All donations are cumulative, meaning if you donate more than once, you will receive the benefits of the summed donation. Donations are made through PayPal, with any currency that PayPal accepts. Donation benefits are based on the Canadian dollar (CAD) at the time of donation. Benefits and VillageCraft cash are not redeemable, tradable, and have no real-world value. Refunds will be handled on a case-by-case basis and may be refused or granted at our will. Lastly, all donation benefits are permanent!
Payments and billing is handled by PayPal directly, and every donation made to VillageCraft is used to help with the running costs of the server. We are not affiliated with Mojang or Microsoft, who cannot be held responsible for these donations.
Please include your Minecraft username your donation is associated with or any other special instructions by adding it in the box below. Otherwise you will need to contact Akomine at CanadaDan7[at]hotmail[dot]com and confirm by email. You can also confirm by messaging any member of staff either in-game, on the forums, or via Discord, making sure you include the transaction ID you recieved in your email.
Our sincerest thanks,
~ The VillageCraft Team