Author Topic: Brewery Plugin!  (Read 7070 times)

Offline OctoGamer (OP)

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Brewery Plugin!
« on: 14 May 2021, 12:30:32 AM »
VillageCraft Brewery

Here is some information on VillageCraft's new plugin, Brewery.

Personally, This plugin is a little hard to explain without visualization in my opinion, I suggest checking out this video if you'd like an "indepth"
guide to using it, as this is one of the resources I used when configuring the plugin.

This videos good too, although his recipes are not the same as VillageCrafts, he explains the process well.

Items counted as Ingredients
Here is a list of any item that potentially works in a recipe on VillageCraft

poisonous potato
golden nugget
red mushroom
brown mushroom
coco beans
milk bucket
sweet berries
rotten flesh
fermented spidereye
melon slice
melon seeds
pumpkin seeds
glowstone dust
Oxye daisy
honey bottle
honey block

(Note: if you find one that's not on this list, please let us know as they're not all revealed yet)

Starter Recipes
Here is a few "starter recipes" anyone can try to perfect! (play around, see what else you can discover with the above ingredients list  8))


ingredients: sweet berries, amount required (?) barrel type: accacia

ingredients: sugarcane, amount required (?) barrel type: spruce

ingredients: wheat, amount required (?) barrel type: any
« Last Edit: 23 September 2021, 03:52:57 PM by OctoGamer »

Offline OctoGamer (OP)

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #1 on: 23 September 2021, 03:54:39 PM »
If anyone has questions, feel free to ask here, as well as post discovering's if you'd like, (or be sneaky and keep them to yourself!)

Offline gerrit70

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #2 on: 23 September 2021, 10:32:35 PM »
Howdy fellow brewers, I do believe sixum wheat makes regular beer, ferment er' for about 5 minutes then toss er' in an oak barrel for round three years. See you boozers around

I'm a huge faggot and I love sucking airs cock.

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Offline Naomi

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #3 on: 27 September 2021, 11:05:15 AM »
I will pay good money to anyone who figures out Rum, I tried for hours yesterday and am at a loss. $100k in game and it doesn't have to be perfect, I'll work on that part  8)
There are a lot of attitudes going on around here, Don't let me get one.

reasons to vote naomi: second sexiest person on the ballot, slight southern drawl, has won woman of the year every year since 1899 (the mainstream media doesn't want you to know)

vote for naomi idiots

like if you need to me to write out a fully fledged post to persuade you i will, but i just prefer we avoid all that effort and you vote for naomi

Naomi is hot. Hot cm is nice. 8) 8)

Offline SarahGolem

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #4 on: 9 October 2021, 08:32:42 PM »
So I have tried lots of different combos and have not discovered anything. Could we possibly have some more hints? Thank you!!!

Offline OctoGamer (OP)

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #5 on: 10 October 2021, 05:42:14 PM »
what kind of hints are we looking for in particular? definitely can roll some off but let's hear what people are needing help with

Offline SarahGolem

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #6 on: 10 October 2021, 06:42:14 PM »
Can we please have a list of what’s could be made and how many ingredients go into them? I’m at a lost and started putting random things into the pot.

Offline OctoGamer (OP)

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #7 on: 11 October 2021, 10:59:54 AM »
Can we please have a list of what’s could be made and how many ingredients go into them? I’m at a lost and started putting random things into the pot.
well, the ingredients are all pretty much revealed. I can reveal a few more combinations of drinks but will probably leave the quantities as a mystery so people have to really play with it to perfect it!

Offline Naomi

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #8 on: 11 October 2021, 11:08:26 AM »
Can we please have a list of what’s could be made and how many ingredients go into them? I’m at a lost and started putting random things into the pot.
well, the ingredients are all pretty much revealed. I can reveal a few more combinations of drinks but will probably leave the quantities as a mystery so people have to really play with it to perfect it!

I think the issue I have talked with a few players about is that those in survival are wasting most of their materials and getting nothing which results in a lot of frustration. I think if after Nurtul's brewing challenge if open up the recipes with the amount of materials it will still leave each person to collect the materials, and still perfect the brewing, aging, distilling, and type of barrel. A lot of players have turned away from Brewery because of how difficult it is (I for one have been pulling my hair out) If we release the recipes with just ingredients it will leave them plenty to figure out and result in a lot more fun for everyone involved :)
There are a lot of attitudes going on around here, Don't let me get one.

reasons to vote naomi: second sexiest person on the ballot, slight southern drawl, has won woman of the year every year since 1899 (the mainstream media doesn't want you to know)

vote for naomi idiots

like if you need to me to write out a fully fledged post to persuade you i will, but i just prefer we avoid all that effort and you vote for naomi

Naomi is hot. Hot cm is nice. 8) 8)

Offline OctoGamer (OP)

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #9 on: 11 October 2021, 11:10:53 AM »
Can we please have a list of what’s could be made and how many ingredients go into them? I’m at a lost and started putting random things into the pot.
well, the ingredients are all pretty much revealed. I can reveal a few more combinations of drinks but will probably leave the quantities as a mystery so people have to really play with it to perfect it!

I think the issue I have talked with a few players about is that those in survival are wasting most of their materials and getting nothing which results in a lot of frustration. I think if after Nurtul's brewing challenge if open up the recipes with the amount of materials it will still leave each person to collect the materials, and still perfect the brewing, aging, distilling, and type of barrel. A lot of players have turned away from Brewery because of how difficult it is (I for one have been pulling my hair out) If we release the recipes with just ingredients it will leave them plenty to figure out and result in a lot more fun for everyone involved :)
Well we'll see what gets released and what doesn't. appreciate the feedback. the plugins still very new and there's a lot that can change and improve as time goes on.
« Last Edit: 11 October 2021, 11:18:15 AM by OctoGamer »

Offline MutluMali

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #10 on: 13 October 2021, 09:48:05 PM »
Can we please have a list of what’s could be made and how many ingredients go into them? I’m at a lost and started putting random things into the pot.
well, the ingredients are all pretty much revealed. I can reveal a few more combinations of drinks but will probably leave the quantities as a mystery so people have to really play with it to perfect it!

I think the issue I have talked with a few players about is that those in survival are wasting most of their materials and getting nothing which results in a lot of frustration. I think if after Nurtul's brewing challenge if open up the recipes with the amount of materials it will still leave each person to collect the materials, and still perfect the brewing, aging, distilling, and type of barrel. A lot of players have turned away from Brewery because of how difficult it is (I for one have been pulling my hair out) If we release the recipes with just ingredients it will leave them plenty to figure out and result in a lot more fun for everyone involved :)
Well we'll see what gets released and what doesn't. appreciate the feedback. the plugins still very new and there's a lot that can change and improve as time goes on.
Thanks Octo! What Naomi and Sarah have said is super true, I happened to luck out with my very first recipe but multiple wasted hours and ingredients later I have not managed to figure out a single other one (despite using the ingredient list and following the YouTube tutorials). Maybe my own incompetence, but the difficulty might be a little too high as I’ve basically given up at this point after hours of work amounted to nothing. Glad to see there might be some solutions to this soon!

"Life can definitely be that way sometimes. Such a shitty game but with amazing graphics." ~tenretni
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Offline gerrit70

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #11 on: 14 October 2021, 10:03:28 AM »
a final solution one might say

I'm a huge faggot and I love sucking airs cock.

It is abysmal that any one person would take try to limit the happiness that Gerrit70 has brought to this dull place.

Free Gerrit70 from his chains!

holy fuck gerrit you're autistic.

Offline OctoGamer (OP)

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #12 on: 15 October 2021, 08:55:24 AM »
I'll have some tips written out and some new info for this weekend hopefully as I finally have freetime before midterms start to get some stuff done (other than catching pokemon on various games lel) For now.. Here is the full recipe for Blaze whiskey, bits of  Eggnog and some info on Tequila from VC's major tequila manufacturer (located in Manhattan)

(12 wheat, 5 blaze powder, 4 honey blocks cooked for 10 minutes in a jungle barrel, to really make it pop I heard you'll want to distill it 4 times for a minute each.. Get ready to FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE!!!

Another recipe I found was for Alcoholic eggnog since the stores in my state are already playing Christmas music, why not do a Christmas themed drink?? Too bad though, this recipes slightly torn up so I can't give it all away unfortunately as I don't know it. but the ingredients are Eggs, Sugar, and 2 milk buckets for consistency, the barrel doesn't matter according to the notes and  its cook time is between 2 to 5 minutes...

Tequila's only ingredient on VillageCraft is Cactus. However, it requires quite a lengthy cook time of 15 minutes! The barrel type is currently unknown, however it also requires 3 distill runs for unknown times.

Offline MysteriousKing

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #13 on: 15 October 2021, 06:21:48 PM »
Although I have been brewing for a really long time, I do agree that it is almost impossible to find the recipes; However here are some tips to help you out:
- Get a plot in creative:
   - unlimited and fast resources - there are 39 ingredients (that I know of)
   - item duping - you just need 1 bottle and duplicate it with middle mouse click - helps you to save a TON of time when testing it in barrels
- Brewing protocol:
   - For 1 ingredient recipes - use 7 base ingredient, cook for 5 mins; if failed cook it further for 10 mins
   - For 2 ingredient recipes - use 7 base ingredient, 4 others, cook for 5 mins; if failed cook it further for 10 mins
   - For 3 ingredient recipes - use 7 base ingredient, 5 other base ingredient, 4 others, cook for 5 mins; if failed cook it further for 10 mins

The protocol was designed to look for the recipes that are similar to the ones i found, almost all recipes found satisfies the protocol above - it is not meant to perfect it.

However, that being said - I also do believe that the ingredients that goes into making the drinks shouldn't be released; because I think that this plugin can create tons of opportunities for interaction between players; One of the issues that were brought up before was people not interacting with each other much because we all have our own village, doing our own thing. With that being said, I do think that we should be given some form of hint(s) instead of just releasing the ingredients, we should be given a puzzle or a riddle to solve in order to get the recipes - whether it be a recipe you can only get from attending an event, an adventure map, a simple riddle, map puzzles and so on - there are tons of potential opportunity in this plugin to encourage player interaction; and with the same reasoning, I think by limiting the amount of recipes, you would encourage people to visit other village(s) to purchase the finished product; for an example if some one wants alcohol that are not "found" they would just go to qualia's bar, and if Tiri is the only village producing rum; you can expect people to visit that Tiri more often - which in my opinion would be a lot more fun because people would actually visit your village and purchase things, instead of just relying on qualia.

Below I will show how impossible it is to almost brute force the recipes - even with following protocol and optimized flow using 1 cauldron:

1 ingredients recipes:
39 possible configuration
Time calculation:
39 * 10 mins = 6.5 hours

2 ingredient recipes:
39* 39 = 1521 possible configuration
Time calculation:
1521 * 10 mins = 253 hours

3 ingredient recipes:
39*39*39 = 59319 possible configurations
Time calculation:
59319 * 10 mins = 9886.5 hours

4 ingredient recipes:
39^4 = 2313441 possible configurations
Time calculation:
2313441 * 10 mins = 385573.5 hours

Using 9 cauldrons:
1 ingredient: 6.5 hours / 9 = 43.33 minutes
2 ingredient: 253 hours / 9 = 28.11 hours
3 ingredient: 9886.5 hours / 9 = 1098.5 hours
4 ingredient: 388573.5 hours / 9 = 43174.83 hours

using 9x4 = 36 (max I could handle) cauldrons:
1 ingredient: 6.5 hours / 36 = 10.83 minutes
2 ingredient: 253 hours / 36 = 7.02 hours
3 ingredient: 9886.5 hours / 36 = 274.625 hours
4 ingredient: 388573.5 hours / 36 = 10793.71 hours

Now of course with the current recipes that have been released and found, best case scenario is that the most amount of work that needs to put in - assuming perfect game play would equate to about ~281 hours of constant brewing in order to find (assumed) majority of recipes. Which again is why I think we should be given hints instead as the recipes are complicated enough to make things interesting; and I believe that they are practiced by other servers instead of just giving out the ingredient.

Then again, thank you for the work you put in. It is a fun plugin to play with.

« Last Edit: 15 October 2021, 08:23:36 PM by MysteriousKing »

Offline gerrit70

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #14 on: 15 October 2021, 06:53:22 PM »
I cant disagree with a man who brought the math

I'm a huge faggot and I love sucking airs cock.

It is abysmal that any one person would take try to limit the happiness that Gerrit70 has brought to this dull place.

Free Gerrit70 from his chains!

holy fuck gerrit you're autistic.

Offline MutluMali

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #15 on: 16 October 2021, 07:21:31 PM »
Although I have been brewing for a really long time, I do agree that it is almost impossible to find the recipes; However here are some tips to help you out:
- Get a plot in creative:
   - unlimited and fast resources - there are 39 ingredients (that I know of)
   - item duping - you just need 1 bottle and duplicate it with middle mouse click - helps you to save a TON of time when testing it in barrels
- Brewing protocol:
   - For 1 ingredient recipes - use 7 base ingredient, cook for 5 mins; if failed cook it further for 10 mins
   - For 2 ingredient recipes - use 7 base ingredient, 4 others, cook for 5 mins; if failed cook it further for 10 mins
   - For 3 ingredient recipes - use 7 base ingredient, 5 other base ingredient, 4 others, cook for 5 mins; if failed cook it further for 10 mins

The protocol was designed to look for the recipes that are similar to the ones i found, almost all recipes found satisfies the protocol above - it is not meant to perfect it.

However, that being said - I also do believe that the ingredients that goes into making the drinks shouldn't be released; because I think that this plugin can create tons of opportunities for interaction between players; One of the issues that were brought up before was people not interacting with each other much because we all have our own village, doing our own thing. With that being said, I do think that we should be given some form of hint(s) instead of just releasing the ingredients, we should be given a puzzle or a riddle to solve in order to get the recipes - whether it be a recipe you can only get from attending an event, an adventure map, a simple riddle, map puzzles and so on - there are tons of potential opportunity in this plugin to encourage player interaction; and with the same reasoning, I think by limiting the amount of recipes, you would encourage people to visit other village(s) to purchase the finished product; for an example if some one wants alcohol that are not "found" they would just go to qualia's bar, and if Tiri is the only village producing rum; you can expect people to visit that Tiri more often - which in my opinion would be a lot more fun because people would actually visit your village and purchase things, instead of just relying on qualia.

Below I will show how impossible it is to almost brute force the recipes - even with following protocol and optimized flow using 1 cauldron:

1 ingredients recipes:
39 possible configuration
Time calculation:
39 * 10 mins = 6.5 hours

2 ingredient recipes:
39* 39 = 1521 possible configuration
Time calculation:
1521 * 10 mins = 253 hours

3 ingredient recipes:
39*39*39 = 59319 possible configurations
Time calculation:
59319 * 10 mins = 9886.5 hours

4 ingredient recipes:
39^4 = 2313441 possible configurations
Time calculation:
2313441 * 10 mins = 385573.5 hours

Using 9 cauldrons:
1 ingredient: 6.5 hours / 9 = 43.33 minutes
2 ingredient: 253 hours / 9 = 28.11 hours
3 ingredient: 9886.5 hours / 9 = 1098.5 hours
4 ingredient: 388573.5 hours / 9 = 43174.83 hours

using 9x4 = 36 (max I could handle) cauldrons:
1 ingredient: 6.5 hours / 36 = 10.83 minutes
2 ingredient: 253 hours / 36 = 7.02 hours
3 ingredient: 9886.5 hours / 36 = 274.625 hours
4 ingredient: 388573.5 hours / 36 = 10793.71 hours

Now of course with the current recipes that have been released and found, best case scenario is that the most amount of work that needs to put in - assuming perfect game play would equate to about ~281 hours of constant brewing in order to find (assumed) majority of recipes. Which again is why I think we should be given hints instead as the recipes are complicated enough to make things interesting; and I believe that they are practiced by other servers instead of just giving out the ingredient.

Then again, thank you for the work you put in. It is a fun plugin to play with.

I love the idea of releasing hints/recipes at events! Would definitely provide incentive for more community interaction. I also agree that releasing smaller portions of information (ie hints or riddles) instead of the full recipes is better as it lessens the difficulty but doesn’t take away the fun of figuring stuff out for yourself. It’s difficult to find a happy medium but hopefully we can get there, I really like your suggestions myst.

"Life can definitely be that way sometimes. Such a shitty game but with amazing graphics." ~tenretni
"How am I supposed to work under these conditions when I'm not tenretni???" ~Namoi
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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #16 on: 29 October 2021, 10:07:47 AM »
I cannot recall who.. probably from the potent drink they gave me.. but the other night a player had perfected one of the recipes and shared it with me, If you're lucky you might be able to do some sleuthing and figure out who has created this masterful cocktail. and who has the details on how to create it yourself..  More to come soon I hope...

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #17 on: 29 October 2021, 12:53:34 PM »
I was literally JUST coming here to post "hey it's Friday, we need a brewery hint!"   Ok super sleuths, who was plying Octo with alcohol and not sharing their recipes...????

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #18 on: 29 October 2021, 11:42:31 PM »
Sarah gave him perfect mezcal. Bish of LB Investigations solves another one  8)
There are a lot of attitudes going on around here, Don't let me get one.

reasons to vote naomi: second sexiest person on the ballot, slight southern drawl, has won woman of the year every year since 1899 (the mainstream media doesn't want you to know)

vote for naomi idiots

like if you need to me to write out a fully fledged post to persuade you i will, but i just prefer we avoid all that effort and you vote for naomi

Naomi is hot. Hot cm is nice. 8) 8)

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #19 on: 31 October 2021, 01:48:29 PM »
Bish you must @reporter on this, VC deserves to know who the secret brewery masters are.  If for no other reason than to bug them for free samples.

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #20 on: 8 November 2021, 05:10:14 PM »
Alright I’m stuck again. Could we another hint or riddle for a mystery drink? Thank you!!

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Re: Brewery Plugin!
« Reply #21 on: 20 January 2022, 05:29:16 PM »
Announcement - Updates to Brewery!!

We heard you, and we've made changes to some of the brewery recipes - the goal was to make things a little easier and hopefully a bit less frustrating.  If you have one of these recipes already perfected, feel free to message me and I will tell you specifically what has changed, but you'll have to tell me what you know already - not giving away all the secrets  ;)

Otherwise, here is a list of which brews have changed, and generally what we changed - yes, I realize some of these aren't well-known already, you're welcome  ;D

Red wine – barrel aging times significantly reduced
White wine - barrel aging times significantly reduced
Apple liquor – now made with a lot fewer apples, significantly reduced cooking time, and slightly reduced barrel aging time
Scotch – now with fewer of each ingredient, shorter cooking time, and reduced barrel aging time
Rum – now with fewer of each ingredient and shorter barrel aging time
Vodka – cooking time significantly reduced’
Mushroom vodka – fewer of one specific ingredient, significantly shorter cooking time, shorter barrel aging time
Tequila – fewer ingredients, significantly shorter cooking and barrel aging times
Mezecal – fewer of one specific ingredient, significantly shorter cooking time, significantly shorter barrel aging time
Absinthe – fewer ingredients
Fire whiskey – significantly reduced barrel aging time
Bourbon – fewer of one specific ingredient, significantly shorter cooking time