pledge to support FroggyBee or Luis as part of their CM team, should Luis agree to run!
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: OctoGamer on 5 September 2024, 12:52:08 AM
Since Dallas can't run I'm going to nominate Luis and Froggy also
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: KingNurtul on 5 September 2024, 11:36:20 PM
Hello, after considering it for a couple days, I would love to run for CM in this here election! After being part of multiple CM teams, I think I finally have the time and energy to fill this role. If elected, I would work to create some really Cool and Fun and Great events for everyone to enjoy, alongside a brilliant team of other involved players. I would also find a way to force the Big Cheese industry that has been constantly 'stealing?' from YOU, the common VC player, to pay for Better soup options in the Qualia Soup Kitchen for all to enjoy.

Vote Nurtul for CMurtul!!!!
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: luisc99 on 7 September 2024, 04:10:58 PM
I've been out of town for a few days and had plenty of time to ponder this decision, but after a lot of thinking and talking to people, I too have decided to nominate Luis to be CM :)
Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: Cbddallas on 7 September 2024, 04:31:20 PM
There haven’t been any new nominations, and we have three great candidates.

Let’s get this party started!!

Title: Re: Nominations for the 11th Community Minister
Post by: TinyTinaJoon on 7 September 2024, 05:06:35 PM
Can I be added to the ballot too plz