
VillageCraft Boards => Rules | Info | Support => Topic started by: Akomine on 8 September 2012, 06:23:23 PM

Title: Request Village Protection or Donor Perks When Staff Are Offline
Post by: Akomine on 8 September 2012, 06:23:23 PM
Request Village Protection or Donor Perks When Staff Are Offline:

NOTE: You can copy and paste the forms at the end of this post to use in your request.

Post a reply to this thread if you need your village protected or donor rank and there are no staff online to help. If you are okay with waiting for staff, then wait. However, if you have already been waiting for quite a while, then post here. Please include all necessary information that might help us while you are offline. If you have $100,000 in-game cash, you can also request mob repellent here. If you don't include all of the needed information, we may not be able to help

~The VillageCraft Staff


Request Village Protection form:

Village owner(s):
Village name:
PVP (on or off):
$5000 in account (yes or no):
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why):
Description and/or screenshot:


Request Donor Perks form

In-game username:
Donation amount:
And if you have donated more than once,
Total donation amount:

Alternatively, you can contact a Staff member on the Forums, on Discord, or email Akomine.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: DarkenedAngel on 26 December 2012, 12:12:58 PM
I almost wanna ask ppl to do this even when I am online... That way I don't have to ask them for something over and over LOL...
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Akomine on 26 December 2012, 04:27:00 PM
I know. People bother me for several mins for me to protect, then can't come up with a name and I end up waiting another 15 mins. This has happened at least 25 times.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: DarkenedAngel on 26 December 2012, 07:11:48 PM
I know. People bother me for several mins for me to protect, then can't come up with a name and I end up waiting another 15 mins. This has happened at least 25 times.

Think I was guilty of that the first time lol. Maybe we should make this manditory?
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Runek on 26 December 2012, 07:29:21 PM
I know. People bother me for several mins for me to protect, then can't come up with a name and I end up waiting another 15 mins. This has happened at least 25 times.

Think I was guilty of that the first time lol. Maybe we should make this manditory?

That might be a little excessive. Plus it requires people to sign up for the forums, which means Air will actually have to verify people on a regular basis.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Akomine on 26 December 2012, 07:56:48 PM
Here's how the conversation boils down for me
"Ako you there?"
I said ya.
"Ako help"
With what?
Stop saying my name and say what you need
"oh okay"
"can you protect my village?"
Do you have a name for it and $5000?
*gets region selected and ready*
What do you want to call it?
"um... lemme think"
*kills self*
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: xxbabygirlstar on 26 December 2012, 08:41:24 PM
This being mandatory would be a little excessive. I mean, those of us with a brain (like me) that actually had everything ready shouldn't have to jump through extra hoops because other people are stupid >_>
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Kovos_Datch on 26 December 2012, 09:56:34 PM
Ako, Ako, Ako, Ako, hey Ako! I need a village protected! Akooooooo! You there?



Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: DarkenedAngel on 27 December 2012, 04:44:01 PM
I don't see it being exrta hoops for those with a brain. Those with a brain are already a part of the forum and a little 5-8 question survey of stuff you should already have and your done.... Those with out a brain are the annoying ones and it would be nice to tell them to out instead of us wasting time on them lol. But meh... I hardly protect anything and think I forgot how lol... Need to look at that post again.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Runek on 27 December 2012, 04:52:41 PM
I strongly recommend against making this mandatory.

It's a step towards complicating things further, which will only make our lives easier in the cases of the people who don't understand what they're doing. Those same people will still probably fill out the form incompletely, or inaccurately, and we'll still have to deal with issues; while those that don't have issues will have to wait for lazy staff (like me!) to check the forums.

Worst case, just decline to protect until they've got their ducks in a row.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Akomine on 27 December 2012, 05:14:10 PM
We don't need the bureaucracy, we should leave this as an option for when staff are offline. Nobody uses it anyways...
I'm gonna split this discussion to another thread soon.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: DarkenedAngel on 27 December 2012, 09:54:13 PM
Mmeh... It's wut ever... If no one likes the idea lol...
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: millionaurefor on 27 December 2012, 11:46:32 PM
Here's how the conversation boils down for me
"Ako you there?"
I said ya.
"Ako help"
With what?
Stop saying my name and say what you need
"oh okay"
"can you protect my village?"
Do you have a name for it and $5000?
*gets region selected and ready*
What do you want to call it?
"um... lemme think"
*kills self*

This made my day!!!  Hehehehe😄😃😀😊
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: ThePandaWonder on 28 December 2012, 12:49:55 AM
Can you just ban Million from the forums.... like for ....... EVAR!
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: millionaurefor on 28 December 2012, 12:51:19 AM
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Airbongo on 28 December 2012, 12:57:45 AM
Can you just ban Million from the forums.... like for ....... EVAR!

Yes please!
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: ThePandaWonder on 28 December 2012, 01:15:06 AM
Can you just ban Million from the forums.... like for ....... EVAR!

Yes please!

I would never do it if my life was at stake but this is an exeption since I cant post in the other thread *Hugs Air for Forum Banning Million* *runs to the shower and washes off mexican filth*
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: ThePandaWonder on 28 December 2012, 01:19:44 AM
Here here Akomine!!!!

Omg thank you!

millionaurefour has been banned from the forums for 7 days after multiple offenses, spam and it is his second ban

Note: unless you are appealing a punishment, please don't post in someone else's appeal unless you have evidence or information that would make your intervention worthwhile. We don't need comments or opinions, unless we ask for them. Evidence and information is okay. Intervening with irrelevant posts that are not important to the appeal may result in an immediate forum temporary ban. Please, though, post useful information, observations, and interpretations if they add to the thread.
Jan made me feel bad so I reduced the ban to 3 days.

*Smacks Air* Dont listen to the woman! They are evil !
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Mystikal427 on 16 February 2013, 05:49:36 AM
Request Village Protection form:

Village owner(s): Mystikal427
Village name: Spira
Co-ordinates: x:2539  z:-1578
PVP (on or off): Off
$5000 in account (yes or no): Yes
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): Yes
Description and/or screenshot: Various buildings located on a Plains biome with various
pens and farms in town.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Airbongo on 16 February 2013, 07:55:31 AM
Request Village Protection form:

Village owner(s): Mystikal427
Village name: Spira
Co-ordinates: x:2539  z:-1578
PVP (on or off): Off
$5000 in account (yes or no): Yes
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): Yes
Description and/or screenshot: Various buildings located on a Plains biome with various
pens and farms in town.

Nice Village. Protected.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: joshtimasprime on 15 April 2013, 02:39:10 PM
so, can someone get on and protect my giant rubix cube and snow cottage? i want them inside of cybertron not cozycottages.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Runek on 15 April 2013, 03:33:19 PM
so, can someone get on and protect my giant rubix cube and snow cottage? i want them inside of cybertron not cozycottages.

Please read the opening post and supply the required information.

Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: joshtimasprime on 15 April 2013, 06:49:25 PM
i own the village.
the village is cybertron.
my name is joshtimasprime.
i already payed for it i just want an expanstion for my cube and cottage.
its a village for building cool things.
pvp and building is already off.
its been aproved already.

please just someone protect my cube and my cottage please.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: JANUARYJONES on 15 April 2013, 07:48:35 PM
Josh, I would like you to look at this post.

Request Village Protection form:

Village owner(s): Mystikal427
Village name: Spira
Co-ordinates: x:2539  z:-1578
PVP (on or off): Off
$5000 in account (yes or no): Yes
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): Yes
Description and/or screenshot: Various buildings located on a Plains biome with various
pens and farms in town.

It's proper, it's perfect and provides all the information. This person is not an idiot.

so, can someone get on and protect my giant rubix cube and snow cottage? i want them inside of cybertron not cozycottages.
You didn't say please, as usual.
i own the village.
the village is cybertron.
my name is joshtimasprime.
i already payed for it i just want an expanstion for my cube and cottage.
its a village for building cool things.
pvp and building is already off.
its been aproved already.

please just someone protect my cube and my cottage please.
What is this?
When you say please you follow it with bitchy bullshit. "just someone protect my cube and my cottage".
Change your fucking attitude. Nobody wants to listen to a brat nonetheless help them.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: joshtimasprime on 17 April 2013, 09:39:02 PM
what? how was that bitchy? i was just putting the answers to the question! you just chose to read it that way. i have been waiting for 3 days for my rubix cube and cottage at the edge of the snow biom to be protected, but everytime i ask someone who is on they disconnect. I bought another village and rune made it the smallest tiny thing ever and he said when i build things he or someone else will make it bigger. so i did and no one has included my builds in the village. sorry if i wrote it bitchy but i am just an impatient whiny bitch.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: xxbabygirlstar on 19 April 2013, 11:45:16 AM
But i am just an impatient whiny bitch.

This is gold.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Akomine on 20 April 2013, 03:19:03 AM
It is my opinion that Cybertron is almost not worthy of protection, however I expanded it. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: millionaurefor on 27 April 2013, 05:53:02 PM
gmw1234567 and ADHendrickson99 have villages.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Saxturian on 28 April 2013, 10:05:25 PM
gmw1234567 and ADHendrickson99 have villages.
ummmmm okay? Who cares?
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Ferreira_1 on 29 April 2013, 04:29:58 PM
Village owner(s): Ferreira_1
Village name: AquaKingdom
Co-ordinates: X= -1009.86353 (-1010) // c: -64 (14)   Z= 4688.99356 (4688) // c: 293 (0)
PVP (on or off): Off
$5000 in account (yes or no) Yes
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): no but I want it protected so it doesn't get griefed. it would take some time to rebuild it as its underwater
Description and/or screenshot: It's a Big Dome with a building in making inside. It's underwater and there should be a path made out of glass leading to Moo_Kingdom. The floor should be made of wood (inside the dome) and the walls and roof of the dome made entirely out of glass.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Akomine on 14 May 2013, 07:56:12 PM
Village owner(s): Ferreira_1
Village name: AquaKingdom
Co-ordinates: X= -1009.86353 (-1010) // c: -64 (14)   Z= 4688.99356 (4688) // c: 293 (0)
PVP (on or off): Off
$5000 in account (yes or no) Yes
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): no but I want it protected so it doesn't get griefed. it would take some time to rebuild it as its underwater
Description and/or screenshot: It's a Big Dome with a building in making inside. It's underwater and there should be a path made out of glass leading to Moo_Kingdom. The floor should be made of wood (inside the dome) and the walls and roof of the dome made entirely out of glass.

Protected. Looks cool so far :)
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Ferreira_1 on 15 May 2013, 02:17:20 AM
Village owner(s): Ferreira_1
Village name: AquaKingdom
Co-ordinates: X= -1009.86353 (-1010) // c: -64 (14)   Z= 4688.99356 (4688) // c: 293 (0)
PVP (on or off): Off
$5000 in account (yes or no) Yes
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): no but I want it protected so it doesn't get griefed. it would take some time to rebuild it as its underwater
Description and/or screenshot: It's a Big Dome with a building in making inside. It's underwater and there should be a path made out of glass leading to Moo_Kingdom. The floor should be made of wood (inside the dome) and the walls and roof of the dome made entirely out of glass.

Protected. Looks cool so far :)

Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Joshtimasprime on 18 May 2013, 06:56:32 PM
Village owner(s): joshtimasprime and njb23
Village name: Mushypoo kingdom
Co-ordinates: x:-2290 y:89 z:2549 f:2(north) /-177
PVP (on or off): Off
$5000 in account (yes or no) Yes
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): Yes
I recently became the unofficial owner of a mushroom island and I want to get it protected. I made 6 houses of varying size and they are not just blocks. (though 3 are mushroom houses but I thought that would be ok because of the biom) I made a road and when its protected my best friend noah (njb23) will join it. There is one house hanging off the side off a cliff on the other side, remember to include that when protecting please. also there is this house that was griefed in the middle of the village and it would be really cool if someone could roll it back so its fixed and looks nice. I will add the player it belongs to so he can use his house.
Is this all the info I need?
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Airbongo on 18 May 2013, 08:31:56 PM
Village owner(s): joshtimasprime and njb23
Village name: Mushypoo kingdom
Co-ordinates: x:-2290 y:89 z:2549 f:2(north) /-177
PVP (on or off): Off
$5000 in account (yes or no) Yes
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): Yes
I recently became the unofficial owner of a mushroom island and I want to get it protected. I made 6 houses of varying size and they are not just blocks. (though 3 are mushroom houses but I thought that would be ok because of the biom) I made a road and when its protected my best friend noah (njb23) will join it. There is one house hanging off the side off a cliff on the other side, remember to include that when protecting please. also there is this house that was griefed in the middle of the village and it would be really cool if someone could roll it back so its fixed and looks nice. I will add the player it belongs to so he can use his house.
Is this all the info I need?

You could say please.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Joshtimasprime on 18 May 2013, 09:04:57 PM
OK. please? Please mommy? Please? :D
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: xxbabygirlstar on 18 May 2013, 09:26:05 PM
Ajamine, an active player, is the one who was griefed.
Josh, that island is effing giant. Why did you build a village around this guy's house?

I don't think it's fair that ajamine's stuff gets put into a village he didn't ask to join.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Joshtimasprime on 18 May 2013, 10:44:28 PM
I didn't build on the whole island only like half. I didn't think he would mind since his house was already griefed. If i add him to the village does it really change anything for ajamine? he can still build whatever he wants. i don't care. i am not as ocd about this island as my precious cozycottages. i just want this island so i can have an unlimited amount of mycelium and because i love the look of mushroom bioms. its also pretty mountainous and those are cool. maybe we should wait and ask ajamine. that would be polite. i can wait.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: xxbabygirlstar on 19 May 2013, 09:41:52 AM
maybe we should wait and ask ajamine. that would be polite. i can wait.

Fantastic idea :)
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: xxbabygirlstar on 19 May 2013, 11:01:02 AM
I added some mooshroom cows and bred them in that pin for you :)
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Joshtimasprime on 19 May 2013, 01:16:04 PM
thank you! I was worried that no more would spawn! I didn't pin it up I think red did. You're the best star!
Title: Re: Request Village Protection (when staff are offline)
Post by: Linyxx on 25 January 2014, 03:08:44 PM
Could you please consider our village? :)

Village owner(s): Linyxx {me} bekkkah and Evanlikespie
Village name: Satansville
Co-ordinates: around x:1896 y:24 z:-217
PVP (on or off): Off please
$5000 in account (yes or no): Yes :D
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): As in the requirements in the Help center? Yes, But it is not completely finished. I want it to be protected because one person found it and keeps tp-ing his friends there to kill or steal our stuff. Also I am thinking of expanding in the near future
Description and/or screenshot: {sorry about no screenshots, my files were to large} I Found this place while venturing around the world. It was abandoned, basically just a fence bordering a plot of land with a few crops -and yes i checked the previous owner had been gone for a year- The main Island has a large pub, crops, a mountain, and a head exhibit. Over connected to the main island, though i dont include it as a part of it, is a garden that is a work in progress, behind the 'mansion' at the gardens edge are stairs leading up to two flat areas, both to be temples ether to made up gods { enderman god, Cactus, or something} or actual gods {Isis and Cernunnos} But as I said they are a work in progress and I am in the process of making one area larger. Connected by a bridge is a man made island, where houses are going to be, two of which are already up. Behind the Village is a Grave yard where gravestones are, It is also an ideal place to find mobs. Also at the front is a small man made island connected by a smaller bridge which is going to be our welcome island, but we have yet to obtain a grass block or silktouch shovel.
There are no roads, Seeing as this is to be a smaller, less modernized village, and doesnt feel like there should be roads let alone room for them. In the future we are planning on making a railway, connecting our village to another neighboring one or the main one itself. Some shoppes we are planing on making, or are in the process of is an alchemist shop, head shop, food shop, and mineral shop. Also, would it be okay to ask for the water -like a few blocks- around our village to be protected as well? 

Thank you guys for considering, Me and Bekkkah have been waiting for ever, and one admin just completely ignored us when we asked. Hope you like our village :D
Title: Re: Request Village Protection When Staff Are Offline
Post by: TheFlash1119 on 7 May 2017, 12:16:44 PM
can I still use this?
Title: Re: Request Village Protection When Staff Are Offline
Post by: Akomine on 7 May 2017, 01:07:36 PM
can I still use this?

Title: Re: Request Village Protection When Staff Are Offline
Post by: TheFlash1119 on 7 May 2017, 03:57:27 PM
Village owner(s): TheFlash1119
Village name: Eudaimonia
Co-ordinates: ~ -1250, 64, 850 (includes everything from beach to across the river where the farm is)
PVP (on or off): Off please
$5000 in account (yes or no): yes
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): Yes (has five+ buildings, asked Shensley he said it looked fine)
Description and/or screenshot: (going from north end to south end) First there are two beach homes, with access to private beach areas (fenced off). Then, following the path/road, you reach a large apartment/office tower with 19 floors (20 counting the roof) this tower has multiple tiers of suites/offices, along with a two-story master suite (18th floor). Continuing south, you cross over the river via a birch bridge, and you reach the beginnings of a suburban area. There are two stone-brick and red sandstone buildings, each with two stories and four homes. Following the road westward from there, you reach the Farm, which is completely fenced-off, has a stock/supply building, and has a wheat farm (I'm planning to expand the farm to include animal pens soon). The farm also has three guard dogs.
That's pretty much the village, sorry I couldn't include a photo here. Anyways, I hope you like my village, and please consider protecting it ASAP.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection When Staff Are Offline
Post by: TheFlash1119 on 7 May 2017, 08:04:21 PM
nvm the above post, I got it protected when staff came online
Title: Re: Request Village Protection When Staff Are Offline
Post by: Gamalin on 13 October 2017, 10:47:04 AM
Request Village Protection form:

Village owner(s):Gamalin
Village name: Mythrim
Co-ordinates: 12035/13060
PVP (on or off): OFF
$5000 in account (yes or no): Yes
Village meets protection requirements (yes or no+why): Yes

Mythrim has risen and fallen throughout the ages (last 7 years or so) but never has it been given such freedom (in other words not using towny 16x16 restrictions) now finally it can look and feel as it was meant to, like home.
Please feel free to stroll down the streets and enjoy the many sites (that are to come)

Title: Re: Request Village Protection When Staff Are Offline
Post by: Gamalin on 16 October 2017, 04:55:40 AM
My thanks Frog for taking care of this!

Now to save up the 100K to get rid of the pesky MOBS  :P
Title: Re: Request Village Protection When Staff Are Offline
Post by: Dyscatastrophe on 1 September 2019, 03:35:32 AM
Village owners: Dyscatastrophe + ScalyDude
Village name: Noctectores
Co-ordinates: 13616.610, 64.00000, 11149.672
PVP: Off
$5000 in account: Yes
Village meets protection requirements: Yes
Description: Residential area that accommodates our current members with a fountain in the middle and other little add ons like an enchantment room and a greenhouse. There's also a new expanding market if you head North behind the welcome sign.
Title: Re: Request Village Protection or Donor Perks When Staff Are Offline
Post by: RedFox_13 on 28 June 2020, 11:36:08 PM
In-game username: Redfox13
Donation amount:70
And if you have donated more than once,
Total donation amount:over 100 i dont remeber